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MEDICINAL. GKAY'S SPECIF1C MEDICINE. TRADEMíRK.Tho Oreat E-TRADJbLKiF% KllsU Kennedy, j$m aun UMÍHilingeure jgt Ib CTEBƒ■'S ' for Seminal I tp W ■ per■K Ll íar raatorrhea,Impo. "W ■ ,ünd alldiBuBi - X .: ■: -V !■■■■ itbal fotlow rs'.'. f _ , - ,' : 3. os a scquence on'-.-; BeforeTaking',Lisuf Mtmory,.fter Taking. Unlveral Dawitude, Pain In the Back, Dlmness of Vision Premature OM Age, and many other diseaesthat lnndto Insanïty, Consumption and a Prematnte Grave. . . . ._.. - Full partmünrs m our pamphlets, wnicuwe desire to send free by mail to every one. The Speóflc Medicine is sold by all DruRgistsat 1 oer naekage, 01 aix package for $5, or wül le sent by mail on recelpt of tin money lv addreBiig sent DJ TaB MEDICINB Cp„ No Ui MechanloB' lüock. Detroit Micb. old in Ann Albor by all Druggiats, and by drugiste every where f Stearns' Drug Store 81 WOODWARD AVENUE. I3ETBOIT. Ve keep in stock the largest variety of Pïedical Merchandize gathered unc'er cns roef n America. B3" Visitors are cordially invited to visit our Stora wheu In Detroit. . PHTSÏCIANS, .SUKGKONS, STUDEHTS, anduDEALEBS are iimted to examine our large aid complete aatortmont of Sirgical tórirats and all kicdred goods befóte matlng (h ir selections elsewhere, as we -will make it to their advantage to obtain their supplies of FilEBEilïCK STEARNS. To Nervous SufTerers--TJie Great European Keinedy - Br. J. Iï. Simpson's Speciíic Medicine. It is a positivo cure for Fpermntorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Impotency, and all distases rcsulting fioiu Solf-Abusc, aa .„TR efoke. Mental Anxiety, FT, - sfcLJv Loss of Memory, y'WPains iu Back or WlaSSêk KÍíl'Já-W8ide, and diseases KPW!S Si;fó yl) that lead to UWnS "fflVii ■ iyA sumption , iusanity ZW 9 Í3 ïhe Speciür: 'sS'W f ■, cine is being usedS ■"- with tvonderfnl soceess. Pamphlete sent free to all. Write tol them and get f uil particulars. Price, Stepiñc, S1.00 per package, or bix pacl;ages f„r$5.00. v Nos. 104 and lOli Main Street, Butt'nlo, N. Y. For sale in Arm Arbor by Eberbach & Bon, anp by all druggistï.;everywhere. j-a THE GREAT CAUSE 3& BtomazL Misory. Juèt publishtd, in a StaXed Envdope. Trice six cents. A Lfdure on the Katare, Treatment, and Badioal cure oí Benitnal Weakness, or Spermatorrhcea.lnaaoed hy Abuse, Involunhiry Eniissions, Impotency, Nervoua Dcbility, and Impedimenta toMariiage (teneially; Cousumpuon, EpiSaFits Mental and Phy-i.;„l [n.t.ipacity, ;, BOBEkT J. (ir.VKUWELL,, author oL the " Green Book," &e. ïhe woria-ronowncd author, in tlns oamirable Lectamclearly provea from his own expenence { ,t the aiful conscuenccs of Self-Abus, may be effcctuaUy removed without medicine, and without dangeionisurgicaloperaUoDS, bougies, nsteumenta rinK8,orcordials; polntln out a mode ot o c èertai and éffectual, by which every sufferer, ñomatte? what bis condítion may be, may cure KKUTASÍthound. Bentunto-scaUinaplain encopeto any addre ón reccipt of six cents, ortwo postage stanips. Address the Publlsheis, THE CÜLVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41AnnSt., NewYork; Post Offlco Box, 4586. ; „...i., BLBOD 1 UVtB STBBP, a peerless rcmedy for Scrofnla, White Swellings, Cáncer, Erysipelas, Gor.t, Cüronie Sores, Syphilis, Tnmors, Cartancles, Salí Khena, Malaria, Bilious Complaiats, and all diseases iudicating an Impure Condition of the Blood. This Grand Eemedy is a componnd of vegetable extrocte, the chief oí whieh are SAESAPARILLA and STILLINGIA. The cures effected by SCOYILL'S BLOO AND LIVE5 STRUP are absolnte and tucir record is undisfig;ured by iaiiure. For sale by all Druggists. Msns LIVER PULS. The Great Calhutic Vegstabls ftegnlalor. Thcy rectift torpidity of the -Li ver. Tliml alvv tono io the Stomach. Theu act, without griplny, upon the hïl'ini 'itemore hile from tlir oor. Theú purifu, regúlate, rnviyorate the hThèy cure, all bilious complaints. „ 1 1 ,.- ■ i - - - ' ROGERS' ""WJWSYRUP Instantly destroys WOBMS and is rccommended by pulciana as the bost WORM MEDICINE In use. BiKIB'S PtlH PMIiCÜ forMJtWand BEJIST. For External and Internal Use. The greatest Pain Eeliever of the Ago. For sale by nH DruKeiüts. 'john r. henkyTcurkan & co., SOLE 1'ROrIUETOBS, 34 coiiegc piacc Jmiwmnw FOE SALE BY L. S. LEECH. The Universal I3ath For nalo at the Dm? Store of L. S. Lerch, Cook Btreet ; and-als. bythe manufacturer E.. J. . 1 tnn NÓ. 24 North State Street, Adü Arbor, Mie U whom 1 correipondence sUould be addrcseed. LEGAL NOTICES. Estato of Mary Ann Cropsey. STATE QF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washlnnaw, ss. At a Besslon ot the Probate Coatt tor the County of Washtenaw, hoUten ut the 'róbate Offloe In Urn city of Ann Arbor, on Tluustay, the fifteenth day of Jannary, in theyear one .housandeighthundred andeigbtr. Preeent, WiUlam IX Harriman, Judgeof Probate. ) u the matter of the estale of ilary Aun Crojisey, decoahod. Celina C. Bchuh, ndministratrix of sRiaestote, nto court and represenU tbat she is now prepared to reuder lier ünal account as sucb adnuuiitratxix. Thereupon it is ordcred, that Tuewlay, the tenth day ofi'ebruary uext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, bc assigned for examlning and allowing such account, and that the licirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interestcd in ss tate, are requtred to appear at a seuion of said court, then to be holdeu attho Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, iu said county, and show cause if any there be, wliy thu said accoun ■hould not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said administratrix f;ive uotice to the jwrsons interestedln laM estáte, ol tbe pendeney of said account and the huarini; theieof, by causing a copy of tliis order to be published in the Ass Ab bob Abous a newspapsr printed and cliculatlng in said county two successive weoks pr;vious to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARiUMAN, ( A true copy.) 3nge of Probate. Wil. G. Doty, Probate Register. Bstate of Walkers- -minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT O of Waühtenaw, ia. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ottice in the city of Ann AtLot, on WednesdaT, the twenty-first day of January, m the year one tliousand eight hu&dred and eighty. Present, "William D. , J udireof I'robate. Il the matter .f the estáte of H. Burt Walker and Elvin B. Walker, minors. On reading and fillng the petitie, duly verifled, of Aibie T. Walker, guardián, praying that she inay be licensed to sell the real estáte belonging to said njinoi -. Thereupon it is ordcred, that Tuesday,the serenteeiith d.iy of Fobruary next, at ten o'clock in the i'oienoon, be assisned for th hearing of said petition, and that the next of kin of said minora, and all other persons intererted in said i are required to appear at a session of said oourt, then to be holden it the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show canse, lf any therebe.why tho prayeï of the petitioner shoiild not be granted : And it is further ordcred that said petitioner give notiee to the persons ïnleiested in said estáte, ot the peudeniy of saic petition, and the hearins tuereof,by enusing a copy óf this order to be published in tho AHH Ahuor Asgus, a newspaper printed and circulatfd m said county, threeaacceasive weeks previous to said day ot heurmg. WILLTAM HA11U IMAN) (Atruecopy.) ludge ot Probate. Wm. O. Dotï, Probate Register. Jïstate of Rebekah Wajkcr. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O uf Wtishtenaw, 89. At a session of the Probate Courfc for the Count j of Wahteuaw, lioldcn at the Probate Office, in the City of Aim Arbor, ra Wodnesday, the twenty-tit ñny of .larnimy, in the year one thoiisand eight hmidrcd and eignty. Present, "Williara D.Harriman, Judsccot }rt,batc In the matter ot the estáte of Bbokh WalKer Onreadingandfllingthe petition.duly verifled of George C. Pmte. executor, praying tlmt he ma be llcensed to sell the real estáte whereof Baid do ceased died aeized. Thereupon itis ordered, that Tuesday,thE aevon tecnth day of Febmary next, ut ten ociock ín int assigredfor the hearingot said petit ion, and tliat tlie devisees, legatees, and heir at law of said deceased, and all othel persons interested in said estáte , are required to nppear at a session oí said court, then to be holden at the Probate office in the city oí Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, whv the prayer of the petitioner should not be sranted: And it isfurther orderedthat said petitioner give notice to the persona interested iDBaid et'ite of the pendency oi said petllion, anC t);e heaTine thereof, by causing a eopy of tms oidel to be published in the Ank Arbop. Abgds, a no-srspaper printed and civculated ín said cov.nty, three suceessn-eweeks P gUiïSg(Atruecopy.) Judae of Probate. Wa. G. Dotï, Probate Eegiater. Estáte of George Walker. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COXJNTY of WiiBhleimw, ss. Ata session of tbe Probate Oouit for the Coanty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday the twenty-tirst day of Janunry, in the year one thousana eitfht hundred and eifjlity. Present, William D. Harrimaa, Judge of Prooate. In the matter ot the estáte of George Walker, aiOnnreadinganaaiingthe petition, duly verifica, of George C. Page, one of the admimstrators with the will anr.exed of said estáte, praying that they may be licnued to sell the real estáte whereof eaid deceased clied seized. Thereupon it is ordcred, that Tuesday, the Feventeenth day of February next, at ten o'elock in the asrigned for the hearing of said pctltiou, and that the deviaees,lesratees. and heirs atliiTF of said deceased, and all other persons interested in eaid estáte, are reciuirett to appear at a session ol said Court then to be holden at the Probate oihee, ir. the City of Ann Arbor, and shu-w cause, it any there be.why the prayer of the petitioncr shojild not be granted: And it ia farther order, said petitioner gif e notice to the persona i tateresteü in biiid estáte, of the pendency ol said petition, and the hearing thereof. by cauaiu a copy ot ttns order to be published in the Ann Aebor Aïui's, .1 uevnpapcr printed and circulated in said cünnty, three sucecssive weeks previous to said Qay 01 hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.l Ju i o l'robate. William G. DoTY.Probate EegiBter. Keal Estatw tor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUSTTY k5 of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of tlie estáte of Sophia Wetzel. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuanoe of ar, order granted to the undusiped. Lêonhard Gruner, guardián of the estáte oí said Sonliia Wetzel, by the Hou. Judge ot Probate ior thé county of Washtenaw, on the aevinteenth day of December. A. D. 1879, the irill te BoM at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at ntb door ot the court. house at Aon Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw in Baid state, on Patürday, the Foraïfinih DAT of Febbuaiiy, A. IX 180, at 2 o clock in tho aflciuoon of thttt d:iy (subject to all ene umbrancesbyraortgageor otherwiee existinfr at tne time of the sale) the follOTring desenbed real estáte, towif The east half of the northwest quaiter and the east half of the southweut quaiter oí section thirty-three (88) in town three eouth of range flve east, state of Michipan ;and alsöasappurtenant tosaid land all my riglit and title to a certata sprin" on the west half of the northwest quarter ot sïid sèction and all my vight to conduct water from said spring and to lay and repair pipes ior that purpose. Ann Arbcre.81,AlT9.gBTjNER Estáte oí Emilus M. Kicharrtsoii. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. Noticc is hcreby given.that )V an order of the Probate Court for the County of Waslitcnaw, marta on the twelfth day of January, K D I8S0 si-; months from that dato were lloved for c'rcditors to present their clíiiras against the estáte of Emilus ÏÏ. Blchardaon, late of said county, deceased, and that all ereditors of said deceased are renuired to present their claims to said Frótete Court at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor for examinador and allowancc, oí oí before the twelflh day of July next, and that rach claims will le heard bcfore said Court 011 Monday the twelfth day of April, and on Jlonaj the twelfth day of July next, at ten' o'cloek m the forenoonofeachof said days Tnted Ann Arhor, Januarv 12. A. I'. iopM. Date ' WILLIAM i). HAKKIMAN, 3w4 Judae of Probate. . PAINTS, OILS, ETC. rpiIE LAKCEST AN BE8T STOCK OF PAINTS, OILS,, ALL KINDS OF Painters' Materials, &c. AMEEICAN AND FEENCH WIND OW GLAS3 All Sizes. 2G and 28 East Washington Street, ANN AEBOR. (SuccessortoJ.N. Gatland) ONLY PRACTICAL [OSÏÜMEB rrr WW Manufacturer and j, jí Dealer in Theatrical Goods and Wardrcfoes. Personal attention given to the production of AMATEtTB PLAYS AND MASQTIEEADE9. Orders by mail or telegraph will receive prompt attention. 120 Briswold Btroet, DETBOIT, Mich; LEGAL NOTICES. Notlce of Cliancery Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, THE CIR. cuit Court ici the connty of Wa-htenaw-iE shancery. John J. Hansey, complainant,") Bessie Hanscy, defendant. ) ■Vsshtenan Connty, ss. It satisfactorily appear. inir to m' thnt Bewíe Hansey the defendant is a non-iesident of thia etate. On motion ot Cr tner, Frueauff & Corbm, solicitors and of counsel fur th cnmplainaut, it i ordored that the 3aid defendant, Bussie Hansey, muiseher appi'urance in this caiiFe to be entered within Ihree montha trom the date of this order and that in case of her apptarance Bhe cause her answer to the complainant's hill of complaint to b(ï filed in this cause and a cony thereof to lit' served on the compliiinant'H BOlicitors withia fwcnty days after due service of a copy of said bill on'the'defendant orher aoiicitoraand a noticeof tlua order ; and in default tlitreof that the said bill ba taken as contcssed by the said defendant: Aud it is f urther ordcred that within twenty days the said complainanticauso a notice of thia order to ba pubhahed in lüe Anm Akiioii Ahods, a weekly pa. r printed in 3ad county of Washtenaw, and that th -.iiiilpublicntion l continued in said puper at .mee in eaeh week for six successive week or t ; , : l t he cause a copy of this order to be personally lonthf said defendant, Bessie Hnnsey, at least twenty daysbtforc the time above prescribed ior het appearance. Dated,Ieccmb{r25lh,,jSiEgMcMAHoNi Circuit Court Commissioner for Washtenav County, Michigan. Ceasieh, Frceauff & Cokbin, Kohcitors and of Counsel for Coinpiainant. ]V5ortj;:if;e Sale. DEFATJLT IIAVING BEEN MADE in the condüions oí a certain mortgage exeButed by Frederiok Kiioff and "Wilhehnine Ruof his wife, to Frcderick Sehxnid, Si., dated the eighth day of May, A. I. 1S75, and rccorfled in theoffi oí thn líustiütcr of DeedB tor the county of Wah. tenaw and state of Michigan, on the twelfth day of Mal A I) 1875, at :( o'clock p. M., in liber 51 of mortgages on page 502, and by reason of said dcfault pd tbe election of saul nmrtgagee to have tl hole sum bccome due according to tho tem et i mortgage tho power of sale contained m saü oitwige haring becomeoperative, and noproceeá. Bshavingbeen instituted in luw or equity to reover the debt üccurod by said mortgage oi any part lereof and the sum of ten hundrixl and twenty-sij -UU) (81026.84) dollars beiiüf now e'aimcd to bed i said mortgttge anti the bond aceoiupanying th ime, also an attorney fee of twenty-üve dollarsai K-rein provitlwl : Notioe is thercfore hereby git. n, that said mortgage will lie foreclosed by saie o( ho mortgaged piemises therein desenbed or it mucli thereöf as inay be neoesiary, viz : lote thr, even, eiirht and nine in block ïnimber ten li Ormaby & Page's addition to the village (uow citj) of Ann Arbor : also another pieee of land co mencing at a poïnt in the section line betweeni tions nnmber twenty and twenty-nine, tjetweei the east corner eonimon to said section and the mi li De of the village ol Ann Arbor as first laid om and at the Southwest corner of a piece of land deeded to Andrew Nowland by Anson Brown, andm ningthente north to the center of a road forraerl] running east and west north of said seetion cornet, thenre enst so far that tho land lying betweeii u old road and the aouth and west side of saiö land docded by said Brewn to said Nowland shall coutain one-fifth'of an acre of land ; also lots numberoot, two five and six in said block, at public venduct the hi"best bidder at the sotith door of the Ciurt House in said city of Ann Arbor (that being tl place for holding the f'ircuit Court ior the countj of Washtenaw) on, the Twesiiih day of Mabch, A. D. 18S0, at 11 a. M. of Baid (laf. Said premises willbe sold lo satisfy the foregoil umount with accruing interest together with said attorney's fee and all costs and expenses allCTed bj hnv Dee. 17, 1879. FREUEKICK SCHMID.Sr., Mortgagee, CliAMEK, Fr.DEAUFF & ConBI, Att'ya for Baid Mortgagee. SheiiSTs Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT of Waohtenaw, sa. James B. Field, KdwatdP, Tlmyer and Kniery H. Monroe VS. Fraiiklinl (uen Bv Tirtuo of a writ of execution iseuedw of m'. rmèsr the seal of the Circuit (Joint forti cotiniy ot "Washteuaw, to me dirt-cted and delhm I did on the eleventh day of August, A. D., III levy upon the following dc=cribed real estáte, ky and preuiises, towit: All thntcertain piecoorpi cel ot l:vnd sitúate and beinï in the township i Pittsfield, in the county of Washtenaw and sti of Michigan, known and described aa the noitt esst nuarter of eection number 14 in said townri being town three south of ranfte slx east. All tbc iollowing desciibed parcel of land in said to ship toiïit: Boainnins-on the sonthcast coran the west hclf of the soutbeast quarter of aeet number 11, running thence north to the northli of the saia west half of the said southeast quam thenee west on the said nortb line so far tbatl running a line sonth parallel witb the east lit 80id west half toa load on the south line of a southeast quarter, and thencoto the place ol "inning on said road. the whole will enclose tB Heres of land exceptmg and refcerTing from thei description the riifht of way hen-toferc Erraatedl Detroit, Hillsdale and Indiana Rmlruad Compj so long na tho sanu: is sed by the eonipany pon ant to said Krant, being less than one acie ol lui Also the following described land in said toitus towit: BeginniDg at the BOUthwest corner of I eabt halt of the said southeast quarter; ths north on división lino of said uouthettat qnai sixtyrods; thence eaat parallel with theboutbi of said southeast quarter forty rods ; thence M parallel with said división líue sixty roela to outb line of said soction ; thence west on i south line forty rods to the place of beginnisg. t taining Bfteen acres more or les. Which Midi aml premisos orBomuch thereof aashall hui sary to satisfy the amount due on said exwuiw sha'll sell at public auction to tl.e highest bidt tha Bortb door ol' the Couit House in the cf Ann Arbor in sflid county Cihat being the pi holding the circuit court in the counky whert premisos nre situatedj on the Twenty-third dii iry, A. D. 1880, at two o'clock in the al noon of that áay. Dated, January Mh, A. P. 1880. JOSIAHS. CASÏ.Sheiü J. II. LïOK, Att'y for Plaintiffs, Tb ree Rivrs. Mich. Eeal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜH of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the H of Carrie L. Lytle and Ada E. Lytle, minors, tice is hereby given, that iu uuiuinc of u fninted to tbe nndersigned guardián of i3iniJ by the Hon. 0 udge of Proliate foi the comt; Washtenaw, on the 2l3t day of Jannary. A Í880, therawill be sold at public Tonase. w hiffhest bidder, at tbe late rcsideee of 9tn Lytle, dcceased, in the townsbip of KortkS the county of Washtcna-w in said sti, M S DAY, THU THIBTEESTH DAY OF MiSCH, i. 18S0, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of tnat daj.! iect to all encumbrnnces by mortaage or otker exiatiiif; at the time of the sale, and a)s sumtt the dower right of Phebe J. Lytte, widow ol! mour l.ytle, deceased, therein), the undivided l tifths (i-SJ pait of the west half of the sou!l quartcr of section thirty-six in township ooe of range six east, excepting twenty acres frffli south end of said land, and contaimnf? sixty more or less, in Northfield, Washtenaw n Michigan. D-Í- "'"H LYTLE, G„rf Sheriff'! Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜ of Washtonaw, ss. Thomas Murphy vs.J Murphy. By virtue of an execution iesnei and uuder the seal of the Circuit Court ft county of Bay, in the above entitied ew me direeted and delivered, I did on the LSI of July, A. D., 1879, levy upon all the rigl and interest of James Jlmphy in and to the in" described real estáte, to wit : AU that te piëee or pureel of land anSbeing m w of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw and ( Michigan, descrihed as "A house and lot, J six in William A. Benedict's plat, as recci tbe'otBceof the Kegister of Beeds for YiaW county, Mtehigan." Which described lanas nremises I shall sell at public auction to the bi bidder at the north door of the Court House" city of Aun Arbor in said county (that beu placo of holding the circuit courts mjfct where the premises are situated) on tne a of March, A. D. 1880, at two o'clock in thei noon of that day. Dated,January16,h,ol80.Hg Shepakd & Lyon, Atty's for Plaintiff, liiiy City, Mie. Estáte of William W. J STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUÏj of Washtena-w, ss. At a session of the Tri Court for the County of Washtenavr, noioj the Probate Office in the city oí Ann ArMl Wedncsday, the twenty-eighth aay of Jnin.Ml the yeur one thousand eight hundred and fVI Present, VüliamD. Harriman. Judge ofï] In the matter of the estáte of Wtlllam W.ll hfroadin? and flllng the petltion, duly wj of Chaunccy W. Eiggs, prnymg that a ccrWI strument now on file in this oourt, purpWJ bc the last wlll and testament of said dweas be admitted to probate, nud that he ma? pointed executor thercof. Thereupon it is ordered , thnt Monuay, toe tv-thivd day of Fcbruary next, at ten o ek the forenoon, be aesigDed for the hearing petition, and that the devisees, legatecs, o at law ot said deceased, and all other pen tereated in said estáte, are required to appj session of said Conrt, then to be holden at o bate Office in the city of Ann Arbor.and sho if anythere be, why the prayer ■ of the pe should not begrantoa: And it is further that said petitioner Rive notice to the perterested in eald estáte, of the pendency J petition, and the hearing thercof, b y c copy of this order to be published ; in the AWAkoo, a newspaper printed and circuí iited connty.threo aucccssive weeks previous to t' of hearing. WILLIAM D HAEEI (A true copy.} JudSe of Pl Ya. G. Doty. Probato Register. 1 Estáte of Joseph Aniolil. I OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COq 0 of Wushtenaw sb. At a session of thefl Coult for the County of Washtenaw, holdaM Probate Office in the city oi Ann Arbor, on " day, the twentytirst day oí J%n"?,rf' veaione thousand eighthundred and eigntfl Present, Willium D. H&rriman, Judge 01 1] In the matter of the estáte oí Josept ae5Cn reaáing and flling the petition, duí ' of Willtam H. ArnoUl, praymgthat a certU mentnowon file iu thw court, PÍSFW the last will and testament ot i"'a' may be admitted to probate, and tnat u ppolnted executor thereol. Thcrenpon it is ordered, that Mondaï, teentli duy of February next, t ten o el torenoon, be asaigned tor the hearing oí tion, and that the drviaeeu, legatees and nj of said deoeased, and all other persons i ín said estáte, are reqmred to appear ai of said Court, then to be holden at tï Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and en if any there be, why the prayer of the j sliould not be pranted : And lt is lm tl that naid petitioner give notice to l' interested m said estáte of the. pende petition and the hearing thereof.Dy copy ot this order to be pnblwhed in the ABBOT,a newspaper printed and eire"„i county; three succesaive weeks previous WILLIAMD.HAKBI 1 (ro..PIolateEegiaiUr!ge


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus