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MEDICINAL. ñIrToITdÍbIüW. GIIAY'S SPECtFIC MEDICINE. i ïKThoGrofit Fn-TRADE ARK í-.üsh ttrtnedy, $ ! Jan unfiLilingiMire ' for Seminal AVfakncss, i perfSK S matorrhe,lmpofB &3F easfs that follow w Beíbre TaMngS. 55Í Ate T "nivcr.-il Lassítude, l'aiii in th Bact, Bïmness of .'i -i "ii. hrematu re Oíd Ajre, :n tnany otfeer ü I estliat leftd to Ins.iuity, Conaumptioii aud a Prerafiínre Gravo. ' ■uil 'jvtriioiiJiirN i:i vnr pmpl)!ets, which "we íesire to sim! ftee by mail to every on;:. The Speciflc Medioin if eoJd by al] DragRÍsfa nt il pet paekagfi, ur bíx pncges fnr !5, or viil '"■ lent by mal! on ricpitt ni' y a dressing THE UUÁY MEBICINE CO., No 10 Mechanica' Black, Detroit Mich. ír-Polri in Arm Arbor by all DruftgiBts, und by druir;;:f.tí evei y where mm 1L00D 1 LIÏER ÏÏ1P, . peèrless remedy for Berofnln, White lings, Caiteer, .Erysipelas, fiout, r;io Horos, Syfilis, Tujbois, Carbuneles, JSait Kheum, Salaria, Ifüiou Complainis, aurt all diseases indicatrtitf ar. Impnre Confliiion oT the l5!oo(J. T'iis ÍJriim! JRemeöy is a eomponnd of Togfetable extrae, the c-hief fif whleh are SAESAPAEILLA and STJLLINfüIA. Tlio cures eiiV Iiv SOOVILL'S ltl.001) AND LITER SVT'UP aro absolnte aa tlipir r!orl is UJiilisViv;irpl Ity iailuro. Fr sale by all ürtiggists. F M 0% "f" V S L t ;.' j ;: _, :; Ik Cre&t Cithafliü VegHibla Eegülals?, i Tliry rrofif} torpiütty of the JjIvct. They ffive tone to tm Stomaeh. Tfiép act f without tfripiiMjf upon the botrcfs. Th fff Ttrtnovr bilc frotn tltr bloot!. Tt ey j u rifff reg u lutef i i vhorate the Thep cure all biïi&uê complaints. WOM_jjYBjP instíintly deetrpya WDR3I3 and is recominendod byphyslciansas the bei t "WÖB3S. MEDICINE in usa. BAKERS PM PÁHACEA for JËJ&V and tSÜJlST. Tot Extcrnal and Internal Use. The groatest Pain Reliever of the Ags, For sale by n DrUKgists. JOIIX F. HKMKY, C1TRHAN & CO., SOI.E FBOFBIETOBS, 24 Colloso riace, Ticw York. EQE HALE BY L. S. LEBOH.


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