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An Ivy, if kept in the house, "will not flourish unless the leavos are occasionally washed. Each plant lcaf is full of pores or breathing tubes, whieh are closed if the plant is full of dust - thus injuring vigorous growth. Almoud Pastry. - Pound three ozs. of al mond.?, one-quarter pound of butter, two ounces of loaf SUgar, with a little rose water, till it becomes athick paste. Spread it on a buttercd tin, bake in a slow oven. "NVhen cold divide into eight pieces, put a spoonful of preserve on each piece and cover with whipped crcam. Pearl Barley Pudding.- "Wash half a pint of peari barley, put into a stewpan with threo pinta of milk, a quarter of a pound of sugar and a little nutmeg at the corner of the stove ; when propcrly swelled, take it out, flavor to taste, add four eggs and boil in a basin for one hour ; serve with black cherry arrow-root sauce. Calf's Liver Broilcd. - Cut the liver into thin slices, wash it, and let it stand in sal t and water for half an bonito draw out all the blood. Season with salt and pepper, and broil, bastiug frequently with buttcr. Either fried or broileil liver js more delicate if, after it is cut into slices for cooking, it is parboiled in salt and water. Pistachio Diplomatic Pudding. - Chop very flne a quarter of a pound of blanchcd pistachios ; mix with n pint of clear jelly : mask a plain mold with all this, and fill up witli a custard, as lor diplomatic pudding, mixed with a quarter of a pound of flnely choppcd almonds and flavored with a glass of noyeau ; cold Gorman sauce. Boston Jumbles. - Four ounces of butter, the same quantity of sugar and of siftod flour. Creain the butter and sugar ; add the yolk of ono egg beaten white, and flour; rose water to taste; drop on tins covered with paper and buttered ; bake in a quick oven about eight minutes; ice tliem when cold. Dust with flour bcfore icing ; rub off all thac will not stick. The flour makcs the icing adhere to the cakes. Rice Pudding. - Boil a large cupful of rice in wator for flve minutes, drain off the water and put the vice on again in milk ; let it boil until soft, sturing occasionally to prevent it from burning; when done put it iuto a biisin with a part of butter, the zest qí" a lemon, a little nutmeg, half a glass of brandy; 'sweeten to taste; add flve eggs ; boil tbr three-quarters of an hour in a basin ; serve with marrow pudding sauce. Pumpkin Pie. - Cut the pumpkin into thin slices and boil uiitil tender in as little water as possible ; wateh careftally that it doos not scorch : di-ain oft' all the water. Masfa, and through a sicve, add one quart of the pumpkin, aftpr mashing, acid onc quart of new niilk and ibur eggs, the volks and whites beaten separately ; white sugar to taste, and cinnamon and nutmeg as dcsired; avery little brandy is a great improvcment. The oven in whicli they are baked must be hot or they will not brown. It is as well to heat the batter scalding hot bcfore pouring iuto the tie-dishes.


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