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To try the gggy &s'J) Sa 5si EOS' Seii ISê BEEOIÍE YOU BUY. ItisSimpIyWonderíul . IT IS SOLD AT J. F. SCHUH'S Hardware Store. J)ON'T READ TUIS! Buy Vonr TOBAGCOS & CIGARS O F SCHUTT. Tip-Top Chewing for IGcents. CIGAES CHEAP BY THE BOX Córner Main and Hurón Streets. ANN ARDOR. GET YOUE PROPEETY INSUEED BY C. H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANN ARBOR. - JMICir The oldest afrency in the city. Established a quarter of a century ago. Representing thc following íirst cluss comDaniee: Hoiuelnsurance Co. of N. Y., Assets over !6,000,00( Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Assets over S;,OOO,üOl Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y, Assets S1.442.40 GirardolPa., Assets over $1,000,00( Oriënt of Hartford. AasetaíJOO.OÜI Coniniercial Union of London, Assets $3,000,0(i Rates low. Losses liberally adjustüd anc prouiptly paid. C. II. M1LLES. INSURANCE COMPAE Capital, $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, 6,792,649.98. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, includi"L Ee-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, includinj Ee-Insuranoe and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACKi Agent. Ann Arbor. S M LurÍ6l4_PAEl ;j AIISÍIICJIIY CURES Consumplion, Astbma, Uron chitis, and all discases of tlxo Ilir out, Luus tand CUcst. TleflEYLUIPAD Has performed mauy wonderful Cures. If you uiïer trom A.STUMA, CATAKEH, BEONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, Or any Lung infirniitieK. scnd for testimoniáis and ourtreatise, "Take Caieof Yourseli." DR. ONLY'S LUNG PAD Is sold by uil Druggists, or sent on receipt of price S2.00. Address THE ONLY LUNG PAD CO. AtirbolesalebTParrnnd, Williams & Co, T. II uiucbman & Sona, and Swift & Dodds, Detroit. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE AND ÜUUTJ1WK8TEKN EA1LKOAD. To take effect April 4, 1880. OOINQ WEST. OOINO KAKT. MüTMail Exp. EÏp.iMail Mijr STATIONS. A.M. A.M. P. M. A.M.jP. M. P.M. 7 801 8 25! S 45 Ypflilnnti 10 40 5 IS 8 10 8 00 8 44 8 0 Pittsfleld June. 10 22! 4 68 7 38 8 30! 8 57 6 13 Saline 10 10 4 48 7 12 9 00! 9 15 fiSO Bridgewater 9S3 4 SS 0 35 9.10 9 3S 6 48 Manchester 9 3SI4 1S 5 60 100 112(8 22 Hillsdale 7 58] 2 4Í 2 50 1 15 11 30 8 Bankers 750! 2 80 1 2 X Trains run by Chicago tune- 20 minutes slower than Columbus time. W. F. PABKEBSupt., Yputlanti. MEDICINAL. ÍÍFrVOUS DEBILITY ORAVS HFECTFIC MEDICINE. TRADE WARK.Yh(,Grcat Kn_TRADE MARK. ,-■ un uníjuling cure ffilU jte j(i'2? -sf J$.vt tcncy,and all J&S-hic VlriSk Piisea tlmt follow irfjK5k Bcfcre TakingLosacmoryAftor Taking. Tlnivcral Laitudo, Pain in the Back, TMmness of Vision, l'remutuie Oíd Age, &m many otherdiseases that lead to lusanity, Coneumption and a Pre mutnre Grnve. Full particularR in out pampblets, which we dcsire to send tree by mail to every one. The Speciflc Medicine íh aold by all Drug&ists at Ël per pack:iLt', or aix packjtges for $5, or "ill ne leut by mail on receipt of the mone'y nddreaaing THE UKAY MEDICINE CO.. No. 10 Mechanica' Block, Detroit Mich. -Soldin Ann Arbor by all Druggists, andby lruirgista everywhere HALLS Cnrns Cftltls, Pnomnouia, Bronchitis, Astli ina, Croui), Whooping Couli, aud all (lisenses of the lireathing Organs. Itsoothes and heals the Membrane of the Linies, inflamcd and poisoncd by the disease, and prevenís the nightsweats aud tightness aeross the cliest which accompany it. C0NSUMPT10N is not an incurable malady. lt is only neecssary to have the riht remedy, and HALL'8 BALSA3I is that remedy. DON 'f UESPAI1Í OF RELIEF, for this beniü'n specifle will cure ou, even though professional aid fails BENRY'S CABBOjiM, SALVE the Most Poiverful Healiny Agent ever Discovered, Ilenry'a Carbolic Salve curca the tvorse sores, Uenrt's Carbolic Salve allctys the pain of Inims. Henry's Carbolic Salve cures all eruptions. llenry's Carbolic Salve h e-als pimples and blotdies. IXenry's Carbol ie Salve tv UI cure cuts and bruises. Asïc for Ilenry's, and Take No Other. C BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. _L3 TiTMffi Jllli j CURES ÏN ONE MINUTE. in miu mmi A SUP.E FREVENTIVE OF Contagions Diseases, Coids, Hoarseness, 'Diphtheria, and Wkooping Cough. Pleasant to the Taste. JOHN F. IIEMtY, CURRAN ifc CO., st i.e paoFsmoft), 24 Collese Tlace, New Vork. To Nervou Suffeiers- The Great European Kemerty - lr. J. B. Simpsou's Sieciíic Medicine. If is n pnMHve cure for i-porniittorrhea. Rpmina "WeakncsB, Impütenty, und all diseases resuHini; fiotn Self-Abuue, 119 ki.-ore. Mental Anxiety, afïer. Loss of Memory, jLL?& Isidc. and diseiwcs $$&L%) fél tliat lend to (..Va, _. J& XABumpUon, iimnity 4JivfMS' ? ïind an emly prave. Êf The Specific 22t&?'&7 cine is beio nwdj(2& - witb wondcrful sneeess. Pmnplilets sent f ree to all Write for thera and get full particulurB. Piioe. Speciüc, 1.00 per iwckage, or Bix packages for $5.00. AndresR all orders to. .1. B. SIMF'.-ON MEDICINE CO., Nos. 104 and 106 Main Btroet. Buffalo, N. Y For sale in Ann Arbor hy Eberbaoll & bon, anp by all druffiiett everywhere. JIANIIOOD: HowLost How Kostored. m-B. Just published, a new edition of Ir. "X Culverwell's Celébrate! Essay on j-V" tlie radical cure (without medicine) uf SSsí Spkumatürrhíka oí Seminal Weakm is, Involuntary Seminal Loaset. Impotency, tfentnl and Pbyaioal Incapaoity, Impedimenta to Míurhme, etc alw, Consumption, Fpilepsy and Fits, ioduced by selt'-iudulgence or sexual extravagauce, &c. The celébrate author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstratea, from a thirty years' successful practice. tlmi thealarming cousequenees of aellabuse may be radieally cured without the diingeroua use uf internal medicine or the applieatioa of the linife; polntisff out a mode of cure at once simple certai n and effectual, by means of which matter vhat bis condition may be, niay cure hiinsolf cheuply, privatcly, and radicaffoj. B3_ This Loeture sliould be in the hands of every youth aud every man iu the land. tíent, uruler seal, in a plain eixvelope, to any addrees, post-paid, ou reccipt of six cents or two poetage stampa. Addreus the Publishers, THE CULYEinVELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York; FostOfficeEox, 4580. Tlie Universal liatlii i to.m BATES fc a vpwm"ií s,Jor circular,. E. J. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor, Mich. For sale at the Drug Store of L. 8. Lerch, Conk's Hotel block ; also by C. Ebeibach & Son, South Main Street ; and also by the manutacturer, E. J. Knowltou, No 24 North State Street, Ann Arbor, Mich'. to whoni all corresiiondenceshould be addressed. PA! NTST O I LS, ET c7 rfMíli LAUdEST ANJD BEST STOCK OP PAINTS, OILS, Vainislies, ALLJKINDS OF Painters' Materials, &c. AMEEICAN AND FEENCH WIUDOW CLASS All Sizes. .A.T SOEG-'S. 26 and 28 East Washington Street, ANJST ABBOE. VTOOHlL JÊËË NOT FAIL, to send HySHfc mtB fr "ur Price List for H Bf Wff 1880. Frrk to any I altrnss upon pfi pllcattoiL, Concains .ƒ 5V_i NAJBy deserlptlona of everytSw BSBtr tliiiiüT reqillred for personal or fanilly use, wlth over 1,200 Illuatratlons. We sefl all foods at wholesale prir:es in guantltiea to suit he purehaser. The oniy Instltutlon iu America wtKt m;ike t his thelr special business. Address. MONT(iOMKHY WARU & CO., m j 337 &22&Yabah AvOM OliloAgt, I1L LEGAL NOTICES. Bátete f Slarv El l'aiuiir. OTATE OF MICIIIOaN, OÜUNTY IO oí Wftshte&aV) h. Ata bgshÍüu of the Probate Court for the County oí Washtenaw, holden ut the Probate Oílice, in the city of Aun Albor, on Thur.iday, the eighth ilay of April, in the yearone t))iiuíuitl tïifihi bundred nod íííhty. Present, William D. Ilanimau, Judge of Probate. In the mutter of tho estáte of Mary E. Pulmer, dfx'i'iised. Ilinry lï. Palnier, executor of the last will nnñ testament of suid deoeased, comed ínto court ukI represent that he is now prepared to reodex fcla ñn:] account as uch execuxor. Thm-eupon it ia oidered.that T-''iiclfiy , the (liird day of May next, nt ten oVhick in the forenoon, be tissipned for exaniinirf? and nllowiníí Buch account, aiifl that tho de see ; Ipgatees, and heïrs ut luw of said deceaaed, ailother penóos inttiesled in Raitl estáte, ate required to appear at a nesBion of aaid Coort, then to be holden al the Probate (Jitice in the city of Ann Arbor. in stiid county, and .show cauHe, íf any títere be, Wtay the saiil acv-ount lould not be alloweü : And it ia furtht-r 0!'J red, uit Bud executor gire nutice to the persons nterested in said estáte, oí tlie pendsocy oí etttd account and the heartns thereot', Dy'caumtig ;i copï of this order to be publisbed in the ABN AkB(.k Akouö, a newspaper piinted and circulatisg ín sftid county, threu successive weeks pieviouü to Mild day of heaiiii''. WILLIAM D. 1TATUÏIMAN, (A true eopy). Judgu oi l'ruhate. Wm, G. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte ol Jiicol V, G winner. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CUUNTY 3 üf Wa&htenaw, ss. At h aessíon of the Probute .ourtfor the County of Washténaw, holden at the 'róbate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor. on Fiiday, ie second day of April, in the year one thousauü ijrht hundred and eibty. Piesent, William I). Hniriman, Judffp of Prooate. In the matter of the enlute ot Jacob C. G winner, ect-attd. On rt'itdinjï and filiug the petition, duly verified, í Caroline Gwiimer, pxaylng tliat bhe or sume therauitable person may be appolmed admimsratrix of the estáte of tuud decetwed. Thereupon it is ordered, thut ' ionday, the nul d:iy of May next, at ten o'clock in the brenoon, be asñgned tor the hearing "f Pail pctl" ion, anti that the hens nt iüW ot Boicl deceautd, nd allother pensons iutt-restiid in a;:id estáte, re equired to uppearat a sesfion of sniu court, then o be holden at the Vrobatc iiltice in the city oi .dd Arbui, and show cause, il nny theie be, why ie prayer of the petitloner shonld uot bf granted : And it ia fuithur oidered Urnt said petïtioner giw otice to the penooa interestcfl m said estttte ol thj tendency of said petitiou and the hearing thTeof jy causiní; a copy ot thia order to be puMished in tie Ann AiiBoii AböUb, a Etevapapet printed and kroalated ia said county, three sucetbbivo weeks reviou8 to said dny of hearing. WIJjLIAM 1. HAKlïIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Jiulge oí Piobute. Wm.G. Doty, Probate Repir-t er. Ksiatc of Edward l'acey. OTATE ÜF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washtenaw, sa. At a sessiOD of l'roliate ourt for the County of Waahteuavr, lioldt n t the 'róbate Oöice in tlie city of Ann Arbor. on Thureay. the tirt day of Ajinl, in the year one thouband ghthuodred aod eighty. Fresent, Willlam D. Harrlroan, Judge of Prnhate. In the matter of the estáte of Lihvtud Pacey, eceased. Oeorge C., executor of the last will and tesnment of said deceuaed, comes iuto court and repesents tb at lie is uow prepared to reuder hia ioa] account as such executor. Thereupon it is oidered, ihat SaturdaT, the first day of May next, at teu o'clock íd the oreuoon, be assigneil lor examining and flJloviug uch account, and that the deyisees, legateea and leirs at law of said decenseci, and all olhtr persons nterested in said estáte, a re requlred to sppear al a ession of said court, then Ui bê hoUJei ai the Proiate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in said couaty, nd show cause, If any there be, why the said acount Hliould not be allowed : And ü is further or[ered that salet eaceoutor j,ri! ooticeto theperoons Dtretd ín said estáte of the pindeiicy of said account and the hearing thereof, by eauslog a copy oí this order to be publilied in the Aw Akbok Akous, a newspaper printed and circufatiitg in aid county, threesuccessive weeks pieviuus to siiid iay of hearinti. [Atruecopy] W1LLIAM D.UARIÏIMAN, Judge oí Probate. Vm. G. Doxy, Probate Register. Estáte of Edw&rd (ardiner. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Wacfhteiiiiw, ss. Ata seasíou oí the Probate !ourt for the County of Washtt'iiaw. holden at the Probate Office in the olty of Aun Arbor, on Friday, .he second day of April iu the year one thuusaud eightlmudrud andeïghty. Present, William 1. Harriman, Judgeof Probate. In the matter of thu estáte ui" Kdward Gaxdinert deceased. Klizabeth C. Gardiner, the adminibtratrix of said esïoie, comes into court and representa that slie is now prepared to reuder her ünul accouiit as such admiuit'tratrix. ThereupoD itisordered. tbat Satrday,tbfl wmty-iourthdav of April instant, at ten o'clock in the foreooon, beaaaigtied for examining and allowing sueli Rccooat, ana that the heira at law Of sak! Ieceased. and ail other persons interested in said eatate. are required to appear ut a sesaion of &uid court, then to bti holden ai tbe lJrubate Oiüee in the city of Aun Arlior, iu said county, andabov eause if any tliere be, wliy the .said aceouni should not beallowed : And it is furtherordered. that said udmitiistratrix gire ootice to tlie persona Interested ta said estáte, of the pendeney oí' said account and the hearing tliereof, by causiujt i copy o i' lïiis order to be published in tbe Ahr Aiïiuhi Ar Gus,a newspaper printel and eirculaiing in said county, two successive weeks provioua to said day of hearing. WILLIAM I). HARRIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge af Probate. Wm.G.Doty, Probate Register. lístate of James Agin. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washteuaw, ss. At a sesaion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oth'ce in the city of Aun Arbor, on dnesday, the seventh day of April, in the year onethousand eii;ht hundred and eility. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the inattterof the estáte of James Agio deceased. John Devine, exeeutor of the last wnl and testament of paid deceased, comes iuto court and representa that lie is now prepared to reader his animal account as such exeuutor. Thereupon it is ordered, thai Wednrsday, the Iwenty-eighthday of April ueit, al ten o'clock in the foreuoon, be assigned for examinin and allowini? ueh account, and that the devisees, lrpatees and helrs at law of said deceased, and allother persons interested in said estáte, are roquired to appear at a session of said court, theu to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the aaid uccount should not be allowed. And it is further ordered that said eiecutor gh-e notiee to the persons i nterested in said estáte oí the pendency of said account and the hearinj thernof, by causillft a copy of this order to be published in the Ann ARitou AR(ius,a newspaper prlnted and cin ulating in said county, two successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAKIUMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wíl. G. Doty Probate Register. Estáte of Kriistus Whaley. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtciiaw, holden a tlie Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. 01 Wednesday.theseventh dayof April, ia the year one thousand eight huiidrcd and eihty. Present, William D. Harrituan, Judge ofProbate In the matter of the estáte of Erastua Whuley deceased. üeorge W. TurnBulI, the adminiatrator ne bonis non of said estáte, comes into court and representa that he is now prepared to render bis final ac uountaseuch administrator de bonisnon. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Salurday, the flrst day of Muy next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be MKigned for examining sad allo-wini such account, and that the heirs at lnw o said deceased, and all other persona interested 11 said estáte, are required to appear at a ai'ssion o: eaid court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, iu said county aad öhiw cause, if any there be, why ihe ;., nd account should not be allowed. And it in further ordeied, that said administrator gïve notiee to the peisons interested m said catate, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing tliereof by causinfr a copy oi this order to be publiahed ín the Ann Arbou Argus, a newspnper printed and eirculating in aaid county, thrce successive weeks previoua to sid day of hearing WILLIAM Tl. HAHK1MAN, (A trneeopy.) Turlge oi Probate. Wm. G. I 'oty. Probate Register. Slortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAYING BEEN MADE in the conditions of a ceriain inortj;age bearïnfdate theflratday of Jtme, in the yeur of our Lord one thousand êight hundred and sevmty-six, made nnd eieemted by ChauDcey II. Milieu and Sarah M. Milieu of the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw aud state of Michigan, to Amanda Bicc of the same place, and recordad in the office of the Beghtex of DeecU of Washtenaw couuty aforcsaid on the tenth day of June, A. D. 1876, at 54 o'clock p. M. of said day, in liber 52 of niortRages, on page 685. And the aniount claimed to be due at the date of this notice is thirteen hundred dullars. and no proceedings in law or equity having been iustituted torecover the same or any part thereof: Notice is therelore hereby given, that bv virtue of the power of sale in said mottige coutained I shall sell on Saturday, the Twelkth day ofJcse, 1S8Ü, at .2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day to the highest bidder at the south door of theCourt House in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw aforesaid, (that being the building wherein the cm uit. court lor Washtenaw county s held,)all tliat cei-tain pieee or parcel of land sitúate in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, and di'M ribcd as iollow, to wit : Lot number nine (9) in bloclc nunibirsevcn (7) sonth of Huron street raiiL'c uitmber thirtoen (13) east, accordlna to a re. corded plat of C. II. Millen's purchase of the southeat part of the Land Company's addition to tne city of Ann Arbor aa recoided in the Reaister's Office of Washtenaw county, Michigan. Dated, March 23, 1SSO. AMANDA RICE, Mortgagee. John N. Gott, Attorney for Mortgagee. Ëggs! Eggs! Eggs! THE PLïJIOU'rH ROCKS, one of the best breeds of poultry, is on sale by WE BUSH Sujerior, P. O. address Aun Arbor. Price S2 per dozen, orS3 for two dozen. Thls is the Corbin, Newingtou.Conn., breed, auiong the best for eggs and table. MR. BUSH han on eale, price 75 cents, the book of 100 pages on Plymouth Itocks, containing ful] directions for maling, breeding, care aud management of this Tariety ot fowls.. It is ao admirable work for amattura. ío onc can afford to bö without it. LEGAL NOTICES. HEortgage Sal. Dkfault having been maök in tbe eosAlttons oi acerttiin nniignue k? ing date te twenty-nTst day of heptiiutu r, ? L865, made and eitouted by TfaüiuasGweandylS uit.of t'he i-ountj oi WasUen aod&ute of Miobigan, to Sally Aun IVay 01 s, perior, county aloresaid, and recordid iu the ( ''" of the Regisier of Dteds uf Wasliiruaw ccu"t' aforrsald ón the 2L1 day of öepttnuber, A. IJ iii? ut 8JÍ o'cluck a. m. of said day, iu Ulier 3in gages on page 570, hich iiu morttrui'e was v istbianeü by Oeorge S. AVhetlrr. aduiniatruior I the estáte of Sally Aun PruT, dtcfurod, to Ger Prayof lunia Countv, Mitl igan, on the 17tti ffi ol Juimary. A. I). 1K71, uncí remorded in tlm oaj' of the üejiisler of Jjpcdt ui' said couuty -in il e? day of February, A. 1). 18SU, at 11;4' o'clock Ai Dl "il day, in lihcr Nu. u oí ussiimiuenit a mottgages on pag :lli. and that. snid George ]'ri, on the l:itli duy olSepteuiber. A. IJ. l7l, asnitÍ! one-tbin) part uf said mortguged iuteiest 7 Edgar S. (ieer, guardián of Adiü'e O. Uut i„' merly Addio O. Tuck, which miiri asai-nmeni, ,' recorded in the otüup of the Boglrtvr ol l)inB,J siiid county oí Wasbtenuw on the lötli Jniuiary, A. I). 1S77, ut 1U o'clock in Ulier 2 usriKiimenta of mortsagea. uage 327, nn.l ij, amouut cUimi d lo be due Ht the dtile of' tliis notlfc the mm of thirteen hundied and int: dollars and lift;1 ei'jhr cents, in.d no procetdïnfnu iaw huve been instituted to rftoïtr the miiIiP„ any part thereof : Notieeia tlierefore ht-ril.y „.,' en, thdtby virtne of the power of sale iñ t3]i luurtfTftecoutninfd weshall bH1 on KATcnLy,T!1 l.u iitji day of AIaï M-:xT,at 2 oYloek in tlu-tf UüLOOii oí Baid duy, to the Ulgbeet bidder ut t outh tvo&t door ol the ramt house in ttie eity „i Arn Arbor, eounty of Waphtenuw aforesaxl, tu l ■einp the building wherein the circuit eourtfa iishtfiütwcouniy is be!d,') ill thiit eeitiun fr orparcel of land kiinwu ar.d describid aifolloZ lowit: Thesonthiresi quarter of tb o northüd [tuinier of' gfction number ten (10) in towimfcm Dumber (rae fl Osouth of range nuraber uix [6i [Jí 10 tbe stat.p or Jlicliïgan. Duted, Fcbrum y 12. '88 G1SORGE PRAY aud 1.DGA1Í ö. WEEK, Aüiiíiie('tí of Mortgngtf Joiin N. Gott, Att'y for Aastgoeee of Mortga Bftfcatt of JAWn Friederlclï ahn. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXT1 o WdfliUnaw, M. At ;i sewtu OÍ tbe Pnbnii Goutt for the fïoonty of "Wnshtfiiitw, rjotdfu at rhe Probate OfflöeJntJwi city of Ann Arbor, on Ta day, the tliirfernih duy oï April, iu vhe ytar odi tbouaand eiL'ïit huudrotl un'l eighty. Present. WilliHin D. lfarrinmn, JudffeofProbnt. In the mutter ol the etitiite ot' Jobn Fliudertcl Ziihn, deceused. On reariin anil Qlitie the petiiion, dol y vpritted, of JohiiG. FtklkHiöp piayíng that a cfrtain !ntti ineiit now on ftlt in this court. purpjrlini to bethe last will Hnd tfstnnieot of jaid deceased. inaj Kt dmitted to probate, bad that he may b appoiBtH esctitor thereof. Therenpon it is ordercd, thnt Monday, tti i tentli day üf May nexl, Ht ten o'cluek in fka ! forenoon, bc amtigne tor the beuriug of eiiid pet tioa, ü"(l th;U tht;!-legütet'.iin(l hpïn al lat ! o) salí) decenHfd. umi all otbtiT vrsou inteie(tnJin pairi etutf}Hrc Tequireú toappeurat a Bewii oi BHid Couri, then to be houlen at the Pxubalr oifirt, in the CityofAim Arbor. and sli"w eniipe.ü Uny thcro b,whythe pinyt-r of the petitionrr shnnli not be frrnnted: Antï it Ifl furrber orrlered 1&h wdd pptitioner gif e aotiee lo the persons interim in büid entüte, at the prmleney ot vid petiiion, and the beanot? thtrof hjr fimimï a opyof 1I3 order to be publibhed in theA.vs Akiiou .U.t!. newpaper pnnted and eircnbittd in said coni, tlirt-e suece&sive wetks pievious to saiü day u ïeunikg. TVILLIAMI) HARRTMAN, (A trnecopy.) Ja Ipe of PiubtU, Wii.liam (i I)OTT,Probïite Retrite-r. éstate uf Uwen Mclutt-P. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTl O of VashteiiHw. sa. At a netmon of the. PreM 'nu rt for the ('minty of Wubhteunw, hotrfen af tb 'rui ;itt: Ottice, inthe city of Aun Arbor, m Tuft day, the tbirtetnih day (rf April, in tbtt jum tlitmsand eiglu hmcdre d and elghty, Present, Willitn 1. IÍHírimin, Juñgetá ProVatr In the muttfcr of the ettute of üweii Mclnlee Lees sed. On readingand filini? the petition duly renfiedo Ann Mclntee, praying thal Hugïi Csanidy, Jr,&i ■ome other miiable person. may be apprtiuud ú uiuiütnlOT of thfl t'tat. of said dtceat?d. Th eren pm it is ordereü, thai Monduy, tb tentb d:iy of May next. at ten o'clock ia Ibi renooa, be amnrnea luí i lie ne&ring oí mu ttition.and that theheirsatlaw oí' said deeewd, d all otïier persons interested iu said estáte, au quirtd to appenr at a atsBÏtm of said eoart, lian be hukitii) at the ProliiteOtticí in tbe city of abd r boi, and hüow cause, W any tbeie O, wh tLt ■ever ot fche peiitionei phíuld put be gtuuttd: ná it ia íurther orderf thftt said petitionergin )tioe to the perdona interested in said estáte, the ptíndeney of said peütion nd the hciirsrthereot, by nonnjl a eopy oí thia order to b iblintied in the Ank Arbur Ahgus, a newspapti :inttd and oirculated in said connty, lurtes B&ive weeks pruvioun to said dayof henring. WlLLIAM 1 HAKRIMAlí, f A true copy.) Jndgn of Probute. Wm. O. Dotj, Probate Register, Estáte of Morris Gregg-. 1TATB OF MICHIGAN, COXJNTT J ot' Wasfbtecaw, bs, At a st-esion of the ProLttt; Court fox tíie county of Wahteuivw. holdn t the Probitte Oílicft iu tlie fity of Ann Arbor, oí liüity, the uiuta üay of April, in the yeur o:( lOUíí.md tiÍLrln lninrtrcít and eigliiy. Preent, Willium D. Haviimü, Jitdpeof Probati In the maLttiol the estáte oï Murr3 Uregg.dt Un ienditiír and íliíne the petition, dnly TfriCu-1 r Aüauata Gregj?. prayíng thftt bfe or w me d uitiible perBou umy be pranttd admiiiiatTi.tici t the cstiite of ih b'xid deeftRsed. TbereupoD ir ís onieitü, that Monrlay, li ntth day ot' Muy next, at ten o'cloek i ti icDOon, be assiuned for the heaiisg of wtid p on, and thnt the beira n% law ut aaid deceawi, nd all personn interested io eaid eelai', re reijiiired to apoear at a ses&ion of íhü uurt, then to be holden it the Probate oíE(í he city o? Ann Albor, and shoiv c:iuse, ií uj tierebü,wuy the prayer of tlie petitioner Hri ot be grauted: A mí it Ís ittrtht-r ordeied ttii lid petitioner gïve notiee to the persons ieeted in said estáte, ot the penden cy oí mí etition, nd the hearina íhereof. by cnusitig awp f this ordei to be published in the AW ArbobJ US, a newwpopeí printed mid circuí a ted ini ounty, throe3ucceíiÍTo weeksí previoue to i ay ot heuring. "WILLIAM Ü.HAKRIMAS, (A triiecopy.) ludjje of ProM Wv.O. Dott, Probate Register Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUKfi of AVushtenaw, ss. In the matter of the Ksl ií William MeCormict, decensed Notiee is beA ;iven that in ptinnance au order ranted to li mdersiyned aümiiïistrator de bonih ren Tuth ti eill anr.extd of the estáte of suid William McO niek, i;y the Eon. Judge of l'robate for ihu CoubIJ .1 "Witshteniiw, on the third daj of April, A880, there will he bold at public vendue, tot itfhest bidder, at the south door of the Coof! Ioiise in the city of Ann Aibor, in the county Vaahteuaw, in suid state, on Batubdat, tbi ,'vF,M-SEroM) day of Mat, A. D. l8S0, at te i'clock ia the lorennon ot' that day (subject to l ■ncunibranci's by mortgage or otherwi-e exisvg he time of the ieiith of said deceased) the lol ng deBCribed real estáte, to wit: The eqiml v rided half of a pareel oí' land commencinginl entei of the road lending irom Ann Artor toJaei on at a point twenty-nine (29) roda west of wlie'ï aid road crosses the east line of section tlürty i: I n towntbiptwo (2) nouth M ranee six Í6] ww ,hence noith six deiees eaBt fifteen (15) rod ii wenty ;20) links thence east on e and one hlf 1 ; ods, thence foutli six fb) derees west to wid roa1. iieneewwt to the place of bezinning ior the pn' joseof a comnion alley to the partiet and tM ■eire and anigns. Alao the whole of a picce nd connnenuing at the noithwest corner of' illey ubove de?ciibed and rnnninff thence snotl igl.ty (Üj degrt-cs aud thirty (3u;) minuto wenty-two ('2') rods, thence nortb síxty-two anal ïalf (62J4) degrets wet to the west line oftjl ■ast half of the oortheast qimrter of said secüj hirty f30j. thence north on said line to the noni ine of said section, thence eat on the north lnvj laid section flfty-four rods, tlicnci? south three (i U'grees east parallel to the east line of suïd 4cti 0 a poim at the northeast romer of 8id s-1 henee west one and one halt Q roii8 l0 í iteceof bezinning, in the township oi AnnAroW' Vashtenav couutj, ihclu.m. April a. lbíO. „ NORMAN B. COVEBT, I "idniinistrator de boni non Ttith the will nnexf Kstate of Christopher MeGulnnetfr TATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNT1 O of Waabtenaw, ss. Notiee Ís hereby givcn.tbi y an order of the Probate Couri fortheCouDtyj Vasiitonaw made os the tenth day of Marj1 ). 1880, Bli inontlis from that date were aljo arcrediton to present their cliüms acainst tlie tale of Christopher McGiunness, late ol said cou deceased, and that all creditors of said deceasedt required to present Uieir claims to said Prol Court, at the Probate Office iii the City of M Arbor for examination and allowance, on beforethe tent!, day of September ne.xt, and t siiCJ claims wlll l)e heard liefore said C"r' Thursday, the tentli day ni' June, and on Tn' the tentb day ot September next, at ten o'cw' in the forenoon of eaeh of said days. Bated, AM ArbCA-glje. 14W4 Judüeof ProlmtM Estáte of Marietta V. Seaman. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTU oí Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby given,ll by an order of the Probate Court for the Countyi Washlenaw, made on the seventh dny of April M IX lS.SO.six months f rum that date were alloweil Ijl creilitors to present their claims agninst the eit of Marietia V . Seaman, late of said county, decenwj and that all creditors of said deceased are reqinnj to present their cluims to said Probate Court, the Probate Office m the city of Ann Arbor, J exainmation and allowance, on or before the seveülj day ot OctOber next, and that such clnimi ] be heard before said Court, on - Wednesday, W] seventh day of July, and on Thursday, the ttJ day of October next, at ten o'clock m the fiwl noon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor. April 7, A. D. 1880 W1LLIAM D HAHRI1IAN, : 15w4 Judïe of ProbtteJ Slicriff's Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUN'Tn 0 of Washtcnaw, ss. Henry B. Knapp TfcTJI Michigan Air Line Hailroad Company. By rti 01 an alias wtlt of exeoution issued out ot andug der the seal of the Circuit Court for the county l Jackion, to me directcd and dehvered, I did on tJ tuemv mx.I. Bay ..f ■ W0, twliet"? 1,-vy apon the following described proper y, to w The right, title and Interest of said Michigan ij Line [UUroad Company ir. and to all the rujnt way, enlbankments.excavations, harrow-plt. gJ el-pits, spoil-biinks, bridpres, bridge tinibers, c verts and cattle guarda, tleB. depot grounds, eJ menta, privileges, rigl.ts and franchises tu. and bein? in the tówn.Mp ol Lyndon, W1'1" County. State of Miehisan, which (icscribed pnr ertylaliall sell at public auction to the higü" bidder at the north door of the Cuurt House in i city of Ann Arbor. in said county, on the lg TIETH DAY OF APRIL, A D. 1S80, at tWO O'clook the afternoon of that day. D.t,M„.hb,lS&iAH8 CASESheri4.


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