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The robins ohirped gaily last Monay. More look-boxea are buing placed n the postoffice. Miss Cora Palmer ia visiting hor jrothpr Dr. Palmer of this place. - There was an enjoyable hop at tho esidenoe of Wm. II. Arnold last Thursay. - The saloonista rejmce over a gooiUy mount of ice which was timely gathred. - Services are being held in St. Joeph's church every Friday evouing duing len. - Mrs. T. W. Murlock Ims returned fter a six weeks viait with her son at Chicago. - Mr. Androw Haokett of Dotroit, vas the guest of Miss J. Morka of Pinckoy, last week. - Miss Catrie Cushman of Lansing, s visiting her inother Mrs. P. Lirfur ïore this week. - Pinckney peoplo sigh for a city cometery, and a inovement to that effectis under guidanoe of Kev. Fr. Duhig. - Miss Kittie Kent, vvho has been the guest of Mrs. J. H. Devine, returued "Vlonday to her parental domicil in the city of tho Straits. Mr. J. T. Honey met with a painful accident near Jackson Wednesday last, beina thrown froia his buggy and havshoulder dislocated. - Johnnie Vaughn of Webster township, and teacher of the Hudson school, las beon dangerously ill4 f'or the past thre or four days with the diphtheria. The " Wilkinson's," in their versión of Uïcle Tom's Cabin, will rnake their irst tppearance in Dexter at Costello's lall Saturday evening next. They are aighycomniended by thepressthroughout Ihe state. - Gren. Sam. F. Cary will repeat his loctvre on "Mistakes of Moses or Ingersll, WhiehV" at Costello's hall, Friday svening, f'or the benefit of the Dexter reform club, to be followed by a tetuperance lecture Saturday evening at K. 1. hall. - It created much amusement to bystaniers to see on) of our prominent f ariïers trying to b ick hia horse to go lionie one day last wjck, while the poor Jioisp was firnily ecoarod to the hitching poit. If the halter were not ot good material be would probably have succeeded. -Miss II. Titusdelivered an excellent lecture iu the M. E.ehurch Sunday last choosing for her subject the "Iininortaliiy of Memory," a subject which was handled in a creditable rnauner. Miss Tibus is a gradúate of Baldwin college, and a former classmate of E. B. Pope of Aiin Arbor. - That eome p lople believe honesty to be the best poJi y, was shown last week byThos. Sloan, the night watch at the M. CE. E. ce? t, who finding a pocket book containui g over $30, and seeing it advertised p-omptly returned it to the owner, Mr. C. Eeeves, refusing all uilir8 of rewird. Investigalio 1 lias proven the 'Manse lüirder,' as previo isly recorded liy your _ in the Ai.G'S, utterly falfie and vvns but a base rnnor circulated by soiie of tho old l'Ay's friends (?) to caTSe her a needless amoimt of trouble aal auxiety, which friends of this desciiption generally do. - Tbo McGuiness suit whicb is rapidly gaining notoriety, and wliicli rocoived a decisión in favor of the defendants from Justioe Peters, last woek, has been carried to the circuit court by the plaintiffs (common council of Dexter) ani the trial is anxiously looked forward to by many interested poople, as the case excites much interest to the people of Dexter. The Lender came to the front in its last issue by imparting to its readers the surprising information that: "Tuesday beiiig St. Patrick's day, prepfiratious are being made for an appropriate celebration at Aun Arbor." Peihaps our Wdrthy friend is like the follow who said Easter Sunday came on Tuesday, and being asked the wherefores, iunocently exclaimed, " because its leap -A well dressed young fellow carrying a large box, put up at the Dexter Exchange Tuesday, claimmg to be au eastern salesmaii, liad bis moals and ambulated the straeta m fino style. Mr. BUnchard BUipooting soraething amiss opned tbe b x, when behold you ! it contained nothing but a fow boards. Mr. B. immediately searched for hig boarder, and íinding hiui, told him he was wanted, but with a howl ho put up the Btreet at a 2:40 gait and in less time than it takes to teil it had faded in the distance. H) leaves Mr. B. the box for a memento, and a board bill for somo charitable person to pay. '■-Mr. George A. Peters of' Scio, in a mmunication to the Leader last wenk calla upon the " farmers of the uorthwest" to unite with the grangers, (that is those who do not already belong to the organization) and buynofcnce wire at present high prioes, and by so doing make fence wire a drug upon the rarket and tbus bring the manufacturera to thtiir own terms. Were it possiblo for such ascheme to be put in operation we do not think it would affect the manufacturers in the least, as all are aVare of the tremendous advance in iron for the past few nionths, and as it takf s iron to make feuce wire it ia but a natural consequence that fonce wire sbould advauoe, and that the manufacturera are but doing as they have been done by.


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