Justice Court
- "Win. Young arrested Jan. 2G and arraigued before Justica Frueauff, for drunkenness, waa let oif oa suspended sentencc. - Johc A. Niohols charged with asault and battery upon Mrs. Adam Petrey, of this city, sottled by satiafying the coiiiplaiuant and paying oosts. - Jan. 24, Esther Blythman, of this city entered complaint beforu Justice Frueauff, ugaiust her husband, James, for drunkenness. Twenty days iu jail. - George Heselsekwcrdt sued üottiieb Fox before Jusüca Frueauff for board biiland repairs to a building &,o. Case adjourned to Feb. 1G. Parties reside at Delhi. - Cat hunne Elizabeth Kulenkamp of Freedom brings action against Chas. Uhl before Justioo Frueauff on contract for clearing five acres of land. Case set dowa for trial Maroh 15 at 10 A. IC. - Examication of Henry Burgraff of Ann Arbor township chargod with committiug a very serious offeiise upon the person of hia 17 year old daughtor on Monday, will take place thisforenoonin Justice Granger s court. - Mart Bell of Dexter, intoxicated and driving his hoiso at unusual speed upon the street of tho city on Monday, was arraigned before Justice Fruuauff and let off this being first oftence, upon payment of costs - $4.94. - James Hulbert unable to obtain bail of $1.000, waired examination beforo Granger J. P., and stops with tho sheriff. Hulbert stolo valuable papers repreaentiug bis father's personal property and threaened to kill him. - Martin Najle entera oomplaint before Bealian, .". P., against Frederick Eabb to enter jonds uot to demolish the Naglo famly. Threats of this kind were mado Jai. 8. There is a suit pending before fiueauff, J. P., by Fred üabb againatNagle for wages and borrowed mone'. - On Jan.28 Emory Aldrioh was arrested chared with larceny from Jacob Eapp of a tasket coutainiiig two rolls of butter andcloth and arraignod before Justioe FiuoauíE on the ■ abovo day. Prisoner ibided by tho justioe of the court waving jury trial. Fined $5 and costs amountiug to $12.38 or sixty days in jail. He is now sojourning with the sheriff. - Gíiorge W .Bears oí' Cliapin's corners, Ingham County, vanted to recover the affection of bis wife, whoui he traoed to thia city and to a housa suspected to bo of doubtful repute conducted by MinuicPickard, and looatod on Pontiao street. Putting the premiaes under surveillanco sufficient evidence wa3 discovered to justify a complaÍEt of disorderliness, whicb was preferred againat Pickard and Bears, both témales being arraigned boiore Justice Granger. Wituesses disappearing from town charges against themwere dismissed.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus