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MEDICINAL. rElyTuFDÏBTLTn] GltAY'S Sl'HCIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE Mftxi1(,(ire,,tEn.r!íiDE MK "D F - rril Selí Abuse; íis - ?5335 'V S BeforeTakuigLoí,sof Men,ory,Aftor Taking. Univeral Laaattnde, Pain in the Back, Dimnessof Vision, Prematura O1J Age, and many other disensos that leart to Innanity, Cunsülnptiün íind il Fremntme Grave. - Full particular in our pamphlets, nbich we desire to soud frO by mail Lo eTery ooö. Tbe Speeific eiieiöe is Büld by 11 Orugsists ar $1 pjr pacltutt, ox ix jHcfe;i66 for $;"), or wiU be et ƒ ttiai! b reipt of the moncy J y Rddresaioii TH3 lUAY MSDICÍÑÉ CO., tío In MwhaBtca' Klerk, Detroit Vioh. 5r-Soia ia A tn Ai hor by all fauggfett, and bj tlrujiicfa eTery where BALSflW Cnres Cftltls, Pnenmoïsia, Bronchitis, Astli na, Ero:ip, Whooping Cough, a)!(l all úiseasfs of the lireathin Organs. ltsoothes nnl tieals ths Memforane of the Luiigs, inflauned and poisoned by the diaeas, and prevenís the nishtsweaía and tiíítnesa across the efiest Which aceompnny it, CONSUJIPTIÓN is not au iaeiirahle malaily. It is only nceeswniy to have ti:e rit-rht reniedj", and HALL'S BALSAH Is thatremedy. DON 'T DESPAIR. OF RELIEF, for this benitrn speciflc will cure yon, even though professional aid fails, HENRY'S BUL ,.' -.."aF?," -r-esg-j:'g?:-ggffl; the Most JPowerfid Ifealinff Afent ever JJiscovered. Tlenrt's Carbol ie Salve cures the ictr$r tt&reê, Heitry'a Carbol ie Sttïve allays the pain of burnx. Heavy 's Carbolic Halve curen all erup tions. Ifenry's Carbol ie Salve liealx pimpies ii)nl blotcJteft, tlenry 's Carbol ie Salve ivill cure cuts and bruisrs. Ask for Heary's, and Tako ?io Othor. iJ-r BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. _&$ TOWNSLEY'S CURES IN ONE 3IIWUTE. A STJBE PREVENTIVE OF Contagióos Diseasca, Colds, Iïoarscness, Diphtheria, aud Whoopiag' Couh. ï'leasant tt the Taste. JOIIN F. IIEXRY, CURRAS & CO., ö'iLi: rROlItlETORö, 24 fiolIsB'' Place, K#w i'ork. To Nervous Sufferers-Tïie Oreat Kuropean lïemedy- Dr. J. K. Simpaou's Specific Medicine. It is a positivo cure for Ppermatorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Impoteney, and all diaeasefl resultint' f rom Self-Abuse, aa kfore. Mental Anxlety, aftf.r. fjoss ot' Memory, j , L . ; ■'■ ", . Pains in Hack or pJ& %f '"■'' ,-) 'r }' Bide. and diseases y2$ '- W-S yi-Xf that lead to I,kw _ ":3umption, insanity jB) .. ■ Wï. -V nd fin early jrruve. $ fl 4 -J The Specific S3gr:JL ír"' cine is being nsed with wond erf ui snceess. Ffimphlefs sent freetoall. "Write for them and get fnll particular, Priee,Specifie, SI. 00 per paokage, or six packagrs for $5.0(. Address 11 orden to J. B. BIBtPSON MEDICINE CO., Nos. 101 and 106 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y. For sale in Ann Arbor hy Eberbacli & Sou, anp by all druggista everywhere. The Universal Bath. "L Prtc6 Re.liice.l OM BiUbi EtMMd, " 5 ftwlwomrito. E. J. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor, Mich. For sale at the Drug Store of L, S. Lereh, Oook's Hotel block; alao by C.Eberbach'&Son, BouthMain Street ; and also by the nuimifacturer, E. J. Knowltou, No 24 Norlh State Street, Ann Arbor, Mich'. to whoin all correspondenceshould be aUdrcssed. PAINTS, 01 LS, ETC. rnHE L.ARGESX AND BEST STOCK OF PAINTS, OELS, ALL KINDS OF Paintors' Materials, &c. AMEEICAN AND FEENCH sTIïTrO'W GLA.SS All Sizes. T SOEÓ-'S. 26 and 28 East Washington Sfereet, ANN AEB0E. IVfortgafre Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE inthe conditiona of ft ceriain morfcgage bearing date tbeflrst day of June, in the year of our Lord one thouand eight hundred and sevonty-six, mode and oxecuted by Channeey II. Milieu and Sarah M. Millen of the city of Ann Arbor, cotinty of Vi'a.slitenaw and state of Michigan, to Amanda Kic1 of the sjime place, and recorded in the oíñee of the Register of leeds of Washtenaw county aforesaid on tlie tenth day of June, A. D. 187G, at 6% o'clock p. m. of said day, in liber 52 of mortKfl066 on page 686. And the amount claimed to be due at the date .of this notice is thirteeu lmndred dollars, and no proeeedings in law or cquily having been iustituttd to recovei tlie same or any la:i thereof: Notice is thexefore hereby given, that by virtue of the power of salo in said mortítñge eontained I slmll sell on Saturday, the Twkt.fth DAT of JüNK, 1880, at 2 o'clocfe in the afternoon of said day to the tiighest bidder at the south door of the Coiu-t House in the city of Ann Arbor, eounty of Washtennw aforeuaid, (thai bein the building whorein the circuit court for"Vaslitenaw connty is held,) all that certain piece or parcel of land sitwate in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washteimw and state of Miühitran, and desoribed as tol!owf, to wit : Lot nuinber nine (Ö) iti block nuniber seven (7) south of Hurim street raam number thirteeri (13) east, aocording to a reOOYded plat of C. H. Millen's purebase of the southea-t part of the Land Compjiny's addition to the city of Ann Arbor as reeorded in the Registcr's Office of Wachtenaw county, Michigan. Dated, Mnrch 25, 1880. AMANDA MCE, Morlgicc. John N. Gott, Attonu'y fur Mortyngee. LEGAL NOTICÈS. Stortgage Sale IWAULT HAVING BEEN MADü I J in thoconditionsof sctrtiiin morte. yT I int; date tnetwcnty-list d.-y rsrnvnlf !"' I 1864, made and exeeuted by Thomas Gore and' M " I blswifeoi the county otWaShi?." I nd State of Michigan', to Rally Ann Pravo,11? I perlor, county aforesaid, and reoopded in the „ffi I of the Register of Deed of Washtenaw couÍ2 I afon.8aldonthe22dday nf September, AD at Hi o'olock a. v. of said .!.,;-, in liber 33 of ', Z' gages onpage 570, which alü moi-ignce ■;■, h? aaaigned by Oeorge S. Wheeler, adminirtrato, Í the ertate of Sally Ann Pray, deccaml, to 1" I Prayof IoDia county, Micüijran, on the 17th df I of .liinuary, A. I). 1871, and recorded in the nflt' I of the Register oi Deeus of wid county oi,th,2 I day of ïebruary, A. 1). 1880, at 11:; o'dock I? I of said day, in líber No. o oí ássignmenu mortgages on page 43(i, nnd that said Geo. pr,' on the Uth dny otScptembor, A. D. 1K76, assini' ono-tlurd part of raid moltgnged interest ,, Edgar 8. Geer, g-uardian of Adrlie O. lieer f„? I merly Addie O. Toe):, which said assignmentL I recorded in the otiice of the Register of Deed. ï I said connty of Wabhtenaw on the i:tth .Ihv Jauuary, A. I). 1877, at Uu o'clock m lil, ij n uftumeats of mortjages. pge Ï27, and tb, amount oluiinf d to bedueatthe Saté of tliis notïï ïfthcsiim ol thirleen hnndred uod ninetv-ei dollnrs and Hftj eiftht cenls, nnd no procccdinmii F law hnre been inmituted to rtver the sam 1 any part thereot : ISotice is therefore hereby iiï I en, that by virtne -of the power of sale in ,, I mortgape containi d K-eshull rll oíiHatübuay m, I ElBHIHDAT MAYNKXT.atü oVloclt in th'el tentoon of said day. tothe biphi-üt bidder nt a, I south front door ol the conrt house in the cii.J t Ann Arbor. county uf Vaslitenim nforesait!, (a I being the building wherein lh; circuit courtïï I rtnshlciKiwounlyiaheld,) „II tint certain hZ orparcel of laml known ard dreiribid asfollow,! towit: 'l'hcs'.utl.vest quarter of the nortb E quarter of spetion nnnrber ten (10) in townihi, I uuiuber one (I Lsouth of range imjnbei sii (0, „ï I in the Ute of Michigan I Uated, i'ebruary 12. I1!' GKORGE rRAY and i DUAII S. GEBE, Aniip:neesftf lKinrtffaMi I _Joiin N. Gott, Att'y for Assignees of Mortgag I Estáte of James Treadwell. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT Of W. Court for tlití Couiity of Waehten . Probate Ottice m the city of Aun rboi ■ day, thethirteenth d-iy oí ,, tt, J thonsand eifhl hundred a ■ . at, Wültrem i. irarrim;úi. Jdotof Fvfatt In the matter of the eetutt oi Jamt' Tren deoeoa d. Ieisirinro Cramer txrrutor of tl:o nt wil] ■■ ment of .iid df-eens reprtspnts th;-,l - , ftaal ticcouiii ■..- suei Tïicreupon u is u f fourtteuthday of April tipxí, wt trn .'. , . 'r I the forei n I A forexaminiui jiiiO tüoi f Ingsuch accuiinr, and that the de .; -,, find heirs at luw f .saii! ,.ij,.' persons interested in said estufe, atv retjuireri to appearat a session of said Court, líien to h holden ui the Probate Office in the city of Ann ia said county, and show cause i f any t&ere be, whT the s;ii-l acconnt shouid not ïte allowei : And it 's furl lier onlered that akl executor z'ívv nolice to the persons interesten" ín said estáte, of the peo. dency of said account anti the hearing Ihereofci eaiisiiiË a eopy of tb is order to e jmlilished in tin Ann Apbok Argus, a newspaper printed and cir. eulatingio said county, threr successive weekspiv vions to said day of hearing. WILLIAM 7). HARRTMAX ( A true oopy.) Jwdge of Irobitt. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. CtPiinnissioii'Ts Sotice. STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTI ol Wuhtenw,as. TheundemgnerihnTirbfa appointed by the Probate Court i-r Btud Cuuntt, CommissioBers to reoeive, examine and adjust il clttimH and demanda of all persons against tl eatiitt of Joshim Forbes, lute uf said conntj deceosed, hereby prive noíí?e tliat six monlhs iron datt; ftie allowed, by order of said Pioi'iite Court, tor creditors tt ptcat-at tbeix cÏmixsh ngninet tieï estáte ol said deeeased, and that they will meet! at the late rüsidence of ïhedeceased m the township I of said county, on Wednesday, the I teeoth dy of June, and on Tlmrday, the six teenthdayot September iext, at ten otlock A.M.,of (_-af.h oí snid day s, to ecei7e, eaamine und adjuit Ruid elaiBis. lated, Mairch Ifith 1880. MYROX WEBB, JACOB STUBM, Iiïw4 Coniimssiooers, Bfftatv of Saiïwifl Ywring. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY k3 of Wubtenaw, a. Noties is hereby given, that by an orderof the Probate Conrt for tbe coubty of W.shtenaw, made on the fiifteenth daj of V, areh, A. l). 188n, &ïx. nH)n-ths f rom that date Were tillowed for crcditors to prese rat their claims against the estáte of Samuel Yoting, ïate of snid couatj, dfcceased, and thnt all creüitotö of sid decennêd nrc reqnired to present theit claims tosaídProlutí Court, at the Probate Otöce in the cify of Ann Arbor, for exaniination and allowwnee, on or heiore the ftfteenth day of September ext, and that sucb claims willbeheardbefore said Ooirrt.onTuesdsy,, the fffteentb day of June, and on VTednesday, the ftfteentb day of September neit. at ten o'clockia ili.; iitrenoO'!) of ench of paid days. Dated, Ana Arbor, Mareh 15, A. D.. 1880. W1LLIAM I. HAERIMAN, V2w-l Judee of Probate. ■■ Estáte of Christopher 3ïefiuinness. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTtI IO of' WashtfiDaWjSa. Notice is herehy g-iveD.thalï l.v an order of t!"1 Probate i'ourt for the County v!% washtfcnaw, maüo oti tTie tonth day of Tifarcli, A. I I). 18H0, six montlis f rom th at ífaíe were allowid I for creditors to nreseat their claims against the es 1 tate of Christopher Mc riiirmesw, late of said eoiintj, I deceased, nnd tliat all creditors of said deeeaseci f I required to present their claims to sarkl Probatel Court, :it the Probate Office in the City of AdqI Arbor, for oxaniïuatïon and alTowance, oii orB bef ore the tnth d-.iy of September ïiext, aníí JXiiI claims will bo heard ieforo s;u'd Courtnl Thn ra1 ay, the teníh day oí' -Tune. and on Frid.j1,! tho tentb day of September next, at ten o'cloct I Ín tlie f'oronoon of oach of said ilays. Dated, Ann Aroor, farch 10, A. I. 180. WILLIAM D. HAItRTMAX, 14w4 Jtidee of Probate I Kstate o Wïlliam Grandy. State of Michigan, counti of Washtenuw, ís. Notiee ishereby siventhil hy an order of the Probate Court for the Coimsf ui Washteuaw, roadeoo tho twenty-wcond day of March, A. J. J 80, six months froin that date we allo wed for creditora to [iresent their claims ;iyaini the estáte ot Willtam ffrundy, late of said roiifl' ty,dect"í)Sí'd, and tb: t all c redi tors of said deceaifd are required to present their claims tosaid Proba Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examinatïon and allowance, on or before the twenty-seermd day of Reptembrr next, and that sucli claims will beheard before said Court, on Ttiw day, the twenty-second day of Junr nnd on Wédne day, the twenty-seeoncï düy of Septemhor nxt, ' ten o'clock in the foren oon of e;u! of said áñfi. Dated, Ann Arbor, [arch 2', A. D. 18S0, WILLIAM P.HARRIMAX, 13w4 .Tudpe of Probate. I STATE OF MICHIGAN, OOUNTYj of Washtenaw, ss. The mdersigned 1itídí been appointed bythe Probate Court for saidCoofrl ty. ('ommissioners to receive. examine, Rud adjaií alt claims and demanda of all persons against tbs estáte (' Ella F. Hmwootl, ïate of said countydeceased, hert-by ve notice that eix months from date are aHowed,by order ot Bftld Probrtte ourt, for creditora to present their daima against tbe tate of Bald deeeased, and that they v , -. meet a; the office of Thomas Ninde in tbe city i ppilaoöi ín said county, on Tuosday, the twenty-secow day of June, and oii Wednesduy, tbc twenty-secow diiy ot September nest, at ten olclock a. m., oí w ofnaiddays, to leceive, examine, aud ndjuat taib Glitim. Duted, Marrh 2?, A. D.18S0. MORTON P. C ! PETER COOK, i L'omiuissionen 13w4 NATHAN WEBB, S Estáte of "VVilliam W. Riffff. STATE OF MICHIGAN, OOUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby giveD, tbat by fin order of the Probate Court for the cou; ty of Washtenaw, made on the flfteenth day March, A. D. 1880, ñx months from that dntewert nllowed for creditors topresent their claims again I the estáte of William W.Rigs, lüte of said coiratT, I dece:ised, and that all creditorg of saicl deeeased I are required to present their claims to said Probate I ( Oiirt, at the Proliate Office in the city of Ann 1 bor. for examination and allowanee, on or befort I tbe fifteenth day of September next. and that s olaims will beheard before saifl court, on 1 dnv. tho aiteeath il.iy of Junr, :im! on " I oesduy, the ñfteeath day of SoTuPiuher next, atwo I o'cloek in the forenoon of eaeh ot ;-:iid days. Dated, Ann Arbor, ilnrch 15, A. ■ '.. 18S0. WILLIAM D. il UMAX, 13w4 Judire of Probate. I Commissioncrs Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wshten.l ss Tbe undersigned haring been appointed Wl tbe Probate Court for said county, eoinniissionert to receive, examine and adjust all claims and df manda of all persons agaiDSt the estáte of Jobs Coe, late of said county, deeeased, hereby git notice that six months from date are allowcd, ty order of said Probate Court, for ereditors to present their claims agalnst tbe estáte of said deeeased, ana that they will meel at the late residenee of said de oeaaed in the township of York in said county. on Friday, the eighteenth day of June, and on Satof day, the eisrbteenth day of September next, at ten o'clock a. m. of cach of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, liaren 18, 1880. HENBY HACK, PETKB D. ROGEKP, 13w4 Coramissioners. Sheriff's Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜlTT IO of Washtenaw, ss. Henry B. Knapp tb. Tb' Michigan Air Line Railroad Company. Ey Tirti" of ati alias writ of execution issued out of anduader tbe seal of the Circuit Court for the county Jack son, to me directed and deliveral, I did on o twentysixth day of Februnry, A. D. 1880, seize1 levy upon the foilowincT described property, to W; The right, title and interest of said Michigan Al' Line rSkilroad Company in and to all the right M way, ctnbaukments.exL'avations, barro w-pits, grL cl-pits, tpoil-banks, bridges, bridge timbers, oor verts and cattle guarda, ties, dejiot grounds, easej menta, privileges, ritrhts and frauchises situati1 and beinff in the township ot Lyndon, Watiiieuft i'ounty. State of Michigan, whlch described pror erty I sliall Bell at public auttion to the highe bidder at the north door of the Court House in tl" city of Aun Arbor. in suid county, on thk Twe' TIKTII DAY OF ApiilL.A D. l&SO, at tWO o'clock ! the afternoon of that day. Batcd, March 5th, 1880. JOSIAn S. CASE, Sheriff. The rush still continnos and crowds I come from ;iil directions to secure tb I great bargains that are offered at McK t & Schmids and which have created I excitement unparalelled in the aunató of the dry goods trade in thisjcity.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus