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Record Of Circuit Court

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Thursday, ïlarch 21. A jury awarded T. A. Fiower and C. B. Pittman a iidgincnl of$105 against Wm. "Warner. John W, Jlall añd Albert G. Lawence appealed to circuit court from a verdict rendered by a jury before exustice (now county clerk) Clark of Saline wheroin they brougtat an action orecov6rï25, valué oí acertain amount f wood agreed to be delivered by Wm. I. Pease, who in áefense alleged s:iíi vood liad been delivered. Jury fouud ordefendant. At the Oetobertenn Christina Eckíard recovered a verdict of 600 damafes against the Mich. Central railroad. Filis lady aged about 50 was vlsiting it NashvUle, Barry Co., and purchased i ticket on the 3d day of Jan. 1878 to eturn to her home in Franciseoville, íackson county. Wlien on board the rain shti tearned it did not stop at her esideace and. being a tnrough train she was obliged-to come to Aun Arbor efore she could aliarht. Getting off she was infonned a way train west vould arrive soon upon which she could each her destination. Unused to travel ind exeited over her situation, Mrs. ■'.ckliard boarded the same train slie eft, and, learning from a passenger it vas bouad east,hurriedlyleft it instepinu- trota which slu received injuries. rhe jury awarded her $600. The railroad ftpplied for a new trial on the ground Unit the verdict was not in ac;ord with the evidenee. The court ,'rüiited it. The plaintiff testifies the tgent at Nashville told lier t!ie train stopped at Franciscoville, and holds to Mie fultillment of a contract, through me of its agenta, to be there delivered, wherea i si. e was compelled to come to uü A.rborwhere she sustained injuries, rheir Xasiiville agnt testifies he knew hal :'" train which coöneeted with the . i ver valley at Jaekson was an id diil not stop between Jacklon and Anii Arbor; and, though unato identify plaintiff, upon general nineiples he would naturally teil lier to he contrary of wliat the lady asserts. AHliough snit could be brought in Barry or Jackson counties, plaintiff preferred to bring it here instead of in the county where she reaided, where she has frienris and witli whom she stopped several weeks to recover f rom injuries before returning home. This case occupied attention of the court Friday, Saturday and the most of Monday. Monday, March 29. Loretta E. McCulloch vs. Hiram Day and others. Continued. W. H. Hawkins vs. J. F. Sanders. Continued. Lucy R. Twist vs. Warren BabcoCk, Sr., and others. Continued. George I. Steeb and George Finktmrner admitted to citizenship. Juror Linden of Bridsïewaterexcused, owing to Bearlet fever in bis houseliold. Wm. P. Campbell vs. W. B. Sherman. Continued. The jury in case of Mrs. C. Eckhard vs. Michigan Central railroad returned with a ver liet of $700 for the plaintifl. Defendnnt granted until April li to move for a new trial. Tuesday. March 80. Leonard Wallington brings action against Moses Rogere to recover poBsession of a certain amount of wheat valued at $110.50 levied upon by Rogers to settle claim against John Humphrey, son-in-law of Wallington. Defendant recovers judgment of $119.51. Wednësday, March SI. In tlie casa of E. W. irobbs vs. Westfall and Bailey udgment reverse 1 with cos!';. Case of Wm. Barnes vs. "W.D. Smith continued. Case of Wm. Shmvood vs. Michael Wade settled by consent. Judgmentof $75 for plaintiff. John Mayer and Fred Ilasel admitted to citizens.iip.


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