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The University

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1 - The Ifniversity Athletic assooiation have challtsnged the Racine (Wis.) high kickers to a game of foot bal], to be kicked at Aun Arbor; also to have a tournaniont in June. - The twelfth annual reunión of the Phi Dolta Phi secreet society, of the university of Michigan, will take place at Ann Arbor, on Friday, February 20. Tho annual session of the Grand Chapter will then be held, and a banquet will be furnished by Kent Chapter. --An organ of no pathy tho Aegtjs would bo remiss in its daty did it fail to criticise Prof. Wilson's wolcoming addres3 to the editorial fraternity, and rebuke hiiu for permitting such disrespectful allusiou to an honored and revered professor, conueoted with the university since 1852, as.appeared upon tho blackbuard ia . the homeopathie room. Prof. Wilsoa has not been long enough in his seat to give it comfortable waruitE, yet he improves the first opportunity to injeot into an address to the editorial fraternity a slap at allopaths, which was in very bad taste. Upon the board a few feot behiuA hiin was a sentenoa "keep your eyes wide open" or words to that effect, in viting attention of publishers to what appeared on the other 6ide, in full view to visitors passing down stairs just behind the board. The following written in excellent hand was observed : " üld plus bromide of potassiuin says that all homeopaths are fools. Ho ought to bd a good judge for he has lived with a fooi all his life. Old plus brom. of potass equals Palmer." There was beside a carrieature of the professor. Allusions of this shameful charaeter to so eminent a gentleman as Dr. Palmer ought to result in expulsión of tha student froin the university, and a reprimand by the regents of the professor wlio must have known it was there, and if repeated without duo diligence to discover the writer, the professor himself should be invited to resign. The homeopathie department does not stand any too high now, and the fighting propensities of its professors should be held in check during a visit from gentlemen abroad, who must have thought strange of the indiscreet utferance of thü new professor, and vulgar allusion upon the blackboard to a distinguished gentleman.


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Ann Arbor Argus