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DETROIT, MILLSDALE AND SUUTHWESTEKN RAÍ LUÜAD. To tuke eüeot Feb. 22, 1880. oran wm ,m[s f.rt. Mi:i. M lil Elp. E:sp ■ Ril ifU. , STATIONS. - ! " M i' a.m P v. i 5 7 :■:: i) IB 7 lo YpnUanti H 5 8 0R 8 ÍS J" 7 3" Plttsfleld June. SMS 5 fts 7 SS 8 45 947 7 4.H Saline 7 S8 4 51 7 o;, ü I7 1OU7 8 08 Pririucwiiter 7 3i 4.!:! i; ;í') 9'3 10'J R2 MiinclioBter 7 13 4 1fj .11) 110 1320 1017 Hillsilaie 5 2 2 90 "4" I 30 12 3 10 30 Rankem 510 22S 2 10 Tr;ilns ran by OhioHo time - 20 minutos slower th;m Coluiiibus time. W. b'. PABKEB. Supt, Ypsilunti. A ? iís íb ÜBSOLUTLLY CT'KES Consumptie, j.iIiii;i, Broa cljílss, and all discases oL tj3 ïbrcat,JLu2ig'san(l Chest. TlBöllY Lili PAD IIsh perfornied inany -woiiclerful Cures. If you suíftír l'rom ASTH2IA, CATARRTT, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTiOX, Or any Lnng Inñrmitiesi send for tstlmoniftls aul uurtruatise, " T:ike Caieof Yourseif." DR. ONLÏ'S LUNG TAD Ts Bold by all Druggists, or sent on receipt of nrice 3&ÍÍ. 00. Addrt'ss THE ONLY LUNG PAD CO. At Wholesale by Fiirrnnd, Willisnn Co, T. II. Hinchman & Hons, nnd Swift & Dod I?, Dfitroit. Electiou Notice. To THE El.ECTO.RS OF THE COOHTY (!■ W.1SI1TKSA1V: You are hereby noüfied that at tlie Kleciioo to be held in this'State on the flrst Monday of April next the tollowiiii? Anieiidinciit to tlif Constitiufor of this State ia to be Bubmitted to tlie people of the State for their adoptión or rojcction. z.: An Ameudment to Section 1, Artille !). roltitive to the Salary of the Uovernor, providudfor byjoint Eiesolution No. :, laws of 1879. Uated, Auu Aruor, Fob 19, 1880. JO8IAH S. CASE, SherilT. pARM FOK SALE OF 16O ACEES, Or will divide it if parties wish in SO neie Iota. The above farm is in (jood state of oulÜTation, good house, two baros, mee granafy, tw i orchards, and thirty ncreaof wheaton the grounl. Kor furthei infonmition tnqnire of the subseri ter on the 'arm, huif a mllenorth of yie town hall inSharon, WashtenawComity, Mioh: Not lieing able to work, the farm c:n be bought at a barffftiïl. 4-lSt HAIiVEY BLAOKMAN. The Michigan Un ml Kailluad, with Itsoonnectionsat Chicago, affrds the most direct nd cl -iiable route of travel frniu Michignn to .II pointe in Kangas, Nebraska, Colorado, Texaff, Dakota, Manitoba, etc. MichlRun Central train iiiiikosuro and close conneetions at Chicago wjth [hrunsh expresa Iraina on all Western lines. Ratee will alwavs be :is Ion as iw lowest. Partie ijoiri" West tl is spriiis will finrl It totheir interest tooorreorond with ffeurjr C. Weniwonh, General Pi. senireranrtTicket Aeeiit of tbe Uní, at Chloao irho will cheerfuliy impnrt any inforjnatinn ivlative to route, lime of train, mapa and lowest rates. Donut purciiase your ticket nor contrnct yuut rreifrht uulll you havo heard froin tbe Michigan Central. B". NOT l''A I I, trt "tui HLP Uescrllitimis or everywSSr Ihirü ri'iinlrrd (or wl,., „ver ,.300 lih.strS' Wee'i "a?! ■rood at wholeutla prlcea in quantitles to sul! jni]:i.sL-r. The only Institutton il] Amoric MONTGOM IÍKY WAKO & c " H-'f! &3J WabusU Ave.. Uhii'ago. 111. Éggs!Eggs!Eggs! XIIK PLYMDITü liOritS. onoof the bot breada of oo nüt ly WM. BUSH gapftrior, P. o. Rddresa Aan Arl.or. I'rice $2 perdozeu, orjs for Iwodo. u. hu is the Corbtn, .i uiiiMton.Conn., breed, auong the best for egs and table. MR. Bl'SH luis on aiile. price 75 cents, the bnok of 100 pagea od L'iymouth ííoi-k, i-oiitalning ful] dlrectlunsfor mmlug, breeding, care :uul rn.uuigement of this variety ot fowls It is au uijmiriible work for amateurs. Xo onc caa afl'ord to be without il. 1


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