Eatoït Mills, Feb. 2. - John Gotts has taken the advantage of these fine days and begun plowing. - The lyceum held at the Island school house is progressing. It is hold every "VVednesday evening - James He wens, President, - Sickness prevails all around us. - Mrs. T. Shormaa has been quite sick with diphtheria ; Mrs. Carpenter, an elderly lady Í3 at present very sick ; also Mrs.C. S. Stanley is dangerously UI. - Farmers in this vieinity are making improvements to their buildings. jah Darling has been building au additiou to his barn ; John "Wilson is also making similar iniprovenients. - The last novelty in this neighborhood was a leap year party at Elijah Darlinga Thursday ovening. Sevontyíive or moro were present. Itefreshments were furnishedandsorvedby gentlemen. - Elmer Moorman of Ortonville, formerly of this place has lately mot with a serious accident. While chopping in the woods he cut his foot very badly and, haviug to walk some distance after' the accident was nearly exhausted when be reached the house. At last accounts lie was able to be moved.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus