The ruah still continúes and crowds come from all directions to secure the great bargaius that are oiïored at Mack & Schinids and which have creatod an excitement unparaleled in the anuals of tho dry goods trade in this city. pARM FOR SALE OF ISO .A-CRIES, Or will divide it if parties wiah in 80 acie Iota. The above furm is ia tfuod state of oultivation, good house, two barns. nire runary, two orcharda, and thlrty acres of vheatonthe nouzid. Por i'urther inforniatiou inquirí; of tho aubscriber on the iiirm, half a mile north of the town hall in Sharon, Washtenaw Onuity, Mich. Notbeing able to wurk, the farm can bc Dought nt a baríain. 4-13t HABTBY BLACKMAN.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus