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To Nervous Suffer ers- The Great Europea KeiiuMly- -Ir. J. 1.. Siïnpuan's Sppcüie JHedicim:. It is a poaitive oare for PperroatdWheft, fieminal Weakuess, Ixnpotency, anrl all diseasea resulting froni Kelf-Abuse, as BPOBE. Mental Anxiely, aftf.h. I .■ ■■ n( ' ■mory, f ff : in rr "' ' "L.p -:■ ' ■ " Siiic. and di-f;iflcs Vj;._ ?W thüt lnd to (JL. . i Hon, naanity JBW !v;i,: ;in Parly ■ ruve. ';'j ' ■ ' The SpociHc V-oinf is inir ■ widi wrmderful anecs. Pitmphleta sent freeto all. Wiite for theiu arid ret f uil partáculars. Price, Speciüc, SI. 00 per package, or eis pnckages for $5.00. Address all cirti-rs to. J. B. SIMPb-'ON MEDICINE CO., ' Nos. 104 und 106 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y. For sale in Ann Arhfr by Kberbaeh & bon, anp hy all dril'.'gistbevn ywtirri'. ,-fr TIÏE GREAT CAUSE 55 Sumáis. Misery. fust pubïished, a Sealed Envelope. Pricc. six cenis. A liOcture on tlie Natnre, Treatment, a ml Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spe-iiiatorrhcea,ÍDdueed by Self-Abúse, fnvoltintary Emiasioos, Impotcncy, Nervous Dobility, and Impediraents to Marriáf(e Kenerallyj Cousiunpfcion, Epilfpsy,and Fits: Mental and Physical [ocapacity, Ac- Ey aOBEBT J. CTILVKRWELL, M.D(1 authorof th "Green fioofc," &c The world-renowned ftirthor, in tb ia admiroWe Lectnrtí, clearly provea írom bis own experience he avful oonsequencos of Self-Abuee may be 'llï'(.'in;(]ly removed without medicine ánd v.'ithout clnntferouB snrpieal operations, boupie, Dstruinentfl rings, ot eordiftls ; poinfcinff oui a mode of cure at oncecertain and effeetsual, by whiehevery sufferer, ik matter wliaí tiia eondition jnay be, may cure U ciieaply, privatelv, and r'.Hlicnlly. Thia Lecture will prove a boon to thouaanda and i housands. íáent, under seal,1n npiain onvelopp, to any adon i eoipt ot'six centSjOrtwo postagestanips. Address tho PnblÍBhers, TUE CÜLTEKWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., New Yoi-k ; Post Office Box, 4586. The Universal Xisxtïi. fl] $ one ;;;".;.""■""? .1 A.i.l Diploma, ÍC33 v ' - . T5 f ' linst the world. fcH - -3j sáf c.rfí,,r. E. J. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor, Mich. Forsnleat tlie Drug Store of L. S. Ijareh, Cook's Hotel block ; also by C.Eberbach&Son, South Main si re t ; umi aUo by the masufacturer, E. J. Knowlton, tïo 34 Norilt State Slreet, Anti Arbor, Michf. to wii-'in all correspon lei ceBh niUl be addretwBd. PAIPTS, O1LS, ETC. rpHli LARGEST AK BEST STOCK OF "Vsir:a.Isla.ei3, ALL KINDS OF Painters' Materials, &c. AMEEICAN AND FEENCH WI1TDQW GXk&SS All 2G and 28 East Washington Street, ANN AEBOE. The rush stil! continúes and crowds come i'ioui uil directions to Becurethe bargains that are offered ut Mael & Schmids and whtch have created au excitemoit unparalelled 11 the aimals of the dry goorts trade in this city. ' LEGAL NOTICES. JR-nI lor Salo. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COTTNTY af WaBliteriflv. bü. In the matter of Kstate o( tteorge Walker, deoeaaed. Kol ■ that in pu mían ce ot an order granted to the uirdèrsigned administmtor witl) tho Vil] annexeá of the estáte oí said dec ased, lij the Hon. Judgl o f i'robate for tbe County ol Washtenaw, :' the Bé ven ■ teenth dayof Sebruary, A. D. 1880, there wlll be sold at public vendue, lo the hlghest bidder, at the luí. reflidenee ol Etoger '. Walker, deceascd, in fche townsliij of Dexter, in the oounty f wasbtenaTi in said Btftt, on Tüehbay, the &ixth daï oï APRIL, A. I. 1880, at (en o'cloöü in the foionoon of thut day (auhji et to all cnrnmbrancea by mortgage or otherwise exiatin at tin; time of ddath of gaid deceaBed) the followiog desoribed real estáte, to wit : All the right, titie and interest of sfltd d in the 1'ollowÍDg describid real rstate, to wit : in and to the pouthwest quarter of the south6fttt quarter and the aorthwest quurter of the norlheast quarter of veotion fourteen (14), and the northeast quarter of the northvi of&eottoa twcnty-i bree u the townnhip of Dexter, Washcounty, Michigan, Dated, February 17, IHftfl. GEORGT3 C. PAGE, Ad nú nistra tor wïth the will annexed Ol SiÚ'l ('Stilte. JKstíite of Samuel YoiuigsSTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wadhtetiaw, fs. Notkse is ïu-reby primen, tiuit by an order of the Proba tr ('oiirt fox the eounty of Whshfe nftw, mnde m the lü'teontb day of i : Diouths froni thit date were allowed f ■ to presen I their ciaimsagfliiiftt tato of Siuiiuel Yonns. late of snid i ■ dtceaaed, nndthiit olí creditors of eaid ! ■■ iniTi to prese ni their claims to sftíd Probate Oonrt, at the Probate Otüce in the city ol' Ann Arbor, for cxatpination iitid Rllowance, on or belore ■ Bepteml'oruextjftnfl that puch d betore said OouTt, n Tuesday, tliH fifteenth aay of June, an-1 on Wednea lay, the Öftecnth d;iy f September next, ut teu o'clock in l!w' foienooii of orich of said days. Dutüd, Ann Arbnï-, Havch 15, A. T)., 180. WILLIAM 1. HAIiUTMAN, I2w4 Judtreof Probate. Kb t ate of CUr1stpher McGuinnes OTATE OF MICHIGAN, C0T7NTY )O of Washtenftw, as. Notice ís hereby gïven.that b anorder.of the Probate Cour) for the Connty of Wnshteuaw, n ■ ■ tentb day of Mareb., A. D. ïss'o, $x montha from thai date were állowed i'. ir c red i tors to preso nt theïr clfiima againct the es iher M Ouinness, late of said eounty, dt'CPasod, rtnl i hal all cr d requirel to prptwnt their claims to said I'. Cötirt, ai the Probate f1 City of Ann Arbor, for ' i "'1 aliowance, o befo re tb o tcntl day of ■ ■ et, and that ! ilras wMl he hriiyd t '■ ■ ■ ! nrt on ThurgiJay, tbp tentb day of -Tune, and on ' i ; li rtay oi Septnber next, at ten o'clock in tli e foren oon of e day. Dated, Ann Arbor. Mrch 10, A. P. 18P0. WILLTAM D. HARRIMAN", Hw4 of l'robate. justíito oí iviiiiam turan tiy. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COXJXTY oí Wasíiteu;uv, ss. Notice la bereby glven tbaí order of the Probate Court for theCounty of Washteuaw, made on the twenty-second day oi Maroh, A. 1. v-sn. gix montJiB trom tbal date were iillowed for creditors to present their cl; te ot WlHïam Öratidy, late ofaaidcoun■ aêed, and that al] er ditora pf - are reqnircd to present their claims tosaid Probate Court, at the ■ In the city of Xnn Arbor, for examioation and i ■ ' duy of Soptcmbor nert, and 1 1 al auch claim? ■ ill beheard beforesaid Gaart, on Tueday,the twenty-seeond day of June, and on Wednesday, tlie twenty-secontf day of Beptettbcr next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of enc.h of said daya. Dated, Aun Arbor, March 2e, A. TV 1Rfin. WILLIAM D.HAMRIMAX, f3w4 Judfre of Probute. CommJssioners Notice. STATE Oí? MICHIGAN, COTJNTY of Waahtenaw, bs. The uödenigned haring id bythu Probate (,'ourt tur said CotiamisRÍonera to reeeive, examine, and añjuat all claims nn-ï detaaitfli of all persona against the of i'':;i h Haiwood, late of aid eounty déiy lïivo notice that six raonths frnm dateare alowed,by order of said Probate í ourt, t'or erditors to present their claims agamst the esta te o f saiff deceased, and that they will meet at tlie oificc oí Xhomaa Ninde in tbe city of Ypeilapti. eoñnty, un Tut-stlny, the twenty -secoBd , -Tune, and onWednesoay, th1 twcuty-second dny of September next, at ten o'cloclc a. m., oí each of eaid daya, to leceive, exiimlne, aud adjust aaic claims Duted, MaTch 29, A. D. 1SSP. MOHTON F. CASE,) PETER ('OOK, } Commisbïoners 18w4 NATHAN "WK BB, ) lisíate of William W. Kiggs. 2.TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of 'Washtenp.w, 38. ï.otice is horcby giren ;hat by au order of the Probate Court l'or (he counv of Washtenaw, made on the ftftenth day o ííarcb. A. D. 188Ö, six montfaa í'rora that datewe illowed for creditors topíeeerit their clíiims nainst the ( -i;-to of William W.Riggs, lateof Baid ocmiity i], andthat al! creditors of vid deceasec .i: : ñ t: prespiit thir claims ío yaid Probate Probate Office in the city oí Aun Ar bor. for examination and allownnce, on or"before llm (iiteenlh day oí' September next, and that snel ïla'uns wiil beheard before said court, on Titee iay, the fiíteenth day f June, and on Wed . the Bfteenth day of September next, at ten in tbe forcnoon of each of s:nd days. Dated, Ann Arbor, March 15, A . D., 1880. WILLIAM í). UAUHI.MAN, 13W4 Judt'C of Trobatc. Comnússioiievs' Notice. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY ut Theundersignedhavingbeen appointed by the Prnlxite Oourt ior Baid Oounty, Commissioners to receive, examine and adjust aU claims and demanda of all persons against the . of Joshua Forbes, Inte of said oounty, deceascd, hereby 'ive uotice tliat six montbs from date au' allowed, b7 order of said Probate C'ourt, for creditors to present their claims agamat the estftte f said deeeased, and that tliey will meet at the late residence of thédeceased in the township of Saüne, in said county, on Wwliiesday, the sixtcenth day of June, and on Thursday, the iixteentb day of Heplembernext, at ton p'clock a,m., of each of said days, to receive, examiue and adjust Raid et.iims. Datad, IMMIW MYE0NWEBB, JAGOK6TURU, ] r.w) Coumüsaioners. Mortgage Salo. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE in thceonditionsof ft certain inortgage benrmg dato thelhstday of June, in the year of our Lord onc thuusand eight hundred and seventy-six, and executed by Chauncey H. Idillen and jaran M. MUlen of the city ofAnnArbor, oounty jf Washtenaw and state of Michigan, to Amanda Rice of the same place, and recorded in the oihce 3t the Register o; Deeds of Washtenaw county iforesaid on the tentu dar of .Time, A. D. 1870, ut y, o'clock p. . of said day, in Hbor 52 of tnortKages, on page 585. And the amount claimed to iietiue atlhe dato of this notice is tlürteen hunilred dollars, and no procecdings in law ot Bqmty having been iustituteil to recover the samo or any nart thereof: Notice is therelori' hereby s'"1"' that by virtue of the power of sale in said mort"i"e contained I sliall scll on Saturday, the Txvei hh uay ok, 1880,at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day to the highest bidder at the son li door of the Oonrt House in the city ot A.nn Ai "i, county of "Wasblenaw aforepaid, (that beinf; wherein tbc circuit conrt tor connbT is hühl,l all that certain piccii or parel of laml Bituate in the city o( Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, ant described as lollowa, to wit : Lot number ninfi (9 in bloek number seven (7) sonth of Huron street range number thirteen (13) east, aocordlng lo n n - cordedplatof C. H. MUlen'g puichaw oi the sout] eat part of the Land Company's addition to the city ol Ann Arbor as ree irded in the Begiatei's OfBoe of Washtenaw crani.y, Michigan. Dated, March 23, 1880. AMANDA RICE, Morigagce. John N. Gott, Attorney lor Moitgagee. SV.crifTs Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtennw, ss. Henry B. Knapp vb. The Michigan Air Line Rallroad Company. J!y virtue f uu alias writot executi issucil out of nndunei the si'iil of the Circuit Court fir tUo county of Tack'on to me direoted and delivered, I did on the twenty-sixth das oL February, A. Ir 1880. oize and ievy upon the following described property, to wit : The right, title and interest nfsaid Michigan Air Line B lilroad Cominy iu and to nll the right of way, embankmonts.excaTatlonii, barrow-ptt, iir.-iv, Bpoil-banks, briages, bridge titnbers, ou rerts and cattle gaards, ties, flapot groonds, onsements, privilege, rifchts and tranohiees Bitnated ind beinsi in the townsliip ot Lyndoi), Washtenav County, 'State of Michigan, whlch described propertylahall'.sell at public auction to the hignest bidder at the north door of the Court House in the sity of Aun Arbor, iu said county, ou the Twenï of Apeil, A D.lSSO.ut two u'clock in the afternoo of that day. """""""■"jLVIIB. CASE, Sheriff. Kleetion ïfotice. TO THE ELECTOKS OF THE COUNTY OF WASHTKXAW: Yoh are hereby noUfled that at the Klcclion to be held in this State on the first Jlonday of April next the follo'WiBg Amendment to the Coimtstnuon c.t this State ia to oe Bubmitted to the pcople oí the for tbeir aítopíion oí rejectffln, vizj An Amendment te Section 1, Aiticle 9. relalive to the Salary ol Governor, providedfor by Joint Resolution No. 98, laws of 1879. "" Al'" Al-b'ir-1j-,",-sVkll8'g.-CABE, Sheriff. Emtate of TVHllain Dillon. STATE OF MICHIGAN, GOUNTY of Walitenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Uunrt for tlie Comity of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city "f Ann Arbor, on Weduesday, tho tentli in? of March, in the year one thousand i ighl "! elgbty. Present. WiUiam 15. Hairi::!. .;, .1 udga of Probate. In the matter of tb itati of Wnllain Dillon, on reaaiar and filins the petition (Uily verifiod of Jnnett MiíagB, praying that admiinslrntion of tal ■ my be grantsd to John W. lUakuslee '■ o.ber suitablo person. Therewpon it is ordered, that Tnosday, the sixtli d.iy of April neit, ut ten o'clock in the fotenoo, be nssifmed for tho hearing of Ba: petiüor.,nr.d that tho'luirsiU law of said deceued, and aUotJier persons interested in said estáte, are reqnir '1 to appear at a session nf said court, then to be bolden at, the Probate Orhr.u in the city of Ann ArbQj, and show cause, if any there be, why the pravfr of the petitioner should pot be s;11'': Am' it i turther ordered that said petitioner give nntice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of aaid petition and the heariiiL' Mioreof, by cansina n copy of this order to be published in theAHM Abbor Abóos, a aewspaper pnnted and circulated in said couuty, three suceessive weeks previoua to said day of hearing. W1LLIAM D HAKEIMAN, fA trae copy.) Judïe of Probate. Wm. O. Doty, Probate Reirister, LEGAL NOTICES. Aten %gage Saíc. DEFAÜLT HAVINGjBEEN MAIH4 in tbe conditions oí i Ceríain raortgHge bcaríog fiate tbe twt.nty-ilrsL ci;iy oi' S&ptemltr, A. J. 1 - 6, made and exQitted by 1 Ín i and Mary hft wile oi' Northíield, in the coufity of Washtenaír lutl Stute of Michigan, to Sally Aun 1' ni y oí 8u., 'puhty uforeaid, md rccnrded in the ofliot} uf thé Register of hi.-urls of Washteimw county aforesald on tlie 2id day of Bepteiuber, A. 1). imvs, at $% o'cloek a. m. of suid duy, in líber i:í ol' murt:,r;i:,o un page 670, "wliú-h teila mortgaffe was üuly ■ i by Oeorge 8. Wheeler, administra tor oí . inúPray, dtceaeed, to Georg i loniu cnmiiy, Michigan, ou the 17tíi day oi .íitnunry, A. D. 18S1, and recorded ín ihe olíice tlie Jíegister of Deed of saM eonnty on the 5th day uf Februftry, A. I), 1880, at j o'clock a. h. of sttíd áa"y, in líber No. 6 of assigsmenta oí paga 136, and thut aaid Creoro fray, on the 13th útkf otSeptember, A. L. lí7(i, aüsigned one-thinl part of said niortyugel interest to Edgar :-. (eer, gunfdlan of Addie O. tiecr, formerly Addie Ú. Tock, which. suid iiH-siument waa i coitled in the oöice oí i lie KegrtUT of Dees oí lid couuty ot Wafthtenaw on the Kith d;iy of January, A. !). 1877, at 1 b'etoek in libei 5 of asiiguini nts oí' morteRges, pag4 327, and tlia ■ ■) iimi;i to bedaeiitthü dtitu oí" this DOtíctj ítiic snin oí fchlíteen 5imdred aad niuety-e:ht d iHats und hn BJgb-t cebts, aiid no psucoetlBiigií in v v' títícu inalituleu iu recover the sume or auy part thereol : Not ice is theretore hereby giv'■n, tht by ir:ut; uf tiic powt-r oí sale iu uid m írtgage cuntained we aimli uvlI oí. Öaxukday.thk hJGHÏH DAÏ DF M AY KKXT, (lt Ü oViuck iu the afti'iuüoii uí huid aay, lo tlit; ïiighest bidder ut the Bouth íioQt aoQr oí, tliti cuurt huutte iu tbe cily of ahí Arbor, county ol Wavhteuaw afon cuiu, iilmt bei ii gr the building wheftdn ihe circuit court tor U asmenaw cuuntyi held,) uil tlmt certain traci orparoelof land kuown'ucd itctói ibcd fotltrw to wit: The southwest (juurter oi the uorthwtst quurter oí section uumbui ten (lö) in towoshlp nrpher oue ( i snn' l of range uuaiber tix (6j cast in tie stute of BKicMgac; iiatedj i'ebruaij GISORGE PRAT and EDttAR S. G-EBE, Ap?ignee8 of tortgripoe JOBV S. Qott, Ati'y for Assifrncf-s of Monagee He:il Kstale for Sule. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT O of Washtenaw, ss. In tin; matter pf the I teof U. liurt V.'twkt'r and Klvin lï. Walker, mins. Nortee Aa hèrvby tfivèn, that in ptirMiance of er granted to the anderaiened guardián oí id minore by the Hon. Judfce oí Probate for the mnt y of Wnshtmtw, on the seveiiUx-nth day of ebru'ury, A. 1). 'Soft, thire will be Bold t publio ndue, to the l ifffiesi bidíter. at the late reetdefie ' Koger W. V tsed, in Üip townsliip of extei, in fcbe county of Washtenaw, iu sftid.State, I i Tri-. nY. ïi!R S:th day 0 April, A. D. 1880, ; ten o'clock, in th; ioienoon of that day (subject I o uil encumbran cea by mortgage or oti rwise I ting i! tlií1 1 me i f le rale ;nid also subject to the I right of Abbie T. Walker, widow of Roger W". Walker, deceased, therein,) the foilowing I scribed real estáte, lo tvit : Allth.ï riglit, titie and I at of said mmorsin the folloirfDg described j eal estáte, to wit : The noithwest qimrter of the I ortheast quarur. also tlif fre-t half of the I . ui r of section tourteen fl4j, also the I aarter of the norfchwwat (nurter of scetion I ■Ihree, all in town one aouih rrtne imniber four ea&t [T)exter), WaBhíínan: eófféty, Michigan. Dated, Kebruary 17. I8S0. BlE T. VALKK1Í, GuéfAian. Kstaíe of Mari et. t Y. Seamao, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXTY ot' Wnshtenaw, E3. At a ft's--ïcn of the I 1 -art 101 tfip county oí' Washtenaw, holden I t the I'tvtmtpoiticfi in ïheoityof AnnArbor, on I nili öay of Marrh, in the year I ■ tand '.-i'j.'d ininihvrl and e Qfc, VTiUiainD. li;irriuïnü. rT;d;reof. Probate. In thü moUeroi the estáte of Marntta V. I i;m, i] ceiwi d. ÜnreiuliníTítnd fiUner thepetition, düly verifled, f John M. Wheelér, praying that administratioo f said said estnte may be granted fco himself or öther suit;ib}e ]■ Thereupon it is ordered, that Tnesday, the ïxth day of April next, at ten o'clock in the oreooon, be (issitrned for the liearing of suid I ion, and that the heirs ;tt law oi said deeeased, nd all other persona interested in said estater re required to appear at a session of Baid ourt, then to be holden t the Probate office in -he city ai Anii Arbor, and show canse, if aisy hore be,v?tiy the prayer nf the petitioner ahould DOt be pranted : And it ia firrther ordered that gftid pi'titioncr ?ive notioe to the persons inteieetcd iu Raid estáte, oí the pencfeney of said petitioTi, flndthehöftrina thereof,by causingacopy of this order to be pubíished in the Anh Akeok Abgus, a nñwspnper printert ;ind oirculatcd in naid couuty, throesuccessive weeka previous to saiÈÏ day of hearing. WILUAM D. HARRIMAN, f A true copy.) ïudge of Probate. Wm.G. Doty, Probate Register. lístate of James Treadwcll. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O oí '.YuBhtenaw, ns. Ata session of the Probate Oourt for the (Joimty of Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate Otiice in the city of Alm Albor, on Satnrday, the tliirïef nth duy ot Marcli, ia theyear on thoueand ei?ht huudred and eiih'y. Freaest, William 1. Harriman, Juds-e of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Jumes Treadwell, deeeased. Densmore Cramer executor of tlie last wilt aüd testament of said deceased, oomis intocourtand represents tiiat he ienow pTepured to rendtrbiö ürüil account aa smh executor. Thereupón It is ordered, that Wednesday, tï fourttenth day of April next, at ten o'cloik in the forenoon, bEasslgned lor examiningand allowing such account, ana that thu devise, legata, and lit-irs at m of said deaeased, aud all otber persons i nterested in .-aiil estáte, are requitvd to appear al :i Mssion "f said ('uurt, then to be holden al the Probate Office in the city of Ann Artmr in iald oounly, and ahojr cause if any there be, whj i !]:■ aaid account stumid not be allowed : And it i l! iinr ordered that said exoeutor give notice to the persona ïaterested in said esiato, of the pen i of said account and the hearing rausins a copy of tliis errdertob published in tni Ann Arbor Argus, a Bewspaper prioted and circnlatingin saidconnty, threeauccesaive weeks previous to BaM day of hear ' WILLIAMD. 1IARKIMAN, (A truc copy.) Judgc of Probate. Wm. Of. DotV, Probate Register. JCstate of lilla F. Harivood. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY oí Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washlenaw, holden at the Probate Otüce in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the ei'hth day of Maren, in the year ore thóusand eiir'ht hunrtredand eiglity. Present, Willioin D.Harrimau, Judge of Probate. In the matter ol the estáte of Kila F. Harwuod, On rending and filing the petition.dulyTerifled, of Víctor H. Lane, one ol' the attorneys of Nathan A. Eaaon, praving that the court adjudícate and de! i mine wiio are, or wet the legal heirs of sakl Jeoeaaed peraon. Thereupon it is orilered, that "Wcdnesaay, the seventh day of April next, at ten o'elook in the forenoon, be aasigned tor the hearing of pald petition.and that the heirs Kt law ot said dcceased, and all other persons interesled In said estáte, arp reiiuired to appear at a sessiun of said court then to be holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any tbere be, why the I prayer of the petitioner sbould not be granted : And it ia fnrther orderedthat said petitiouer give I noties to the persons interested in said estáte,! ot the pendency of said petition and the I iitLi iliereof, by eausing a copy of thls order to be I piiblished in the Ann Abbob Aegds, a newepaper I printedand circulated in said county, thrce I sive weeks previous to Raid day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARK1MAK, ( A true copy.) Judge of Probate. I Wm. (i. Doty. Probate Register. Eslate of AVilliam McCoimick. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COITNTY of Wanhtenftw, 88. At n session of the Probate Court tor the County of Washtenaw, liolden at the Probate Office In the city of Aun Arbor, oa Thursday, the eleventh day of Marth,.in the year one thousand eigbt hundred and eiglity. Present, WilliamL). Iluminan, Juriseof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of William McCormicte, deceased. , On readingand filing the petition, anly verined, of Norman i!. Covert, adminJetrator de bonis non withthewlll onexwi, naying thnt lie may le I to scll the roa! estáte -whereof said deceased ilied seized. Thereupon ít is ordered, thnt Sníurday, tas ihiid day of April next, at ten o'cloek in the í'orenoon, be nsmned for the henrlng of said petition, and that the devíseos, leíratecs, aud heirs at lfiw ot saiil deceased, nná all otheï persone interosted in s.'iiil estáte, ure requireti ti npjwar nt a session of snid Conrt , theii to be holden at the Probate Otiice in the eity of Ann Arbor, and shoiv euse, if anythere be, why the rrayer of the petitioncr should n)t be grañted: And it is further ordered raid pelitioner gn-e notice to the persons interested in asid estnte, of the piwlenry of sald petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing ft opy of this order to bepubliahed in the Aíjn Abiior Arqtts, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three sucecssive weeks previons to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, IA true copy.) Judfre of Probate. "Wst. G. Doty , Probate Register. Real Kstatc far Sale. 3TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter uf the estáte f Itebckah Wlker, deecnstd. Kotice is hereby :ven, tbat in jmrsuanee of an order grnnted to the I inderaigDed executor of tbe estáte of said deeeased, I jytfceHon. Judge of Probate lor the county of I A asliteaaiT, on the seyenteenti. iay of February, I 1) IS80, thero will he sold at puhlic vendue, tol ;hehighettiidder,at the Inte n-sidence of lioger I W. Walker, deceased, in the towr.ship of Pexter,! a tl ounty of Wnshtenmr, in said State, on I ruEBDAY, THE SlXTB DAY OF APRII, Á. I). 1880, at I en o'olock in the forenbon of tliat day (subject tol til eocnmbrairees by mortgage oi otherwise ejiat-l ng at the time of. the tleath of said deceased) thel 'ollowing (Inscribe:! real estáte, to wit : The 1 vest quartei of the .-outheast quarler of section I ourteen, and a one-hiilf interest in the sowthwest I martel of the southoast quarler of said section I ourteen, and the nortluvest quarter of the north-l iaat quarter of said seetinn fourteer. Alsonhalfl Dterest in the northeast .imrter of the northwesl I r of seotion twenty-thiee. AU in the 1 .liiji of Drxter. Wasbti liiiw county, Miehigan. Jitued, FebruftPT 1", 1880. ' GBOHGfl O. PAOE, Exccutor of the last will and testament I of eaid deceased . ComniNsiom-rs' ïiotice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Wahtpnnw, ss. The undersigned baving been appolntedbyl the Probate Court for said county, comrnlssioners'l ÍT6, examine and ail.iust all claims and I manda of al] persona agatnst the estafe of John roe late of ld coánty, deceased, hereby give ' notice thatsix nionths frpm date are allowed, bfl said Probate Courtr, for credltora to prci n their clatmsgain8t th Mtate of sald decea ied, aud thftt t y nul meet at the late residence of said de-B ceased in" the township ol' York in said eounty. on Fridsyi the eighteentn day of .Tune, and ou Saturday the eigbteenth day of September next, at ten o'ciock a. m. of cacli of said daya, to reccivo, ■ [neand adiust said olaJms. D.tedchl8,1880. yHACK PETEB ROOERB, U 1W4 Comiiiisöioners. I


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