Prof. Reynolds
Professor Reynoldsis opening the eyea of our citizeus to tho wondorful rncsmeric power ho possesses over people.- Cy a simple wave of his hand he controla hia subjects, drawing them toward hini in spiteof self-resistance. Tuesday evening at the opera house he exactoda proinise froru a medical student whom he sent to the ontrance of the room, to resist his influenoe with all his might. The Professor beckoned him to the stage and he had to and would go notwithstanding Professor Johnson of the uuiversity exerted hia streng l,h in keoping him away from it. Pioking up greenbaokp, obsurving a balloon sailing intho air, enveloped by mosquitoes, unable to hold a silver dollar, coats on lire, oourting a colored girl, tu aking speeches, ing boat races, stiffening a body and resting the extremities on chairs, the Profebsor standing upon the unsupported portion, theso and many other exhibitions of niesmerio influence over subjects provoke roars of laughter. Do uot fail to attend on thisorto-morrow evenings, the last opportunity to witness an entertainment instructivo and amusing. We coininend the Professor to the people and press of Michigan as a thorough gentleman, worthy of iatron.age of the public ás an exponent of the power of mental electrioity one J3erson possesses over another. This is the reputation he sustained in central New Yorkwherehe has resided for years and givon exhibitions almost nuraberless.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus