John N. Gott
WHAT'S NEW? I AM GQING OUT OF THE DRY G90DS BUSINESS ! Store ESeatecL -A-pril lst. $20,000 FOETH OF EICH DRY GOODS TO BE SOZ.S AT COST AND IiESS. I meaxi busiaoss and for th.o nest sisty days Dry Goods will bO slaugntered at pricos never laeard of before IÏT THIS CITY! I would advise everybody wishlng Dry Goods to take adv antage of tliis extra offering, as goods are advancing every day, and later you will be obliged to pay froin thirty to fifty per cent more than present prices. Tlís will k a (íolflfifl Benefit for tlie Peenle AND IT WILL PAY EVEEYBODY TO ATTEND THIS GEEAT SALE. Immense Crowds and Great ICntliixsiasm Every Day I Oíd Store of C. II. Milieu & Son.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus