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Saline, Jan. 31. - Nioe weather overhead ; butoh, how few travel in that dirootion. - Charley Andrews formerly of this place, now of Detroit, is in town visitiug old friends. - The Colorado fever runs high 'round here, and a nuinbor leave in the spring for that regiĆ³n. - Thera is more produce shipped from Saline than any other point ou the D. H. ani S. W. EE. - Mr. Frank Anthony is in town from New York, on a visit to hia friends, H. J. Miller and the Huuiphreys. - Next Sunday evoning the ladies ternperanoa union tako charge of tho tenaperanco meeting at union school hall. - Our tobacconist, Mandt, is quite free with his cigars for the past few days. I believo he haa not nained her. - There must be a good set attonding the club dance by theappearance of the discarded supper on the side walk in front of the hall. - Mr. Zalmon Church has been quite sick for the past six weeks, but uuder the care of Dr. 8. W. Chaadler, ia slowly recovering. - Mr. H. H. Humphrey and wifehave returned from New York, where he has boen in business for the past four or five years. They are stopping at present at Mr. E. Mills, the father of Mrs. H.


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