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A yoniiíí clergyman woh a bont ra;e ai L'iko George by practico and not by preacking. A salo by anction of a tract of land fifty-one by thirty-eight miles ii aren, in Kansaa, ia to bo nado to sutisfy a mortgage of $0,000,000. The judges of tlio Iowa Supremo Court ni-e aoctised of charging mileage whilo tlioy rido on the railroads as doadhoads. ïho best lip salve is a kiss. Tliis rcmedy should bc used with t!ie greatest caation, as it is vei-y apt to bring on un aflbetion of thc licai-L Genius finds its own road and carnos itSOWll laiiq,.- [ICvansvil.'o JolH1nal. Been wstching us, have yoní - [Kentucky New Era. As a rulo, men do not lay their hearts at the foct of wonicn uutil thoy are sure the hingos will not be stepped on. The amateur bee keeper, who gots stung, therenf'ter prefers to manipúlate his liivo through the intervoiition of a lenj. A Texas chap shot live men and no attention was paid to it, but one day he stolo a mulo, and in lesa than an !io-ir thc infuriated citizons hanged him. Thc weather, accorcling totlie reeolloctions of the oldest inhabitants, ír aboutof the same character as that which preceded the Delugo iu Patriarch Noah's time. The physicians no'.v contend that to walk or sloep wlien the stomach is empty nakes an injuriqus draught.on thc constitutioii and by-laws of a fellow. It is strange, but truo, that nv onc temh of the candida tes are up lor the i'ie.sidoncy that usually ruu for tlie olliccof Tovvn Supervisor. The smaller tho bait thc more tísh go for it. The chief secret in comfort lies in not suü'ering trillos to vex one, and in prudontly cultiva tiug an undergrowth of sinull ploasuros, since very í'ow great ones are lot on long loases. Miss Clinch knocked the Eev. Mr. Broadway oll'Ms kiiees with a club in a prayer meeting ut Breutford, Ontario, tiha had bocome insano, and thouglit lic liad brolícn a promise to marry her. Tho cornpetilion fchat was held lately in I'aris tor an allegorical bust, ot' tlic republic producodsuch unsaiisfaj;tory resul Is tliat 110 prizo wasawardeil. The municipal council will probably open a i'resh oomputition. The man who is b ringing up a ílimily on au ineomc of $6u week will be happy to learn IVom the foshioi) predicnoa ''that the Öpring and üummer fa8hiou( iu cieyance wiil surpau anytUiug ever seeu in America." Joseph Bailey oí' Landcaster, WÍ9., odviaed his son to break his engagement with Jcnnio Farrel, and niarry her prettier .sislor. Jennie re.sentiully set flro to the old ïiuu's barn, and has gone to State prisuii, while lier sister lias become youiig Dailey's wii'e. Newspaper estimates on crops do no t take into consideration the daniage done by an old man in chasing his sous aoross ten acres of growiag wheat with a t'ence ruil, beeause they happeiied to reniark tliat it was n. good day tbr lishing. -.


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