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Grades As Milkers

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A recent wriler .siiy'j.'osts tn'o vory mporlfint, quostiona, illo ('acls n relai;;n lo which, :iml tlie principios oon rolling thecaso, sltoiüd be wol 1 undortootl by all dnirynicn and broeders ' lairy stock. Hia query is; Doheifers rom nativo OT8crub molhers, by bulls it' thoroughbml milking' stock, ni.ake jctter miluors thiin their diins: and, [' si), why? Wliy take t lio quuKties of tho stock fi-oiii the aire rather tlian he dam? It is an indisputable fnct that mfiny lative cows are superior mil kers and )uttei'-makers, aml this quality is ransmitted t.o their dautrhmrs, in sume cases until a, íainily exisU of loa. oelebiily. This characterisiic, íowever, has poiieraUj' boen lont in inte or Cour geuewiionii for want of .are in keepiug ui flic iufiilr liiic, or y (tío yesrly infusión oí' blood of base or iinkiiown qualiiy. It r quilo posible that veuyirkíiblc tuilkiiiff qulU io; i 11 :m ín lividuitl naiivc cow miglit perpetua tod to remoto descendant?, and oven iiic.i-cíuei! bycai'cful selection ' si re, and in-nnd-iii breciiiitg. But liat is the inetliod by whimí thorouglibrods :iro produced, and requirea kill aml inlc! üuoiice Of a high order, and ycars of observation and labor. Withiigood ii'tie cow as tiie baeil of stock, iiiucli mixiciy and time tay ie savcd, by au iniinediate infusión of ho lixod blood of a Ihurouglibred of he desirrd type, and ilie rc-u!t wiil Iwayvanswer the first quory in ihe .ffirniative. Tl'.e calf wül bc better ,hiui ita dam in some respecta, aml votso in none. Aj? au accltlout or pon, it. is ioscj?)ic tliat tlio duin uig'lit be a better milker than thi dam or broed of the sire, and the calf'takng !li! type of' the sire be inferior to iei", bul the rule taught by ixftei'ienee e the otlier way. in this en the charaetoristics of the offprliigare deerinined by the long-known law - hat the longer a clasa of animáis ia Iev9Kped In a, single line, ftiekroaler s their irannniUiiig power, and with ,he more certainty do ihey tmprosg heir (jiialitics on the ofl'spriiig. The jlood o? th.o dam baviiig do line of dcscent, and nu accumulated torce, is ovorbomo by the Uioroughbred gire. L'heoretically, the progeny of swc.h a coimectioii is more tiran hnlf thoroiighlu'od, and shoiild devolop more han half of tho giro's stock qualities, ii milk and form. ïhere is but liitle langer of revereïon to original form f tli is niothod of breedin' bc adhered o; but even if tliere is miloubtcdly tho cbeapest, quickost and Burost way to devolop iixed iBilking qualitioi ÍVom iinCive cows. - [American AgrJculturist.


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