GROCERIES AND PRCV.S1ONS. ATWEAS1HURON STREET, GASPAR RINSEY Has opened a new stook of Groceries at the above location, comptisioff everytliing in ths Una at bottom priccs -and purchased exulusively tor cash. From a long experience in the trade, rctail aml wholcsalo, he 'believes lie can solí goous as Bbeap ai the cheapeat. CALL AND SEE HES PEICES! All tíeods Wnrranled First-Class. Farmer produce wantod Jfor which the highest Mmh priee vül be paid. E2f" Eemember the placo, 16 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor. MEDICINAL. ÜÉRÊÖYFÜÏLY SOAP MAKER: 5 LYE 88 PER CENT. PURE. CPatented.) FTNELY POWPEKED. HIGHIiY FERFTTHTEn. .3MSSS2 ïïpfA SS in 20 minutes -without boiluig. The best watcr-eoftencr made. The best disinfcctant. , _ _„_ The foUowiimr aro sumo of the acTvantBBCB obtained by using Leiris' 93 Per Ceut. Powdered Lye : _- . Ftrst. It is packedln au iron canwith táAvá SiPOT ■ removable lid, easüy teken oLf KaK and lea ving the contenta exposed, thereHhmH by eaving the trouble.annoyanoo.antl VHk . danser (f rom fl.vmi? partióles), ss fBL$g&tt Z bobI in the cans, must be ■KWr jk broken with a hammer to get íéipowiler, you can remove the ' I A M and rour out aU the cou■BH tente, Lbing always ready tor ■ if T'iira.'S teaspoonf ui or more pan be #Hff wed, as in wter-sof toning, scrubbintr, W gf-ï etc ad the lid returned to the can, and flB theïeby Bav8 the bolacee of contenta ■I -with óthor Lyeü ail mtist be difsoh ed il at once and nsod in a Bhort time, or thü JtSto„etYtL ffiolutep.. Free "■ (ram aU aduitcratioiis. Fifth. Ths best Soap can bo made in from ten tofeLTNonffiStfe1pS in maMng Soap wHh this If o wben the eimple directiona given arK?rïït'. One can of this Powdered Iflre ia ecuaUo twént? Pounda of bal Soda or Washuis S EiRhth. One can of thls tyo will paponif 'j ono round ore of preaso than any othcr Concentrated aITeh! olt to two'tekpoonf uta TrtU Bof ten a tUE;evuhf OaeTeaipoonM wül thoroughly cleanse Sintas, Druino, or Closcts. lnvaluablo ior kiiünB Boaohes, Mice.Eats.eto. The bast articla ior washira ïreeu. MAOTJFACTUUED ONLY EY G.T.LewisÊMensiesCo. PH2I.AD5S.PEÏA. RAILROADS. MICHIGAN CEIÍTEAL KAILBOA. NOVEMBEa IC, 1870. ÜOtUG WKET. a. ii. A.M r.u. p. m. p-m. r.M. Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 fio 5 55 4 Oí 8 10 . o G.T.Junction, T 15 1C 00 6 10 4 fa6 8 ju_ 10 10 Wayne Junction 7 52 10 28 6 4 10 42 Vprihmti, 8 2rt]lO48 7 05 5 05 9 22 U 07 ILb. I S ÏTS i IT5 H gSfc Jgzz ïSTisrïïSiz: g 22 8 11 5 52 10 15 SaS8 Lake, 9 50 .-- 8 35 G U 10 M - - Taokson 0 20 12 15 9 00 6 55 11 OS 12 65 Albion? .104 12 60 g 7 40 11. MarBhal!, 11 50 1 30 -' 8 MU 1 68 Battle Creek, 129 1 55 ï1 8 37 12 50 1 á 20 Galesburg, 12 52 - 9 10; 1 23 Kalamazco, 1 15 2 3T 5 00 9 30 1 88 3 0 Lawton, 1 63 5 33 2 13 Decitur, 2 10 5 50 81 X?1 Ti 6 5S 88OTÜ Buchanan, 3 19 7 07 3 48 Three Oalts, 3 40 7 S2 - - NewBuffalo, 4 03 4 68 7 4R 4 27 Michigan City, 4 30Í 5 20 8 10 4 56 5 68 Lako, 5 13 i G 02 S 5; 5 4. 6 Kinsinton, 6 00 6 5ft 9 10 6 40 8 18 Chicago, arrive, 6 501 7 40 10 50 7 ■! 8 JO OOIKG EA6T. d ï J . IÍ 1 ñ % _?_ _p_1M.i_ A A.M. A. M.! P.M. Ï.M. P.M ChicaiO leave, 7 00 9 00 4 00 5 15 9 10 - 5 S 8S88 isasts lites Three Oake, 10 03 7 18 - - güï1" ííSsii t8 To Sowagiac, 1 13 8 3b 1 lf DecatSr, 1 S9 9 06 1 10 %Zo, SSiïlaSh.gMi %%. 'ÏStTS ÏSpIsu MarBhall, 2 25 3 Oo'p 8 osjll 8 46 Mbion 2 52 8 21'a.h. 8 Sñ i 1 1 - ■ ' 4 12 ricK 3 45 4 05 7 18 9 3012 4S 5 00 GraS Le, 4 10 7 88 9 50 0 26 gSS?' 5 00-- ' 8 16 10 19 8 05 noiiii 5 ld 1 8 28: ; A?n Arbor, 5 5_07 8 Wl 6 2B Vnlflnnti " 23 9 00 10 48 2 20 6 41 slis is ss si Detroit" AÏ!, I 6 o! 6 8010 1U 11 8undysexo"ipted. JBaturday ana tíunday exepted. tDaily. H B LEDTAED, Gen'l Manaper. Detroit. H. C.'Westwohth. O. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. V' The Unly American Route Through Canada Trains lcave M. C. B. R. Depot, Detroit, city time, as follows: Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to 'Day Exprese, duily, 12 noon.Wagner car to New York and Boston. LlKhtning Express, riaily except Sunilay, 11 10 p. m Wagner car to Bufialo and Rocnester. Toledo trains leave 7 50 a. m. exoept Suuday ; 3 10 p. m. daily ; 6 S0 p, m. oxcept Suuday, For Fayette 0 30 p. m. except Suuuay. For iufonnation and tickolr, opply to H. W Hayes, agent M.C. B. R-, Ann Arbor. II. C. ROACH. Pass. Agent, Detroit. FHANK E. SNOW, Gen. Fass. aud Ticket Agt Detroit. riKEAT WESTERN RAIMVAVVJT Depots foot of Third and Bruah streets.. Detroit time. Detroit time. Ije:ive. Arrive. Atlantic Expiew, 14.00 a. m. IIIKJ. DayExpteM, 8.35 8.111. (.S0p.m. Nfiw York and Boston Expresn '7.00 p.m. tS.45 n.m. Detroit Èipresa, 12.4S p. m. Steamboat Express, ?-00 a. in tDaily. Daily exceptSundny. tHxccpt Monday. S-1'orinformationanil ticket apply toH. W. Hayes, Agent M. C. E. R., Aan Albor. W. H. 1-IRTH, WM EDO AR, Western l'asB'r Ag't. General Paes'r Aeent Toledo and Ann Arbor Raüroad. Taking effect Sunday November 23, 1879. OOTNO HOBTH. OOING SOUTH. Mix. Kxp. Mail MailjExp. Mix:A M A M F M A. M. P. M. P. M. 1O' 8 30 0Ó TOLEDO 9 30 8 10 3 55 10 43 8 32 5 02 Norlli Toledo 9 28 8 08 8 62 10 57 8 41 5 10 Detroit Junction 9 19 7 58 3 35 1110 8 50 5 19 Hawthorn 9 10 7 48 3 20 112: 9 00 5 28 Sumaria 9 00 7 393 0o 11 32 9 05 6 34 Beola 8 55 7 S3 2 55 1146 9 15 5 43 Lulu 8 47 7 24 2 4 1151 '.) '20 5 49 Monroe Junction 8 42 7 1 J 12 101 9 32 5 69 IHindet 8 35 7 07 2 13 12 22! 9 38 6 0J Macon 8 30 7 01 2 03 12 34Í9 45 6 12 A zalla í 24 l" 55 164 1M 9 50[ B27 Mtlan 811 6 41 130 1 L9 1007 6 34 Nora 8 05 6 34 119 1S0 10 14 6 40 Urania. 7 58 828 107 14 10 26 6 50 Ynsilanti June. 7 48 6 18:12 50 2 10 10-10 7 Ho1 ANN ARBOR 7 35 0 0.'. 12::0 The 7.:!r, h. m. expíen onth makeB olose conneetiona at Monroe Junctiou for Adriau anrt Monroe and for pointe ob Uie Late Shoro; at Toledo wlth Columbús & Toledo and the Wabaah. All trains run by Coluinbus time- 7 minutes faster than Ann Arbor time. A8HLEYi jBi Superintendent.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus