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Wild Beasts In India

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Somk ver Interest ing statistics are publuhed bj Oovernmeut regardingthe aetniction of wild animáis and venomou scake n British India, and of the n amber of human beings and cattle killed by them. The geneial results of the reporta from various local Govriniitiiin show that the number of porton killed ly wild animáis tn 1877 was ï 918. and in the followin-jf year 3,444; by vcnomous snakes. 16,777' and 16,812 hi the same ycars renpeetively. Cattle killed by wild animal and snakes in 1877 and 1878 numberod 53,197 and 48,701 in each ycar. In 1877 22,551 wild animáis wcro listroycd, and in the folluwiiijf year 22,-lST; and of venomous eirnke, 127.295 in the former and 117,58 in the ÍRtter year. Tlie aroount of rewaiás p.-ikl for the destruction of wild up.ists jind noisouona snakee was In IS"-, l'W.Ol.-.,., and in 1878 99,lSÍ'rs. Tlie general i-esults, therefbre, are Ümt tiio nuinber of persons killetl Las iucronsed, wliile the number of catlle so killed, the mimberof wild anitnals and snakes destroyed, and the amount of rewards paid show a decrease. The Increase in the number of persons killed by wild animáis is attribLited to a great extent to the deaths Iroiü wolves in the Northwestern ProvInues and Oude, whieh have increased Erom 380 in 1877 to 624 in 1878. The Ueutonant-GoTeraor has invitedtheattention of (listriet oüieers tothe subject willi a view of more efleetive measures jeing taken for the destruction of these mimáis. VVith rcferenee to deaths 'rom suake-bites, the number of persons tluis killed has decreasedfrom 16,946 in 1876 to 16,812 in 1878, while the number of cattle has decreased from 2,9-10 n 1877 to 1,825 in the year under review. The returns showing the numier of cattle killed are doubtless, as observod by the Chief Commissioner of ;ho Central Provinces, less trustworthy tlian those of "persons." But his Exaellepcy the Governor-General in Counrii LrufctH that the reporta of the current ,-ear wiil show the extent to which the suggestion that municipal bodiesshould offer rewards for the destruction of snakes in towns and largo villages has jeen acted upon, and withwhat results. Chis matter is one of importance, and should not be lost sight of. - Times, of India. --♦ FnoM a yield of $100,000 in bullion, n 1865, the Georgia gold-fields have advanced to $1,000,000 per annum, with a promise of largo returns next year.


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