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BUS1XESS DIRECTORY. Tlf"IS S. B. .T'tllVS, F.lhionable T'ressJl raakrr. Kmviu over MacK & Bohraid1 dry ioa.lnr. Allwors promptly and satiafaotorily executed riT,UK?irK THKEK, Attorn-v at Law 1 and Soiicitor in Chancory. Ypailaiiti. Mich. DB. T4TLOB, ATTOHKEY AT I,AW, . Chlsea, Mich. DIVAliD WACMSAW, Jt. ., Physu'ian andSurg"m Otfice nd residenee, 71 Huron itreet, Ann .rlwr. Office hours from 8 to 9 A. si. nd from 1 to 3 P. M. Wlf. JICKfl Pentist. Office oornor Main al)1 WHsHn.-ton strceta, over liach & Abe!' ütmie, Aira Arbor.MIoh. Anestheticaadminiidprod if ,h-fiirod. E. inoCR, UT. ., Acwocheur and Oynaeeolagist. Office com er Main and Huron treots, Ann ArlioT. CtnilF.WUl.K Teacher of the Piano f.irt. Papil attun the dosired sklll in lno-pUying hy a syalemaHo cniuse of instructio'i Fof term. pnly it teulflenee, no. 12 Wef tlhsrtï ütreet, A.nn Arbor. Prompt atteution paid to piano tuping. CRA.MKB, FRUKAtTFF & CORBIS, Attorncys rtt La.-v E. K. I'RI'I'. Al 'FF, Justiee ol the l'eace. All business promptly attended to. Office No. 8 E.ut abiugton at.reet, Blnsey and Beabolt's hlock. HENEY R. HILL, Attorney at Law, Dealei in Ke:il Estáte and Insurance J Agent. Office, No. 3 Opera Houue Block. ANN ARBOR." PHEDEHICK KUAUSI2, Will ittenii to nll salfs. im fltovt notice. at renwm%h" nluirïfe. t'or further particulars cali at the Aiiocs Office nVROFEAN HOT!".!., Ypsilanti,'M'lNew House, First-Clas Table, Clean Beds, Low l'rioos. W. II. Lewib, Troprietor J. H. NICKELS, DEA I. KR IN FPE?H ANO S'LT EATS, lïams. Snasames Iarl, ftc, BTÍTESTRKRT.OPPOF1ITE NORTHWEST CORNER OF UNIVI.RSITY 0AMPÜ8. Orden promptly tilled. Finnen having meats tosc'.lgivehim a cali. TKE AMN AKBOR SA7I1TGS EA1TK ANN AUBOU, MICHIGAN. Capital pni.Un - ÜO.OOO.OO CtpttU nccurlty - - - 100.000.00 Transacts a general Banking Bnsinoss; buys and dis Excfcangea a Hw Vork, Detroit and Uhlcago; i" lSii!ht üraftson all the priDfipal cities of Eivrope; nlso, ella Passage Tickets to Liverpool, Looion jiiil Olafffow, vis the Anofcof l-ine of cïtcnTnships, whose rat are lower thaa moitr otlier ürstclass lines. Thia liank, alrenSy liavuif! a large business, invite merchants anil otliers to opeu accounts wlth them, with the assurance of raost liberal dealiug conüisent with safe banking. ïntheSavinna Tlepirtm-nt interest is paiil sorair tnnutlly,OB the first ilays of January and July.on til sums that eie depoited three niotittas previous to Ihose ilays, Ihua aitonling the people of tliis city andcountya perfectly safe depository for their funds, together with a fair return ia interst for the same. Money to Ioaii on Approved Securitics. DlRKClORS- Christian Mack, V. W. Wincs, W. D.Harriin.m. Da D lel Hisrock, R. A. Beul, Wm. Deuhel, and U'ilhml 1!. Sraith. OFFtOEES : CHKISTIAN MACK, W. W. WINEg, President. Viee l'resident. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. EWANUEL MANN, Druggist and Pharmacist. SOUTH ÍIAIN STREET, ANJí AKBOK, has on hand a well selected stock of PURE DTIUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PERFUMES, ToiM Artilles, ShrmltJerftrticep, Trnsses, &c, whicli be offers forsale at prices to suit the time. 9HF Physicinus' Piescriptiona carefuiïy prepared il all hours. EBEIIBACII & SON, firuggists and Pliarmacists, 12 SoutU Main St, Hare oq hand a large and well selected stock o! DEUGS, P MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Artists and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articlcs, Trusses, Etc. PURE WINES AND ÜQUOHS, .Bpet-ial aftentlorfpMB lo tlic furiiin'ilni of PKy'ciaiiR, ChemlntB, Schools.etc, with Philosophieaï id Chemical Apparatus, BohemionChemlcalGlaMware. Porcelain Ware, Pure IU'uL'cntH, cïc. PhTslcUn1 prescrluWnns carufuPy prepared at 11 tiours. Abstracts of Titles. All partips who ure. dcsirousof ftscertaininfr thn condition of the tiMe to thoir land, or partieu who Uh to loan mo ney oti real estáte will dowellto tll at the RegiBter'8 otfle and consult a Comparod Set of Abstract Books. Said books are so far aflvanced that the Register cn farnmh on short notioe a Perfect Statement as to the Title of nny parc.el of land in Washtenaw County a own by tho original rocoiSs. C. Q. MANLY, Regieter JACOB HALLER & SON, lATCirCLOCKS, Jewelry, Spectacles, PLATED WARE AND GOLD PENS 24 Soutk Main Street, .LINTHr AEBOE, 3VCICI3:. SpeoUl attcntiün givsn to fepairing -watche clocks, and jewelry. QPEING FASHIONS - OF- Ohoice lüSlnery - IN - GEEAT VAEIETY, - AT - HUGO HILL'S, 78 Woodward Avenue, DETROIT, MICH. ET EMPORIUM And Arüst's SuppiJ Depot. 217 Woodwarü Avenue, Detroit. AHDBBW .1. lïROW, Proprietor, Dealer i Picture Frames, Lookiiig (JIüssps, Oil rainliiigs, Engravlnss, Chrontos, Artist's Materials, and Art OI.D FRAMES RE-GIIJiED. RA1LROADS. XICHUUH CBSTKAL KAILKOAD. NOVEMBER 10, 1S79. tOIHU ■ ■ a Q . U i I 5 -2 ■ s s 8TAT.OK8. S .,, J l& i IL_i;ij5lLl A. M. A..M !'■ . P. K. PM.Ip.M. Detroit, teuve, 7 mi 9 88 5 .'.ö 4 osl 8 1 1 9 5c ö. T. Junction. 7 15 10 00 10 4 56 8 -6 10 10 Wayne Junctioi: 7 ."■' 10 'H 9 42 4 46 S 8! 10 4S Vpsilnnti, 2i ld (S 7 05 ;, OS 9 22 11 0? anides, 8 30 120 i nn Arbor, fl 16 11 00: 7 S5j ü 22 9 38n 24 tielhi, B 53 ï 46 ' Düxter, 9 0) 7 56 5 38 :j r':' Ohelnea, 8 11 6 S2 10 13 iaMlke, '.i 6fl 8 Si 6 l'i M as n. M I ' A.M incknon, ld üc 12 Ifi 9 )": 1; 5 " M 12 61 Albion, 11 W I! 60 g 7 40 1 1 59 1 38 VUinhull, 11 RO 1 30 -c S 08112 M 1 55 P.M. 2 U.M.I RkMIp Treek i2 19 1 55 T S 3Ï IS 50 2 20 Ualetburg, 12 52 9 1U: 1 20 1 k. v. IvKlrtinnzoo, 1 IS 2 :: r, Ofl o 30 1 xr s 02 Lawtnn, 1 6S 1 5 83 2 18 tur, 2 10: S 60 2 :-il Iíor;iíri;ic, lí SS '1 12 2 57' Vil. i , 8 3 3 3 'i 4 38 Muchansn, 3 19: " "7 3 45 ThroeOaks. 49. 7 82 New Buftiilo, 4 u3 4 63 7 45 4 27 ' Miebigan City, 4 30 5 20 8 10 4 Sí 8fi Ulke, 5 13 6 02 63 5 43 B 48 iicnsinpton, (I OD 0 5')1 9 Idj G 40 8 18 Uüicugo, urrive, 6 0, ! 40 10 ó0; 7 30 8 30 GOING KAPT. H T f L JLÜËfLi I A.M. A. M.P. tf. V.M. 1-. M hicairo.leHve, 7 Mi : 'J 0" 4 0!) 5 15; 9 10 KningUm, 7 51! 9 0 4 50 6 M 10 00 Lnke, 8 38 10 80 6 42 6 50 10 18 Htehigan City, 9 20 1] 18 6 80 7 40 11 30 Sew Buffalo, 9 49(11 32 6 5S 11 52 Three Oaks, 10 03 7 18 Bncbanan, 10 32 7 40 - Miles, 11 4 IS 15 8 1" 9 00 IS 48 Dowaeiac, )1 1-! S :i j 1 1 10 ecatur, 11 89 9 06 I 1 40 !M, 11 "7, B 22 t. U. 1 57 Knlninazrio, 12 33! 140 10 00 6 50 10 28 2 28 Givlesbur, 12 Bi ! . 7 Os Bsttle Oreek, 1 28 2 18 m h 7 40 11 10 3 18 UanfaaO, 2 is 3 00 ? 8 08 il S7 3 46 A. M. , Albion, 2 52 3 21 a.m. 8 35 1 1 S 4 12 lüolcKon. 8 U 4 IIS l I WIS 41 5 0(1 Orsss Lake, 4 1" 7 38i 9 50, 6 25 Chelnea, 4 40 8 02 10 0? Deztwr, S Ofl1 8 16 10 19 1 6 08 Delhi, B 10 s 25 Ann Arbor, 5 22 5 07 1 8 45 10 88 2 06! 6 25 Qeddea, 6 29 8 52 ; Ypuilantt, 5 88 6 23, 9 X 10 4S 2 30 6 41 WiiviiP.Tnnc, 6 02 6 45 9 23 11 08 2 44; 7 05 G.T. June, 6 85 6 15 ! 9 55,11 Sn S 20 7 48 Detroit. Ar., I 6 50 6 30; 10 10,11 50 3 3.1! 8 of ♦.-(i;ia;iyn i'xcepted. löaturday and tíuuduy exepted. tIJaily. H. B. LiïDYAED, Gen'l M aïager, Detroit. H. C. Wentwobth, d. V. & T. AgC, Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking effect Sunday February 22, 1S80. SOIHO SOUTH. OOINO SOOTII. LS. Mix. i Mail Mail Mix. ï:xp. : STATIONS. ; A.M. V.M. P.M. A.M.r. M P.M. 8 10 12 05 0 10 TOLF.DO 10 00 3 OS: 8 10 1 18 1208 6 18 North Toledo 957; 3 00 8 07 8 20; 2 2'i 6 20 ' Detroit Juiiction 9 501 2 47 7 53 B 29 12 85 6 80 Hawthorn 9 41 2 33 7 4 8 :i; 1U 48 0 40! Samaría 9 33 2 20' 7 39 8SI 110, 6 SS i Lulu 9 19 1587 24 8 'S 1 VJ 7 00 Monroe Junction 9 14 l'l 7 1b 9 188 7 10 Dundet 9 05 135.7 10 9 lfi 157 722 Azilia 854! 115! 655 9 30 2Í7 7 35 Milan 8 42.12 50 6 41 9 37 2 40 7 42 Nora 8 3 12 38: 6 34 9 lñ 2Í5 747 Urania B8012 25 8 28 9 56. 3 i7Í 7 68 PUUBeld JllUC. 8 20,12 00)6 18 ld lol S45 8 10 ANN ABBOtt 08 II 40: 0 05 All trains run by Columbus time - 7 minutes fastur thau Anu Arbor time. J. ML ASHLEY, Jk., Superintendent. DETROIT, HILLSDALE AND 8UUTHWESTEKN RAILB.OAD. To take effect April 4, 1880. OOIMQ WEST. GOING EABT. Mix.:ïïïiï[Expi rËxp.iMaülMi.-r , ' STATIONS. j A.M. A.M. P.M. A.K.P.M. I'.H 7 30 8 25 5 45 Ypflilanti 10 40 5 15 8 10 8 00 84 02 Pittsfield June. 10 22! 4 f,8 7 38 8 30 8 57 6 18 Saline 10 10 4 48 7 12 9 00 B'U S80 Rridirewiitcr 9 53 4:::! 6 81 9 50 0 35 6 48 llanohester 9 35i 4 15 5 HO 110 112(1 8 22 Hillsdale 7 ñS 2 I 2 0 JJ5JJ30 8 30 _ Banken 7_M 2 m 2 Trams run by Chicago time- 20 minutes sknrer tliau Columbus time. W.-P. PAIiKEE.Supt., Ypsllanti. CA7ÍAIA SOUXIIFRiV R'V tiINES, ' Tho Only Amertcan Route Through Canada Trains have SI. C. li. K. Denot, Detroit, city time :ts follows: Atlantic lispress, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car t Boston. Faut Day Express, daily, 12 noon, Wagner ca to New York and Boston. Ligbtning Express, daily except Sunday, 1110 p m., Wagner ear to Buflalo and Rochester. Toledo trama loa ve 7 íu a. m. exeept buuday ; ólv [. m. dily (i 50 p, ín. except Sunday, For Fayette 0 30 p. m. except Sunday. For informa tion aud tickets apply to II. W Ilaj-fs, Agent M. C. R. R., Ana Arbor. M. C. ROACH, Pass. Agent, Detroit. FRANK K.iSNÜW, (ieu. Pass. and Ticket Agt. Detroit piïEAT WE8TEBN RAIJtWAT- vJT Depots fuot of Tliird and Brusli strcet. Detroit time. Detroit time. Lea ve Arrive. Atlantic Kxpxesa, a. m. 1 10.00 p. ni. Duy (SxpreMi #8.35 a. m. 6.30 p. m. New York and Boston Express, 7.00 tS45 a.m. Detroit Expresa, 12.45 m. Steiiraboat Kxpresn, 7.00 a. m I Daily. Daily except Sunday. t Except Monday. #& l''oriuformation and tickets apply lo H. V. Hayee, Apent M. C. R. E., Ann Arbor. W. II. FIRTII, WM. EDGAR, SVestern Fass'r Ag't. General Pana'r At;ent


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