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Democratic State Convention

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Tí Democratie Stete Convention, tn nppnmtdeleat's tn the . Krtlional Convention, to póminntr rnrdidfltex for President :ind VTce-Fresiífp.', and to selecl :i State Cenrral Committee, will be held at EBt Sapinaw, on Tu';sdav, the Sth ilav nf Tune next, at l o'clock in tlic afternoon. The (l.iflV.inn "whether it he desitable to pontinne the frn-tVrds rule lonfrer in forcé in National I t'nnV will hkcwisi' come before id Convention, th; lart ÑmionRl Cftnvention having desired the Sï:te cnnv-T (ion to fílstruci deleíatus totlicCon♦ntion of iro in r('Lr:ird to it. nirh Conrty will lc entltled to si.T deleeates for clTrtenreseritative to which, under the iRSt anportfonment, it ii Btitied in the lower branch of the !4tnte LeeistPtore- nut onrh orpinized countv will K ntltíed to pt lenst twn delejrtites. No errantv, r-ípt thnse of the Uppw Penin! ula, will be entltled vi oí represented by delegates not residente of such All citiiens of the Sftitc, rrespective of party poütIril nsori:itinrs or difiéreme, who ranonite witíi un in an cfTort for pare, economical and constltutional jroTírnment, and the preservation of free republican inatirtltiong, are rordiallv inviled to join in sendine dfls:atcs to this Convention. O. %f. BARNES, Chairman. VKT8Ï.TAV BKODIK, Secretarv. Frst P-t-Vt- AI.F.X. W. ('OF1..WD. Second IR A B. CARD, - OKO. W. LANDON. TMrnDistrict-nKXlrVKAR, rburth Dirict-F. O. HKinr.S, - GFO. H. MURnOCH. Fiíth District- O. CHASK fíOOWIN, - JOTTX B. ITt'TCHINS. SIxth IFP OM K ETnV, GEO. T'. BANFORD. Scventh District-I. B. WIT-SON. -i. tí. F.i.nümr.r.. Eiffhth District-". F. SPUA'-fr. -r.T'o. i., nnuiows. HtotttDstrfcf-T. W. F.n A'ARDS, - F. n. woon. Democratie Stnte Centrnl Comtnittee. "Wliy ('oes not some advocate of a " stront povemment" nomínate Grant for a fourth term? Bosses Conkling, Cameron and Logan sa? Grant shall be the republican oandidate. Bobs Kolly says Tilden shall not be Lhe democratie candidato. Is it better to have three Bosses or one? Tt is gratifying to read that AckTenof Lnuisiana fails to secure a re-nomination. The democratie of his district rightly believe that a congressman who has to De investigated is one who had better be rrtired. Vanderbilt who recently aworebehad no property liable to taxation will soon invest six millions more in government f our por cents, running up his account in these securities to $57,000,000. It ■will b'e nrcessary for him to hire a coupon-clipper by the year. Gen. Grant attended the Methodist church, at Bloomington Sunday, and, Btrange to say, was not insulted by any fulsnme ftattery frnm the pulpit. In the afternoon he visited the Saldiers' Orphans' home. where he was " visibly atïected" by the singing of the children. Bloomincrton demócrata treated the city's guest with more consideration than has been sliown by some of the friends of Senator Blaine. Of Mre. John Sherman this anecdote, said to be current in Mansfield, is told by the Cleveland Herald: While a girl at school she became engaged one day in talking to several companions on tiie subject of marriage. One of the number told what she would do in case slie were manied. This brought out expressions frotn all the party, and when the future Mrs. Sherman's turn came she Bimply said: "It will be my aim to make my husband as much of a man as he can be." Democrats of New York met in two conventions at Syracuse on Tuesday. The regular convention largely composed of friends of Mr. Tilden was preside 1 overby senator Jacobs of Brpoklyn an 1 instrncted its seventy delegates to Cincinnati to vote as a unit. Though uninstructed they are nearly unanimous in favor of Mr. Tilden if he is a candidate, and, being liis friends will, provided he declines, undoubtedly support the nominee most aoceptable to Mr. Tilden T''p so("r.'i eonventlon eomposed oi bolterswith John Kelly at its head a'so inppöinted delegates to the national convention. Eev. Mr. De La Hatyr is oue of the accidental greenbackers wbo, indorsed by the democrats, got into congress from the Indianapolis district. "VVhen his term expires he ■wiTI go looking about för a pulpit, unless meanlime he gpes cnuy over finance. Observe the foUowingsophomorical slush appearing in one of his speeches as printed in the Congressional Globe and see if he is not iíi a fair way to bring up in an asylum: " AU the fury of the maddened priests anT thoir Iacírey army of. pampered eflltors and orators ean not prevent it. This thinking by the people is the hand of ñre writint thesentence of relentless doom on the alabaster walls of the gorgeous temple of .Mammon, where reveleis ari worshiping idola of bonds. of (told and silver, and are drunken witta the blood of the tojling masses, pressed by usury from their veins." What have we done that ex-senator Hendersonof Missouri should impute to us a wilTnameas to run Grant? Said Henderson, "iie would not be snrprisedto see the ex-president running for a third term, as an independent candidate, should he fail to get the Chicago ination- yes, or as a democratie, candiefats. He would have taken the democratie nominatiou in isr;sif tlierepublicans had refused to present hün, an 1 he is mnch more ansdous for the office now." Srtmo altowance should bc made for Mr. ll-.iii'lerson's bias against the expresident for whom. he never had any ardent admiration. It is a singular comaijnt however upon the actiou oí' Gvaat'a advocates that Uiey want a candidato whose politics have everbeen doubtful, and who, ws never donbled would have accepted the nomination in 1883 by the democratie party, if he hada 't secureJ it Er ira the other side. Siinílüy ni ;ht"s storra v.'as of almost mnexampled acope and severity. It extended, witbniore or less violence, f rom Kansiis aii.i' Kebraska across lissouri an 1 ULirwis and north into Wisconsia. While the daniage done in all these statea la very great, the espacial (ury of Om cyclone feu on southwestern Mïssouri, where not alone property, bot man; butaan Uves, were aacrifieed. villiigs cf lïarshfleld, In Webster eouatyj was literally aimihilated. Following the crash of the hurricane, an I re the woundedcouldbe ftrom tlie ruins. uure was started wtiich inícnifleíl tliö horrors of the situation. Man) of "the wrecked houses in which the deail aad injured weretightly wedged were destroyed. ïhe los s of life was eoormous, the latest estimates placing tt at eighty-seven. iTearly all the vivors are d, ome of theua seriously. fhysiciauand aursea havegone to the strickeu town from all quarters. In th EUver valley, in Hio vicin eJ. ■ thai ful] reportsfrom the desolated región will swell the list of fatalitics lavgely.


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