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Mrs. Ohisholm has beon appomted to a $1,200 clerkship in the treaaury deparment. -At a divoroe trial in Fort Wayne, Ind , Mrs. Lucinda Cootnbs recoverea $7,000 alimony in cash. - Archbishop Purcell is very much depressed at the pope'a order directing Bishop Éder to take bis place. - Capt. Thomas Auld, Fred. Douglas's old innster, from whoiu Fred. resigned in 1839, died at Baltiuiore, iately aged 85. Ju alighting from ft street car Fridty, John Kelly of New YorUdislocated hia shoulder. Wish it had been hie bolting proclivities instead. -Report has it that the Princess Louise was very reluctant to return to Canada, as she was practically isolated there from all congonial society. - A movemunt baa been etarted to ereot a moaunient to the inemory of the poet Poreival whoso Temaius He. in an unniarked grave at Hazal Green, Iü. President Gowan of the Phüadelphia and Boading raihoad cmnpany haa decided to stop the production of ooal on three dayss of each weok until the lst of April. Whon Mrs. Win. B. Astor attended a party in Washington recontly wrth $800,000 worth of diamonds on her pergon, two detectives rete present to look after her jewels. - Kmporor William, after paying a visit to the Aoadeniy óf vocal niusic on Saíurday, feil down a, ilight oí' stairs sustaining several contusions about the head aud limbs. Xhe Pope has issued an encyolical againet divorces. He insists on the emiuontly religioua natura oí marriage, and exhorta bishops to urgo that view upou their tíook. - Firm3 in New York and Washington refuse to longer act as treasurers of the Parnell Irish relief fuud, claiming ihey are conviuced Parnell'a object is to make politioal capital out of the fainine. - Neal Dow is t.rying to get a Maine law iutü operatiou tbat sbail uiake the posseKsion of a Uuited States liquor liceuso direct evidence tht the liceuaed sells liquor, aud to watui hiiu oooordiQgly-


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