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How Sam Houston Happened To Go To Texas

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Dnring Sam 1 Ton s ton 's residcnce in the Cherpkoe Nation, west of Arkansas, says 1 he Fort Smith Elovator, lic lived with a danghter of oll Captain John Itogers, an lndian, about twoand a lialf miles west of Ft. Gibson. Jle was a merekant, but tricd to conform to the ways and Iiabits of the Indiana, and in dress wore llio hunting-sliirt, buckskin leggings, and breech-clontof fhelndiai)8. For Lhe greater part of his stay hal-e he wasundty-the intlnence of liquor wlien it coa ld e liad-, and h was seldora without it. Ileseemcd, aftel' a residence ot two years, to tiro of the part he was act ing, and duriug short periodB of soberncss became morose and sullen. J!e was ovidcntly in hls mind bis pl"esent mode of lile with the past, or a dronken white lndian with the proud tii-ovei'BOl' of Tonnesseo. It was dircotly after one of hia long drunkeii spells that some of the Texas Cherokees bronght news of the war between Xexasand Mexico. Ilouston, thougli not vet sober, walked out to the banks of the Grand ltiver with John ILenry, a nicrchant. Tlirowin himself down on the ground, he was silent for some time. At leng'th, sfarting up quickly, he said : "Hennr, let us go to Texas. I am tired of this country and tliis life. Go with me, aud 1 will make a fortuno for us both. Youareamerclianl! lam a merchant! We are no more fit for mcrchaiHs than h - 1 is for a powdcr house! I am going. In that new State I will make a man of myself again." Ile begau at once making preparation for the, at that time, long journoy. Casting at once aside all his lndian attire,hecame cut dressed as a. white man, and at once refusing the use of liquor offercd him frequently, as if by ftie stroke of (lio magicijin'á wond, lio looieil timan and lioro lie very soon becuiuc tcr iiis íurival in Texas.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus