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- Manchester s newly organized red ribbon club is president-ed by L. Greonman. - A car load of witnesses carne np from Chelsea yesterday to testify in the Wilkinson-Dulach trial. - Two. inore hearts that beat as one! Mr. John Eeimensolineider was married to Miss Libbie Lehman. Both of Sylvan . - Only two hundred persons heard credit mobilier Colfax in Dexter, which, at 2ö cents a head proved a loss to some one. - Many of the older citizens of this coimty will hearwith regretof thodeath of Henry N. Wight of Detroit, which took place on Monday evening. - Pred Krause will offer at auction to the highost bidder Wednesday, Feb 18, at 10 A. M., au ISO acre farm and a very large assorttueuc of personal property belonging to Chas. Stolstinier of Scio townsliip. - The Washington say that one John Cook has been confirruedas Iudian agent at the Rosebud agency. - Tilis reada as if tho gallant Capt. Cicero Newell, of Ypsilauti, against whom charges were pending, had received the grand bounce. - Froin tho farm of Vm. Harper of Lodi, were four well bred steers, of whioh ho need not bo ashamed. They averaged 1,522 lbs. and were three year8 old. - Theso cattle were all brought in by Messrs. Brown & Spencer, of Ypsilanti- Detroit Farmer. - On Thursday of last week Mrs. Justice Watson, of Bridgewater, wa8 holding her horse just in front of the house, wbea the front door slainmed shut so violently as to frighten the horse, causing it to jork her six or eight feet, striking her kuee cap in sueh a manner as to loosa it, making a very painful wound. - Clinton News. - At a post rnortem examination in the case of the late Alico Estabrook of Ypsilanti, a biliary concretion wasfound in the little appendix of the bowels, which is to bo found near the head of the colon ia the right groin. This little oigan was found far gone in a stata of' deconiposition, witha hole in it, through which hole its poisonous conteuts had escaped iuto the abdominal cavity, and henee the fatal peritonitis. - Supervisor Snyder of Dexter, about to become a resident of Lyndon has tendered hÍ3 resignation of tlie office held by hiru nearly two years. Mr. 8. has proved a faithful custodian of the trust imposed upon hiin by a majority of the voters of tho town in whioh he has lived many years. The town board has appointed Mr. James H. Lyman to fill vacanoy. Mr. L. is a youngerly man, wel! informed in rnatters generally and has held many subordinate town offices and acquitted hiinself creditably to himself and friends.


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