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To try the Ssif Itfi BEFORE YOU BUY. ït...

To try the Ssif Itfi BEFORE YOU BUY. ït... image
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To try the Ssif Itfi BEFORE YOU BUY. ït is Simply Wonderful IT IS SOLD AT J. F. SGHUH'S Hardware Store. TJOJí'T READ THIS! Kuy Tour TOBACCOS & CIGARa O F SCIIUTT. Tip-Top Chewing for 40 cents. CIGAES CnEAP BY THE BOX Corner Main and Hurón Streets AN ARROK. GET YOUE PIIOPEETY IN STJEED BT C. H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, AXN ARBOR, - MICH The oldest agency in the city. Establiühtj a quarter of a century ago. Representing tU following first class copinanits: Home Insurance Có. of N.Y., Assets over 56,OO0,tffl Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Assets over ê3,O00,Mj Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., ABsets S1.M2.4J Girard ol Pa;, Assets over $1,000 Oriënt of Hartforri; Assets $700, Commercial Union of Lonaon, Aets Í3,OCO,I Bates low. Losses liberally adjusted uj promptly paid. C. H. MILLEN. ETNA Ill'RANCE COHPÜSI Capital, - - $3,000,00 Assets Jan 1, 1876, $ 6, 792, 649. 98. Losaes Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, includi"! Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,733,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, includiil Re-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Agent, Ann Arbor. T INSEY & SEABOM'S Bakery, Crocerv, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constant]? on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c For IVholesale and Betail Trade. We shall also keep a. aupply of xjelhi :fIjOtx:k., J. St Swiit & Co's Best TVlilte WheatFloi Kye Flour, Buckwlieat Flour, Corn Meal, Feed, &c, &c, &c. At wholesale and ret A general stock rfl GEOCEKIES AND PEOVISIONl constantly on hand, wnich will be sold on as 4 onable terms as at any other house in the city. I Cash pnid for Buttcr, Eggs, and O"! Produtv Goods delivereü to any part of the city wü out extra charge. & SEABOtT Ann Arbor. Jan. 1, 1879. EDWARD DUFFY Wholesale and JRetail GROOEB A Large, Kew, and Clean Stock oí Staple & JFancy Grocerief ALWAYS OX HAND ! Together with a full and oomplete stook o( I BOOTS, SHOES AD RUBBER (JOODS, Also a ohoice nssortment of Ijaflïes' Jf Gnt' Bnderwear, Hosicry, -Iol A.C Special induecments offered cash cii8tOB EDWARD DUFFÏ, I Cor. Main and Ann Sts., Ann AW BÍS" Cash paid for all Farm Products. EVEEYBODY SAY8 THA S. B. REVENAUGH ia the Boss rhotographer of Ann ArW ïourth Street, Ea8t ol Court House, lt flo1


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