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ï: tato of ftruatna Whalej. JTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY oï Washtt-naw, sd ai ;i sesstoi) oí" the Proate Court for tlte Cou nty o!' Wai-btni uw, houten al heProbute Of&ce n ttie city f Aun Arboï, on Iny, thosfventh day ot Apii), in the yi'ar ue UiüUHivinl eight huudredand eighty. mt.Williaiu I). Harrlmau, Jude ofProbate. In tlio muller oí' the eatute of Ertistua Whal y, i ,.- ■■■ ■■■ W. TurnBull, the admlnistr&tOT do bonis louof s:iil est at,, comes Into com t fttid representa h i non pre pared i reader hu linal acotoit :is nut-h ndmitiidtfatoi de. bonia Tin. Tlierenpon it is ordered, tbat Baturday, the jrsi day "f May aext, ;;t ton o'clocM1 in the ttssined for exnmininp; and allowintï ueh coconut, an-1 that the heirs at luw ut aid d('cc;ifted, mul nl! otïicr persoim ntereatt d in ;tid ectule, ure required (o ftppear at v. sision oi ;iid court, tlien 1o bo holden at the Probate tfttce, in the city of Ann sald eounty, nnd sliow cause, it any there be, why ihe sjnd DceotiBt sliuuld not bc nilfiwed. And it 1tui'ther ordt-ied, that Baid adinmistrator ivc notice td the pe:son? interexted in said ratnte.ol üie peoden&y ot' mid account t itnd the lieavinp thoieut byeausinga oopy oi thu order to be publ:hed in the Ann Arbob Aiíguh, b newnpapeT printt'd and ciiculatiny; in stiid ounty, tlut-e succufcsivt; weeks previous to ittid day of lieaiing. WILLIAM D. HAKH1MAN, (A trnc copy.) Judb'e oi Probate. Wm. (i. Doty, Probate Re 'isn-r. Kittate f James Agln. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O ui' Waahtettafl ss. At :t scssi.m of the Probate ( niM-i for the Conaty of Waehteaaw, holden at the 'rol ia te tüce in thecily oi Aun Arbor, un Wedtu-bday, llie attventh day ot' April, in the year on" thousanri eïght hvmdred ftnd etghty. Prosent, WilHaui D. Efarriumn, Judioof Probate. In the uiattterof the oilutc oí" James Agin, dc■ Jüfeo Devine exeeutor of the last T-ill and Ic.-i'ü inent of Bttid deceasöd, pomos into couri and rei -fiits that be u u iw piepared to rentier liia itnnunl account hs snob executor. Thereupon it is orderctí, that Vediioday, the ("wenty-etj(hüi day of April uext, at u-u o'clócb in the forouooir, be assigoed lor examíning and allowing dueh account, and that the derlsees, lepateea and lieirs at law oí" Bttíd detcistd, und allotfaer pers(ns interested in said eatato, are required t appearat a sessiun of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Oflice in the city of Ann Arbor in suid eounty, and show causo, ff any there be, wby the said account snuuld no be allowcd. And ii is furtlicr ordt'ied that sai 1 executnr give notiep to ihe persona intereuted in said estáte ot the pendency of said account au I fcfit) hearíos thereof, by eauaing a eopv of thi-. order to buublished in the Ann Auiioh Autii;s,a n 'Wspoper 7M Fnted and clrcnlating in ad eounty. Iavo huccessive ivccks previous to said day ofhea r WÍLLIAM D. HAKRIMAN, (Atrue copy.) Judgeof Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Prob -v lístate f Edward iiaidiner. OATP: OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY ►O of Washtenaw, ss Ai a teusion oí the Probate Ootirt for the Couuty of Washtenaw, lïolden ui tho l'rnliüi ' Hiico in the city of Ann Arbor, 011 Fridny, theseooad day of April iu the yenr one tbounud eight hundid aud etghty. " ".iiin. ). II arriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of tho estáte of Edwaid Gardincr, deceased. .LiizaOtth C. Gardi ler, tlie adminihtratrix of said 061 o .e: coinés i ulo eo 1 it and re hts1 nis that she is now prepared to ren.ler her final uecount as such ndininiiitrntïix. There upo n itisordered. rlal Saturday. the ;y-(ourtlwdav of April instant, at ten o'clock in the 'orenoon, be assigned for examiniBS umi allo ving siicli account, and that tlit heirs il law of sa id deeeased, and all other persons interested in said esMe, are raquired to apprar at a session of Bald court, then to be holden at the Probate Oftice in ;he city Of Aun Arbor, in said county, and show cause if any there bf wby the said account should not lic allowfd : And it is furtberordered, :liat said administratiix giye notice to the persons interested in saiii estáte, of the pendency of said account and the hearing tlirreof, by eflusing a copy ol' this order to be publtah ;d in the Akn Aiüiou A ti ñus, a oewepaper printdd and circulating in said county, two successive weeka previous to said day of hcariug. WILLIAM D.I1ARRIMAN, CA true copy.) Judge ■■ Probate. Wm.íi.Doíy'. rroiiHtp RpfiisíPr. Katate of ii'.luard Paoey. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY IO of Waahtena-w, ss. Al a sesaion of the Pr Bourt for the County of Wabhteuaw, I.oííIli: Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on 'J lui rsday, the first day of April, in the year one thousand eifcht liuudred and eigbty. Present, William I. Ilarriman, Judpe of Prohate. In the matter of the estáte of Edward Pacey, deceased. George C. Fatje, executor of the last will and testament of said deceased, comea into court and repcesentti that he is now preparcd to render Iris flnal account as such executor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Paturday, the lirst day of May next, at ten o'elock in the foreuoou,be assigced Ur examlniog and allowiDg such account, and that the devisoes, legatees and heirs at law of said deceas(d,and all otaer persons interestcd in saiü estate,are requireÖ toappear al a seusioD of said court, tben to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show canse, if any there be, wh'y the said acoountahould not be allowed : And it is fuTther or-, deredthai :iid executor gïve notiee to 1he persons tntereatcd Ín said estáte, of tlie pcudency ofsaíá account and the hearing thereof, by causing a eopy ot tïiis order tobe publíshed in tlie Ann Abbob AnotTS, a newspaper printed and eirculating in said county, thrcesuccessive weeks previous to said dav of hearing. [A true copy] WILLIAM D. H ARRIMAN, Jndge ot Probate. Wh. ft. Doty, Probate Register. MwUrtw tïi &wtv&t -. Gwlönwr; STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of WiisbtCiiaw, BB At a session of the Probiit Court for the County cf Washtenaw, holden at th Probate Office, in the city of Arm Arbor. on Friday the seconil day of April, ia the year one thousand vUtht handred and uight. Piesent, William D. II uriman, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte oi Jacob C. Gwinner deceased . Onreadingand filing the petition, duly vennea ot Caroline Uwinnor, praying tbat she or some othersuitable pcion may be appüinted aüniinis Lratrix of ihe estáte of safd deceasfd. Theieupon it is ordered, thut ' fornlay, the ibird day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be nssigned for the hearing of Baid petition.aüd that the hLÍTB öt law of said drceaaed, and allother iuterested in saïd estáte, are reomred to uppi'iir ut usctipion of sjiid court, then to be rolden at khe Probate Oöioe :n the city oi Ann Atbot, and ihow cause, il nny there be, why the pi ayer of the petitioner sbould not begranted : And it ís fuithcr ordered tbat isaid petitioner giv notice to the persons in terested m suid estáte ot thd pendency of said petition and the hearinf? thereut by causmgft copy of tliis order to bepublished ít the ANN Abbob AeÖüb, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three successive week previousto said day of hearing. WILLIAM 1). HAKKIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge oi Probute. Wm, G. Dott, Probate Eegister. Keal E tate lor Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wfuthtenaw, bS. Jn tne matter of the Estfcte ot William MeCormiek, deceaseJ. Notice is hereby gtven that ín purroance of an order granted to the undersir;ne-J admlniatrator de bonis hoü with the wlll annexed of the estáte of aaid William MoCormiei;, by the Ho, Jodge of Vrobate for the County of Washtenaw, on the third ?lay of April, A. D. 1880, there wil! bc &nld at public vendue, to the hitrhest bidder, at the south door of tlie Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the couiity of Washtcnaw, ia said state, on Satuuday, the Twenty-Seoosd day of May, A. D. 1880, at ten o'clock in theiorennon of that day (subject to all encumbran ces by inortgage or otherwibe exiating at the time of the d, ath of said deceased) the folio wln descrlbed real estáte, tb wit: The equal nndiyided halt' of a parcel of land corarueuein in the cent ir oi' the roaii leadiog f rom Ann Arbor to Jucksoü at a point twenty-nïoe (29) rods vest of where said roaa crosses the ëas! line of section thirty (SO) in towiisbip two (2; south of rnnge six (6) eaat, theuce nortli six depreca case fiftecn (15) roda r.nd twenty 20) lints tlience cast ono and one h;lf ( l rods, thence sou Ui six (6) degrees west to e&iA roact, thence.7est to the place of bezinning for the purpose of a common alley to tne partles and tUeir helrsand assigns. Also the whole of a piece of land cominencing at the nortliwest corner of said aliey above descrlbed and runoinp thepce south eihiy (30) dercesand Ihirty (30') minutes west twenty-two ('22) roda, thence aorta six two and a half (62) dogrees wt to the '.vest line of the ea-st half of the nortUeast quartei cl' said section thiriy (30), theuce iiorlh on said line to the north line of said section, thence cast on the north line of said section flfty-four rod, thence south three (3U) degrees cast parallel to 1 he east lies of said 4ection toa point ut the nortbeaat corner of said alley thence T.vest one and one half (lj) rods to the of beginning, in Ihe townahip of Ann Arbor, enaw county, Michigan. April 3,1 . MORMAN B. COVERT, Adwinistrator de bonis non with the wöl annexed. pARM FOR SALE OP 16O .A-CZRIES, Or -will divide it if parties wish in 80 aere lots. The above farm is in Rood state of cultivation, gooi house, two barns, nice jjranary, t-.vo orchards, and tliirty nciescf wil aton the ground. For furMiei tation inqulre of the subseri!er os the farm, half a ruUenortli of the town haUinSharon.'WBsli,,;::, ,,. h. Notbeing ablü ij ,oik, the farm can be bough at a bartrn]n. 4-lSt IIARVKY BLACKMAK. 'I hu Michigan Central Railload, "itli lUoonnecUona at Chteago, Uords the most direct and d iiaUe route of travel from Michigan to all pointB in Ênnsas, Nebraskaf, Texae, Minnesota, Dakota, Manitoba, elc. hfichlfran Central train i make sure and close connoctiona at Chicago with tbioufph express traisa on al] Western lines. Ratos will ulwavs bc as low as the lowest. Parties BOing West tl'is iprlng will flnd it totheir interest tocorresrnnd witli Henry C. Wentworth, General Paasi nger and Ticket Asent oí tlie Line, at Chicago, v ho will clieerfully inipnrt any inforniation rchitlve to routes, timo of trams, mans aud lowest rates. Do not purchase your tickets nor contract your freight until you have heaxd Lrom the Michigan Central.


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Ann Arbor Argus