I. O. Of G. T.
The following is a list of the officers elécted and duly inatalled in Ann Arbor Lodgo No. 320, Independent Order of Good Templara, for the quarter endiug May 1, 1880 : Worthy Chief Templar, Brother J. Sprague, re-elected. Worthy Vioe Templar, Sister N. H. Pierce. Worthy fciecretary, Brother C. C. Holland. Worthy Assistant Seoretary, Brother II. B. Pitkin. Worthy Financial Secietary, Bro. Win. Hilton. Worthy Treasurer, Bro. G. O. Kinsman. Worthy Marshal, Bro. Herbert Haokstaff. Worthy Deputy Marshal, Sister Marioa Brown. Worthy Inside Guard, Brother C.G. Wilson. Worthy Outside Guard, Sister . Worthy Chaplain, Brother P. D. Woodruif, re-appointed. Wurthy Ilight-hand Supporter, Sister Reynolds, rn-tippointed. Worthy Left-hand Supporter, Sister J. A. Woodruff, ro-appointed. By order of the Loiïge,
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus