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- Port Iluron has 41 telephones in operation. - Bob Ingersollspoke n Adrián Monday cvening on "The Gods." - Burdutteof the Burlington Ha wkeyo will leoture in Blissfield'ssoon. - Dr. Tuttle looks after tho diseased poor of Clinton for $31 por annum. - Oakland Co., Ag., Socioty havo just added a half mile track to their grounds. - The 1,'uising Uas-Light Cumpauy has roduced the prica of gas froni $;3 to 2,80 per 1,000 foot. - Greenback prosecuting attorney Haireof Jaekson will be triedon charges ofoorruption to-niorrow. - Mrs. Ames Adatas of North Adams Ilillsdale Co., hasbeencouvictedof rnurder in the second degree. -John Ellis died at Rose Center, Oakland county, on the 29th. He was a soldier of the war of 1812. - J. H. Pierce of Leoni killed seven one-year-old pigs a few days ago, the total weight of whioh was 2,600 lbs. - Lizzie Purse of Adrián, locally known as" Short Stop," entered intoflOO bonds to lead a decent life for 100 days. - Gottfried Fleisehman of Monroe has been ordered todoposit $25 and costs and board in jaii for 10 days. Suuday liquor selling, - Two gentlemen of Port Huron, Nathaniel P.Edgar and Jas. H. White.offer a whole block of land inthat city for the state school for the blind. ■ - W. C. Van Autwerp, charged with knooking down and robbing Dr. Hause of Tecumseh is discharged. Piincipal witness failed to bo on hand. - Marshall is credited with having an "onion club," whichmeets and weeps every night. Just what its object is does not appear olear to the uninitiated. - A young man in Leoni answeredan invitation from a young lady to attend a leap year party as follows : " Deer Miss , yours reseeved - I turnble." -The widow of Frank B. Tabor has recovered a judgment in the Hillsdale circuit of $5,000 and interest against the Michigan Mutual life insuranco company. - A Coldwater man natned Wingemployed a lawyer to collect a bilí of $4.65. The collection was made and the lawyer's bill was $5 - or 35 cents more than the Htigated account. - The Hon. Lewis Myer of Brighton has recen tly put down a woll on hispremises 193 feet deep with 150 feet of water. He thinks he has a well now that will 6tand the summer droughts. - It is reported from Pontiao that J:dge Angushes A. Baldwin contemplatesresigning, in order to resume practice as a lawyer. The appointment of Levi Taft to the vacancy is also rumored. - Aaron Abbott, for disturbing meeting in Olayton's Baptist church, paid costs of prosecution $11,20 and signed an agreemeat, acknowledging he did wrong, and will not do so any more. - J. Ktephens of East Milán proposes to saw wood, cut fodder, churn, wash, and do nameless other chores for his fellow-townsmen, the source of motion being a large, fat dog wliich propels an overshot wheel. - Mr. Cooper of Cambridge tried to winhis dtmghter's affections away from an objectionable lover by tho pr-eseut of a piano. Corarnarriedhim howovcr, and after a few years of toil and trouble she will feel difieren tly. - A blind pop-oorn peddler and bis wife of Jackson excitad a great deal of Bynipathy aroong the people, who supposed thein needy until investigationdeveloped the fact that tlie wifeownedfour Uouses and was building anuther. -Tho total bondeddebtof Port Hurón is 370,6E0, most of it at 10 per cent, iu-' torest, but which thü holders are willing to refund at 7 per cent., and yet there aro men wüh brasa enongli to stand up in public and advocate repudiation. - There aio at present 814 convicta in the prison. The recoipts for adinissious during January were$121. For the ensuing uionth prisoners will work nina hours and fifty minutes per day, an increase of fifty minutes over January. - Mr. John F. Jones of this city, on Saturday last sold his mammouth Durham steer to Otis Clapp, íor $122. The animal was sbipped to Buffalo aud will be transported to England. He isa fina steer and weighs 2,-iüO pounds.- Adrián Press. - Ata leap year party in Whiteford Center the gentlemen furnished the cakes, etc, cooked the oysters, washed dishee, and did ;he part of ladies generally, and the ladies furnished the oysters, and did the other usual duties of tho gentlemen. - A Pontiac chap who was fined $ 15 for being drunk, etc, could not raise the monpy at first, but finally appealed to thoso who sold him tho whisky and threatened to sue theta for making hraidrimk if they did not fork over tha inonejfc his fine. They forked. -The Battle Creek Moon says: "We think that if the mothers of the young ladies who frequent the depot, to flirt with strangers at train time, could see what their negligence and carelessness is leading to, they would not allo w them to parade streets, etc., alone." - One h undred dollars were subscribed in the Adrián Methodist Episcopal church to be applied to the relief of the poor of the city. This nioney is to be placed in the hands of a committee of ladies, and will be expended by them among tho poor irrespective of denoiuination. - John McClure of Scofield, Monroe county, let't home two months ago aud has not been heard frcm sincethoughho promised to write back. His wife and children are greatly distressed ou his account and faar that he is sick somewhero and unable to coinmunicate with them. He has lost a thumbfromhisleft hand by which he may be identified. - Harry Dickerson, bar tender of the Comstock House, Hudson, plead guilty to the charge of keeping the bar of eaid house open after 10 p. si., Jan. 24, and sentenced to ten days imprisonment ia the county jail, andtopay afine of twenty-five dollars and costs, ainounting to twenty-one dollars and sixty cents. The proprietor has since been arrested for . selling on Christmas, and sentenced to ten days iu jail, fiued, which with costs amount to $90.


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