American Overwork
One need not dweil upon the desirableness of calm and seelusion for the production of the best literatura With individuáis, as with Nations, Stirring periods of action are not favorable to idealistic art. There is much unfavrness, however, in the Mame to which public men in this country are subjeeted for their overwork. This is rather a matter of necegsity tban of choice. People in the old world largely inhent their means and methods from their forbears; new men, even there, often have the habit of overwork iixed upon them l,y the time their footholds are seeured. But the statesmen and tlnnkers of Eurone start with assured incomes more commonly tban do our own, iincl are ïot foroed to eara their bread as they o-o along. Our Wilsons, Evartses, Durtisesnave had to oonsider first the means of living, and to bc statcsmen or wri teta in addition . Our Eastern Brahmins, happily, have had for the most part resources whick tliey have enfaro-ed by the help of such gentlc, scholarly pursuits as the service of a umversity affords. Tbey have shown themselves quite WÜliñg to indulge a spirit of rastfulaess and calm. So long as Americana who do not inherit estates have the Anglo-Saxon prlde and domestic tenderness, they will bo tempted to do work elsewhero than in a garret, and rarely be able to drive from their minds the thought al its effect wpon an uicome-paying constituency. - E. O. Sledman on Batard Taylor. in Scribner. -Lee Housion, agcd thirteen, was instantly killed at Calhoun, Ky., the other day. He was leaning on a shotgun watchimr a game of base-ball, when a " íoul tip" sent the ball agamst the hommer of his gun, discharging ït. The load entercel uuder the lelt arm and came out at the top of the heao. Mayob Marston, of Stafford, Eng land, has been presented with a silyer eradlo thirty inches high and weighing two hundred ounces, in accordance with an aneient custom prescribing such a gift to the Mayor whenever a child ia born to him during his incumbency.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus