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The Iadics' Favorite. Among the inany thousands of ladies who have used Dr. Pierces' Favorite Prescription and pronouuced it their favorite remedy, beoause bo efficiënt ia the diseasea and weaknesses peculiar to wouien, are uiany who are well and favorably known in the world of letters, as well as artists, tnusiuians, and a whole host of naines from the brüliant ranks of wealth and fashion. It is preominently the ladies' Favorite Prescription, its use, while being far more safe and efficiënt, exempting them iïom those painful, eauatic oporations, and the wearing of those mechanical contrivances made like Peter Pindar's razor - seller's razors - to sell rather than to cure. Killmoee, Ind., March 20th, 1878. Dr. E. V. Piekce : Dear Bir - Your Favorite Prescription has restorod me to perfect health. Yours truly, GEACE CIIOAT. 422 Eutaw SU, BALTIMOKE, M,l., ) June íOlh, 1878. f Dit. E. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. . Y. : Dear Sir - ily wife was a hopeless invalid for nearly 20 years. Your Favorte Prescriptioa has cured her. Thankiully yours, E. T. McCay. MIS S S. B. JOIiNS. Fuhlonabk Dressmaker. Koomsover Slack & Bohmid'a Ur(,'ooda store. All wort prompily aud Batiafttotorily


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