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His Humble Opinions

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The other night abotit tea o'clocV a constable, who was walking up Maple gtreet on business, was haltod by a weak-looking little man who was a bit ao-itated. The officer suspected a family row but it didn't turn out that way The little man asUd himtostep around the corner and take a look at a certain house, and the oflloer stepped. lt was an unoccupied house, and as they halted before it the citizen said: "It is my humble opinión that there is no family in here, and that a waterpipe bas bursted. I dislike very , to see.any or.e's property damagcd it 1 can prt vent it." Su're enougli, there was two feet ot water in the cellar, and more ruslung 'It is my humble opinión," remarked tlie little man as the two looked through the cellar window, " that some thief fias cut off the pipe and the dram is stopped up. Perhaps you don' t waut to see this propcrty daniageü? The constable didii't. In his philanthropv he decided to open the dram, and the little man having procurad a candle, the officer waded in water np to his knees, poked around for ten minutes with a stick, andiinally opeued the drain. "Now, then, it is my humble opinión that we ouglit to plug npthe pipe, oliserved the little man aud the onicer drove a plu into it at the expense oí a Bhower-bath whicli wet kim all over " A rood job- a good job!" chuoUcd tlioeitwen, "but aeeing that you are oefttfin to be down town ia the momios it is my huiuble opinión that jou d better cali at the water office and leave word to have the water sluit oft. Theofficer agrecd. Next morning, as he went past the office, a red rag around his neck and a cokl in hia head, ho left the message and learned that the house belonged to the litüe man of humble opinions! M the constable natohes him on the street sorac davk ni2ht ! !


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