1 saw the engríe with nndnzzled eye Gaze on the sim, as soaring Lhrongh the sty On mighty wiuï the kingly ' ird of Jove To reaeh that burninfr beacon proudly strove; I watehed his loity conrse, till from my eisht , He vanished mid Ihe blazing beam-s of light ; Still on he soared, though lost to human view, Wliile naught of f'ear hia lovdly bosoin kuew, Till in the región of the thinner skies Jlore slowly now the airy monarch flies; JJut In those realms thiough which no cloud niay sail He sinks at last, nnd ail liis cffort"! fail- And hurled from heaven pon the flinty roclc, Ilis form lies man,'led wilh the aearful shock. I aw the lion in his lordly pride, The forest monarch, thiough it thickcts stride - Tlis majesty of strength is aye rcverert, By man admired, by brute creation feared. Bnt not content his kingly power snoiild span The lesser brutee, he turnj his strongth on man; Thia Tain amMtion makes him davkly blind, Ho dures to ivar upon the power of mimi ! The lord of earth assert bis birthrlght here; The lord of foreets fallí beneatb bil spear. Ambition ! thus thy courac is ever run, And like the eaglc soarins? to tho eun, Or the fierce lion in nis brutal strength, lian vainly strives, and thus he falls at length.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus