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MANHUUD: II o w Lost, How Restored. ,. Just publ'slied, ■ new edition of lr. ifV" Culverwefl's CeinlM-atert Essay on ó&r the radical cure (without medicine) oí Saltea Bpeematoerhchia or Seminal AVeakness InToluDtary Seminal Losses. Impotbhoy, Ment:il and Physical Incapacity, lm) eJimonts to Marriage etc; :ilso, Consumption, Fpti.epsy and Fits, induccd by self-iudulgence or sexual extravoeleb'rated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly tlemonatrates, from a thirty years' successful pracUoe. Iliat ilipnlavining consequences oí Belfabuse may be radically cured "without the dangeroususe uf interna! medicine or the njiplieation of the knife; pointins out a modo of cure it once Bimple, certain ar.d offeeturil. by means )f wnich niattei whl bi eondraoa may be may cura fümself cheaply, priTatelTi "ad T' ■: LecturÈ should le In the lmnds of every .1 every man in th ' Bent, under seal, ia a plain iv.vlope, to any sddreis, pqsUpaid, on receipt ofslï oenla ortwopoatage stamps. Address the Pnblishers, THE CÜLVEUWELL MEDICAL CO., 41Ann St., New York ; Post Office Box, -- ■ -mil JiniMk NOT FA IL to sonrt fWHWWL MFilJCkj for our I'rice List Tor - í V i i lftSO, P&kb to fcny 3 ailíiress upon ívpSS !■ JB MW pHcatjon. Contaitis '-V.- ip 's. - (ifííi.'rlíi'H!S ui t'vcrySm jSa tiiinir roiinired for personal ov fuinily use. with over 1.200 Illnstraiiuns. W eeil all goods at Wholesale prices in quantities to stut tliepurehaser. Thff only insiitutir.n iu America wlio mnke chis thetr special business. Address, HONTOOMEBT WARU & CO., Jl7 & 2"ál Wabasli Ave-, CUicago, 111. Èggs! Eggs! Eggs! Tlli: rijYMOüTH BOCKI, one of the bcst'breeas of poultry, is on salo j WM. BUSII Sujrerior, T. O. addross Ann Arbor. Prlce S1.! per dozen, 6rï3 for two dozen. Thls is the Corbin, Nfwinfrton.Conn., breed, nnong the best for egga and table. MR. BUSH boa on siile. price 75 cents, the bonk of 100 pages on I'iymouth Rocks, containing full dlrections for maling, breedlng, oare and managoment of this variety ot fowla. It is nu admirable work for amateurs. No one con afford to be withoacit. J J"" LUW 3 -T_5.Si i-Jr ABSOLCTEIY CURES ConsumplioD, Asthma Bron chitis, and all discascs of liic Vliroatjliungsand. CliesU '■ '■.:■ . ... '- TllBÖEYLÜI&PAD Has performed many wonderful Cures. If yoo suifer fiom A.STHMA, CATAREH, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, Or any Lung Inflrmities, send for teatimonials and ourtreatise, "Take Care of Yourself." 1)R. ONLÏ'S LUNG PAD Is sold by all Druggists, or sent on receipt of price 83.00. Adunas THE ONLY LUNG PAD CO. At Wholesale by Farrand, Williams & Co, T. II. Ui nebman & Soos, and Swift Sc Dodde, Detroit.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus