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Manchester, Feb. 2. - Interest in the temperance causo seems to bo roviving here. - The Gerinau Vorkingtnenn' Aid Society advertise a grand ball to coine off soon. - Friday evening a club dance was held at Goodyear hall, and was well attended. - Dr. Stowell who has boen spending soveral months in Kansaa, returned Friday laat. - Main St. was again visited by one of those itinerant, cure-all medical venders, Saturday afternoon. - W. H. Pottle bas been baving the 2d floor of Iiis blook fitted up to be used as a carpet room, intending to put in a $2,000 stook. - A surprise party was given to Prof. Field Saturday nigbt - a party of one.a nino-pounder, a future voter, and, we presumo, a.Democrat. - Joe McMahon bas rented the Goodyear house to a Germán, inexperiencod in the business. "V'o hope the house will be as well mauaged in the future as it was duriug landlord Stone's stay here. - B. F. Conklin, son of Dr. A. Conklin of this village, completed bis course at the Cineinnati Medical College a few days ago, and has returned to Manehester and will go into practico with his father. - The concert givon by Mrs. Miller a week ago Friday evoning was a suocess in all respect. Mrs. M. is pronounoed one of the best singers in the state, and was supported by the best musical talent in town, thus rendoring the entertainment ouo of the finest of the kind Manchestor was ever favored with.


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