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- Mt. Morris has .52o souls. - Ridgeway has diphtheria. - Jackson has a prohibition ticket in the field. - 48,000 egss constituted one shipmont by a Monroe flrm, - George II. Tuttle is Lansing's democratie candidate for mayor. - A stock company is forming at Flint to build au opera house. - Fourteen yotmg men left Pontiac, Mareh 23, for Denver, Colorado. - Detroit is receiving about 100 carloads of ice ] r day frons Bay ('tv. - Elillsdale's now universal st clmrch was dedicated on the 25th, and a debt of S2,óO0 cance.lled. - A Coldwater citizen picked a fullblown apple blossom from nis door yard the other day. - A. Bangs rather be a farmer than prison keeper, and oonsequently resigns bis berth at Jackson. - Demócrata of Jackson nominad' a full ticket with Joseph Mabley, present incuinbent, for mayor. - Citi.ens of Ilillsdale liave petitioned the council to raise the city license of liqnor dealera to SöOo. - Adrián proposes to offer handsome eontrilmtious to induce the loeaüon of one of the new state buildings in tliat city. - Monroe's pride is heigh'tc ned a littleovertheappointmentof state senator Conant to the Naples, Italy, consulship. - Tecumseh is straining every nerve to raise the $27,000 demanded of lier as a bonus for the Toledo & Milwaukee road. - Temperance people of Adrián are making streuuous efforts to get cpntro] of the new council so pasj a proliibitory ordiuance. - Oakland and Livingston oounty farmers have organizad a shepp breoders" and wool growers' association with a membership of 15. -The Livingston county horse association have decided to hold a horse show tln'sseason. with premiums not to exceed S1,OOÜ, but has not yet iixed upon dates. -A eoroner's jury at Blissfleld agreed that Mrs. Lathrop did not come to her death froni poison as has been conjectured, but trom "inflammation oí' the stomach." -Mrs. Joseph Ladonsier of Blissfleld was taken sick on Friday with a gevere pain in her back and at the base of the brain, dying from cerebral heinorihage ia 80 minutes. - Sam Sprague ofMorenci, proposes to go to Ionia for six mouths rathei than to enter into $500 bonds to keep the peace towards his wife wbom he threatened to kill. -Judge A. C. Baldwin, of Pontiac, Judge of the sixth judicial circuit, has tendered his resignatton, to take effect April 15. It is believed the governor will appoint ex-Judge L. B. ïaft as his successor. - P. Parker, treasurer of Leroy township.Calhoun county, died Friday night from eating poisoned ham, and his wife and two children are not expected to live. The ham had been cooked in a brass kettle containing brine. - Monday on the farm of Oliver Aylsworth. just west of Leoni village, a fox came out of the woods, seized upon a little terrier dog, and carried him off, and aow the whole neighborhood are engaged in an exciting fox chase. - Ti i,-.. i,.,.. „.„..■- Aim .rbor for an operation on one of his eyés. lie has suffered much from a tumor which has crowded the eyebail forward so that a total loss of the eye is feared. - Quincy Cor. Coldwater Republicaij. - Luman Lampman, supervisor of Bethel township, has in his possession a silver dollar which was taken from the pocket of Jeff . Davis at the time of his capture, by young Schwartz of Butler, who was a member of the 4th Michigan Cavalry. The date of the com is 1800. - Some temperance men and others who have been in the habit of using liquor in Ionia liave organized an independent temperance society under the name of the " Ionia Dasliaway Club No. 1." It has about 20 members, and it is thought thatit will be a great success. - Lansing Journal: "The Christiancy boys here at home were a set of drunken quarreling fellows into whose society Judge Christiancy never ought to liave brought his young wife. The senator has many peculiarities little suspected by tlie public at lartre, all of whieh renders it certain Unit Mre. Christiancy's charges cannot be poohpoohed out of the court. - Berkley G. Bigler, who has longbeen a resident of Oakland township, and who is well known throughout Oakland county, was arrested and lodged in jail at Poutiac Monday, on a charge of having bumed a threshing machine belonging to Wm. F. Perry and Chas. Shafer, in Marcb last Mr. Bigïer once serml a term in Jaekson for barn burning.- Detroit Xews. -In the proceedings at Marshall, to establish last will and testament of II. J. Perrin, Prof. I). A.Joy of the University, present at a post mortèm examination of brain of deceased brought to this city, refused to answer certain questions pertaining to the insanity of Perrin, on the round that it tnvolvedprofessional skill for which he had received no suflicient remuneration. - A young lady from the country, and who has been attending school in Coldwater this winter, wanted some upinmoney" last fall, and her iather in a joking way said that if she woulil go into the field and husk corn he would pay her at the regular ratea. She took it in sarnest and marehed tato thé i'.vUX early one morning, and when she returned at night slie had husked eigthy-four bushels of the cereal. - Xelson Amblóse, who died in Raisinville on the löth, was 73 years of age. He was married to Miss Wiley Barton 32 yeara ago. She died in 1868. Fortysix years ago he carne to Lusalle, walking tlie entire dlstance from Martinsburg, Va. He th; -u returned, and the riext year moved to Lasalle, wbere he has lived uutil about üve years ago, when he moved to where he died.- Mimrnc Oommt rcial. -In the township of Blissfield lives Eli Bodet, who will be over a bnndred years old, the löth of Octobernext. He lives with one of bis grandsous, Luke Bodet, who is about tliirty-five years of age. Last fall, besidea doing much other work, the patriarch husked ten acw s of corn, and though he lives eleven miles from the city he often walks to town and back before dinner. Jle is the father of three sons and two daughters, is grandfather of twenty-two children, and great grandfather tooue.- Aiiriau ïimes. Hope springs eterna! in John Sherman's bosom. Wiiii hardly a delégate as vet atnoñg the niauy selected pledged either to Graat or Blaiüe, his bureau at Washington issues ;i letter setting forth liis prospecta to be excellent for the nomination. It is one of the settled thiaga in ;i candidate's mind that nömimation is sure nö matter what the outlook ïnay be. ]5y some sort of luek he hopes to win. (Jpon Whai Shennau's f'riends base their expectationa is more than we are able to perceive.


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