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A toy maker of Moiitrose, Va.., uses GOO,(H)0 fcec of tmss wood erery yr. i Ujwnrd of 1,442 jfersorus m tito Brit! Miempii-c ciftf bereilHíM-y tities. .Wosenl lot ar U. Eurie 1,000,000 Tlte kiogdom oí Sínm ís to be ronnebtoï 'JJ1 the telegrayhio gystcin of the wen-la. 8oren maciiince in Pittsbursr, Pcnn., protluoed last yearover 1,063,34o kogs of nsúls. Steam oav horse railroftds in Üiis coantPy reijuire 100,000 meu to laLxr on Ödii.lay. There are made yenrly in Reidin mul Beikg caunties."ra., oTer 6',O0O,0OÜ woCan liats. Arizona ÍISH prodaced a qnalltf of coüon equal toCíí gea Mand cotton (rom secd bronglit frool Cliina. Tlic fffteen cavmarulfaturinir Mtablialiinentí ; tJjia couiíti-y umied out ;J7,oö0ear3 in eleven móiiths. EngUsh and Scotch farmers and capitalista aie making large purchosoa ot' landiu Kimieaola. Tlie packages of toinatoc3 put np last year in the United Otates roacbeu the total of 19,9(i8,0OO, of wliicli New Jersey put up 5,69,000 cans. It is estimated that 50,OITO mon and tornen are einployed in Philailelphia iii the iiiunufac ture of clotliiiy, making 20,000 auits a year. Over 1,500 persons are cmployetl in chair inaking in Garduer, Mass., turning out over $2,000,000 worlh animal íy. No class of offenders in England defy tlio law like tne clergy. TÍie coarta fulminato against JVlackouochie, tlio ritualist. but lie simply ignores thoin. The grape islands of Lake Erie have 4.000 acres of rinea, and the yield in 187'J was 16,000,000 pounds. The wine production was l,ó!J,400 gallons. Illinois farm prodnets áinountcd to $200,000.000 last year, whioh is doublé the product of all Uie gold and sil ver mines in tiie United States. The difference bet ween the neglected wonian in socieiy and a twelveinch pariidon ia, that one is a wallparty, and the utkor a wal l. Manufacttu-ingclothing in Chicago gives eiuploynient to 3,000 peoplu, and tlio vaUie ot the goods made is $15,000,000. Tuis industry lias doubled in tour yeuis. Chicago pftcked last yenr 5,100.000 hogs, beiüg an incroaae of icn per cent over lbTS, and tevi'n.y-live per cent over 1877. Over 10,000 men wcro employed. The Bey of Tunis has given that city a raiiroad and waterworka, but caiinot vet allbrd gas. 'i'ne towu is, unvever, very safe and orderly at night. A Frencli paper says that 110 true counl or lord is ever l'oiind playing a hand-organ on the strceis of America. This will be a sad disappointment lo American giria in soarch oí a titled husband. Less than fifty years ago one man could make over 11 pins a minute; liovv he can make more than 1,400. Then one girl could stick on papers about 10,000 pins a day ; dow a fair day's woi-k is from 800,000 to 1,000,000. lïouses tnmble down here sometimea before they aro 1,000 hotirs oid, whioh ia wholly inexcusable, bu a house whieh lately tumbletl down at lielper, Eugland, tuul at least the name of being 1,000 yeai-s old. It was occupied up tb last irwntli, and four liundred years ago wan the only inn in Bel per. It was one storied, with a tlfaiched ïoof. At Kolomna, Ruaslft, they have nt ociebi-ated the completion, in the machine shops of that place, of their fire-hunlredWi locomotire nnd thousnndth railroad car. The ürst engfoe wag"built there in 1868, and is still in active use. The Gorman tm veler, Dr. Xaurmnn, has informed the Berlin Gteographical Society that the Japanese Minister ot' PubliOjWorks lias requested liim to carry out a geological and astronómica] snrvey of Japan, and to examine the soil for copper and coal. For the first time since the FranooPrussian war a Gorman nuwspapcr liai boen atarted in Paris. It is called the Deutsche Zeiiung fur Paris, issued daily. [t is worth adding that tliere are in the capital of France 110 fower than 50,000 Gcrmans. Creek Torn and a boy, half-breeds, at Mili Creok, ludían Territory wera in league with the devil, and were by him empowcred to work mischief. - Such at lefist was the belief of the Indians in the ncighborhood, and it was deemed expedient to kill thein, which was done by a mob at nigh t. Thero was morebiisinessdone in the commercial and iinancial circlca of thia country daring November, 187i), than during any inonth before in the history of this country. Tne bank transaclions of sevcral cities for the month toot up theenormou8 aggregate of f4,360,255,533. Cnratcs seem to be mnch better paid in England now than formerly. The adveriiseinciits for tlicm in no cac offer thein loss than 500, and the most from Süoo to $850, wbflreM $500 used to be the máximum. Tne fact is ttaat tliere is a dearLb of educated, eligible men. An Italian has invented a movible tower, called the "Morett i Elevator," wliioli he claims will be invaluable in roscuing pooplc from burning buiklings. It oau also be employed as an observatory to watch tlie ïnovemeins of au enemy in time of vir. aa a scaffoldiug for workmen, and for any similar purpose. Aftel' being a lañe for six hundió I years, Drury Lrvne, London, becum:a a street. ltdcrivod its tiilefrom the residenoQ of a once distinga islioU f iinily, long since extinot or sunk into obscuriiy, Drury ILou-e. In a few nionths tlie localiiy will scaroely bc, such are tho changea beiug mftile. The favorito amnsomentofall Spaniards, bull-flgbting, isthreatened with suppression. Thu Society forlhePrevention of Oruelty to Animáis, establilied in the capital of the Austrian empire, has add recaed circulan to kinili-cl imtibltioiK throiig'.iout Uu: world raqueting their cj-operatiou in putting ilown this barb&roud sport. An orphaned heiresa at Soarsport, M'., had n scapegraoe fora lover and two vvatebful un:lcs for giLirdians. I Blie des'. red to marry, but tbe nncles would not give consent, a ml she wou Id lose her furttHte by dhreg&td ing tbeii). A message ariivcd by teiograph Iroso JLiohHoii for the lover oie dav, MktjM ttMtt he liad trillen lie ir to greut weíftli. Tbe iiews soon reached tlie une íes, aixl tlwy dki iiot lenrn until the wedding liad taken place, with tlieir couaont, mat tlic youiig folks had deceivod thein with a t'alsc report. A eö-operafiTTs boot and shoe fuctoty gcheine is reponed m oh íoot at Milt'ord, Mass.. ín wliich vorkncn will liare proütóand hossea with thow: wlio fuiiiimí tlie capital, accordioa to a regulited sehediilc. Tlie uapitalist will select a ntaiiager, who wllicugag the workmen, buy the iieceasHry stock, Btipcrintaiid manufacture, and ol i the goods, eitlier tbrougli ihroiígii ealosinoii. IVorkmen Lo - ■- coive t'our-lifths ot' tlieii' i oñly, as wages, tho other fiftb to uo roservoil as a l'und to usuro tiie e upitalists itrúnst lo--. Froin iHtiYonii3 experimenta m :.o ín ilic great hospital nt Pospíi, irn itappcai-a tliat ico is a most ett'eci remectv tgniiiot small-pox. (_)n. the pnticnts, in a fit of delirium csCaped to the g-.inlen. wbere iho unow lat ro.fcct deep. Thcre he remnined the wlioíc nijht. with no corertng but li is shirt. Ou th lollowiní raorning t!ic fovoi' liad Bubsidod aml thc pujlules liad di'icd. Tliis stranyecirciim-stance attractcd the physicians' atiention, and. aftor consul tr lian, tlmy 8ctermined to keep the tem perst ure of 8mall-po)C v:uls vcry low, 'tn l wpply snnll qu.intities ot' iers lo the pntiont. The resatt snrpasaed tlioir expectntioni, and at the eiwl of a wook all tho patieuta had rocoverod. ïiie woolen frado in Franre Ins been making vti]ñd progresa. In 1851 there were only 8.50.0UÓ woo'.eii siindles in thnt country, bnt now they number 2,270.000, 'tlms tüstributed amonir the departmentf) : Nora lm 1,350,000; Manie, 160.000; Sommo, 125,000; ArdeniMW, 120,000; Aisne, 140,000; ot.hci-s, 375,000. The valuo ot' the wooleu ynrns exported iiinoimtcd to 82,000,000 i'mncs; ot" nmimfaotm-cd goods, to 464,200,000 francs; of combed wool, to 30,900,000 francs; of woolüii wasto, lo 3ti,700,000 IVaiir-; making a grand total of 664,000,000 francs. Aboiit 147,632,000 francs wore paid tbr nragesniinually.


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