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Winter Care Of Colts

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Very tniícli of (he fntnre valpo and size of liorees dopend on the condUion n wliioli tliey ai-e kopt Uig iirst winter. They sliotild always be pvovidcd wiili cóurforlBblo nuarlors; that. Is, il dry, vvarin staiblo, with a windmv Imvhiff a soutliern oxposurc, if possible. Tltey shoukl not bc kopt tied up coiltiminlly, bilt allowcd tlio raiyc of' a yard du ring tlic dnytinie. and especially during pleasaiit weallicr; that tlicy may ëxcrciRe :s niuch as tlioy please ; observing tbat t!irc is no projccting' rail. aüike, Ov bit of board nfrainst wlilch lliey m&v Uijure theneg by riiimiiig; ts, whuti ;it ]l;iy, tliey pertbrtn wiilt a recUleswiioa pcarcely eijualod by any other domeatrc aniinal ; and :i colt reijresents too miicli iiïoiicy v:iluo to be altovred ü períónii :i sel in jury (lii'iu'ii cftiVlessnes8 !' its owncr. ïlicreloiie, 1 aiiu siv. look ve!l tö llie coiuliiion of ÜiC eiiclosui'C. Treat Üxava kuully, occasionilly feeding a liitlo froin itic hand; ".:u tlms 'ain llicii' coiilidence. Lireak Ihoin to the use of Üie h:i!tor; le-.ul liicin uboiit,. by it : Lio tltein tlp'tbr a low honrs win'ii yon are busyabout liiC'barii; and Ihcy wiil stand qfuietly do nol livivc thein timvattjlted bul, a short timo at once, for i t s difllt!Ult iinagiiiinjr what position they may not gcL iuio. There i ! i r liítle or no uso breakïiifi tfiein to the uso of a bit nut il at loust oiic ye-ir old, nl nt tlic agfl of Mvo is a bel ter lime to commonco tlic operatïon ot' bitling and c'iockiug p. l'.y exersising a little patieiico and kindno-s. a coi t iwiyjnst as oasily bc bron'gfit up as a pet,, and, in one sense of the word, be brokn ere it in hii-hcil to ft vehiclc, as to be necc-isUated to Kall into reqnisitlsn the services oí a liors(-tunc'i'. Ofits fiLo uwlouhlodly tlin best and most natural feel for a eolt. Ii'you liavc only oom, thnn mix it wilhgood wheal bran, for an abmidance of phoplintc is neeclod lo forni a desirable boliy frninpwork, mul bran will suppiy thcm ia desii"ab)e proportion. Fecd and nrntei' rehilar. Óll horses, or colla tiivei; yeni's ol'I. uiay, aHil ot'tcu do well uponstraw with a little grain, bilt tlo Hot slint colts to a dict o(' Btraw; bilt by all mcans give tlm (,he best hay the farm affords, and i'ced it to lliem wilh a lUx-riil hautl. ïhoir smb'cs jliould never beallowod to becomo liltliy. Keep tlieir skin clenn by tlie use oí' í lie brush. Cai'efully guard against (liscaso. Do not ]:wi tlieni exposed to oold stoniis. G-ivG them all proper atteiitiön, and vou will trulr fintl it time well


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