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Mack & Schmid

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ÜAT CLOSE OÜT SALE OP THE SEASQEH CALL ATT ENT ION TO THE Tremeadous no&uetioas tkOy will xnalse during tke nest tkirty days in. all dopartm.92a.ts. Unparalleled Bargains! IN DRESS GOODS, CAS HM ERES, SILKS AND VELVETS. ATTT5 rtTAA TTC! Must be sold out at once, and will U U Aw wJÜW AiiaM be sold if enormous sacrifices will make anything sell. Our object is to prepare our stoclc foi inventory and to carry as few goods over as posaible. lhere are two waye for doing this- one to jockey with everybody and sell anything for what it will bring, one pnce to one anc one price to another, that is the common way; the other is to mark everything low enough to sell it and to deal with equa liberality toward all, and in this way we intend to make our Clearing Sale of Gl'eat Advantai'e tO all. When we decide to make a bargain we offer a real bargain to all. Remnants at a reductlon of 35 to 50 per cent.


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Ann Arbor Argus