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Record Of Circuit Court

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Gouverneur Morris, Circuit Jodge. E. B. Clark Ulerk. L. F. Wade, Depot; C'leik. Frank Enierick, Proaocuting Attoiney. Josiuh S. Case, Slierüï. Thursday, Jan. 29. Judgment of 100 for plaintiff iu thu Alleu vs. Poter Hadden case. JohnyJ3oylo vs. Edward Ityan and Michael Welsh. Action brought to reoovor on promissory notoalleged tohave been reooived at an auction sale. Defenso - want of cousiduration and denial of execution of noto. Jury gives plaintiff a verdict of $1G.OO. Parties rosidein NortUlield. Chas. C. Black admitted to the bar. Friday, Jan. 30. J. D. Corey vs. Jas. C. McGee. Action torecover on promis.sory note. Uefense claimed a set-off by way of a note held agaiust a tuird party which the original payeo of this note iu 8uit had agreed to guarantee. Jury gave plaintiif verdict for full amount claimed 1672.86. Saturday, Jan. 31, Motion for new trial in case of Chtistian Eckard vs Michigan Central. Subinitted. Frank P. Williams and Fernando E. Titus, law students admitted to tho bar. Monday, Fob. 2. Sarah A. Warner vs. Sarah W. Dickerson. Trial of issue of fact framed in chaucery. Question subinitted to jury of genuinenessof receipt. Greorge Bibbins charged vvith ing a satchel of clothes, a fine of $5 costs of $50, ana default of both 60 days in jail. ■Villiam Johna and Alichael Clark, hat raok thieves, five years at Jaokson i'rora Jan. 23, 'S0. Harían J. Pew, horse thief, pleadguilty, and saiisfying oourt costs were paid, and the injured party pecuniarily satisfiod, sentence suspended. Costs 47. - Injured prty received $106. A nolle prosse entered in case of Win. Osius, charged with assault and battery. First Nat. Baak of Ann Arbor vs. Walter S. Hickscontinued to next term. T. A. Flower and C. B. Pittman vs. Wm. Warner contiuued to next term by consent. Tuesday, Feb. 3. David B. Ellisbrings an action against David E. Wines and J. P. Hallock to recover purchaso prico of a patent oil cup, value $18. Jury trial. Verdict - no cause of action. August Dusiop convicted of renting a house for prostitution, sentenced topay a fine of $10, costs 90 or fuur months at Ionia. Paid in full, under protest. Wednosday, Feb. 4. James W. Hulbert p!ead not guilty to grand larceny. Case of Stephen J. Chase, vs. Walter A. and Agnes A. Holcomb discontinued on taotioii of the plaintiff without costs. Chas. E. George, a law student, adinitted to the bar. Thursday, Fob. 5, Thomas Wilkinson brings suit to recover price of a $14 coat. Plaintiff is a Chelsea inerchant. Otto Dulach of Lyndoii, alleges he has paid for same, and appeak from justice court wheru Wiikinson rcoovered a judgment.


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