Ypsilanti Department
- Seth Goilell spent Suaday at Lome. - James McCay bas roturned from the Rose Bud agency. - Mrs. Bellie Stoner of Kansas City, is visiting her friends here. - Miss S. Allen of Detroit, has boon the guest of Miss Alva Worden the past week. - Joslin & Whitman have got established in their now oíñoe in the Uuion Bloc. - J. S. Stowe of th8 city, was in attondanco of the Grand Lodge A. O, U. W., at Detroit, repreaentiug Manchester Lodgo. - Twonty-ono applications for Tuesday nights' meeting of the Kuights of the Maccabees shows the rapid growth of the order. - A Cup of Tea and Penelope wore well rendered at the opera house Wednesday night, to a largo and appreciative audience. - Eugene Champlain has roturned from his trip, having been gone since the holidayg, he being in the einploy of K. C. Barker & Co., of Detroit. - - Ten of the employees of the American Union Telegraph company took dinner Friday at the Follett House. They are placing another wire on the poles. - Haverley'a Minstrola were greeted with a fair house, but the greater share of tho audienoe was disappointed as tho entertainment was poor in many respecta. - A numbor of frionds of Mias P. Troter were assembled at the residence of A. Worden Tuosday night, and spent an enjoyable evoning. Miss Troter started for her home in Toronto Thnrsday. - Greorge Morman Xjee and another boy boing in town on horsebnck thought to have a horse race going home. When near Clark's niill they carne in oollision with a lumber wagon coming towaids them, one horse running against the pole of tho wagon which entered his breast and killed him at once. The boys escaped unhurt. - The examination of John O'Brian on a charge of resisting an officer, oocurred Tuesday resulting in his diaoharge. The difficulty happened about three years ago wheu John endeavored to prevent offioer Cleveland from arrestingacousin of hisnamed James O'Brian. John has been in state prison for some time on another charge. Upon returning hore waa immediately arrested by officer Thompson.
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