Democratic State Convention
The Peim-ioiMtir State I lonvention, tó appoint del' éirates tö.the . .emocratic National Convention, Si hominate candidates for Presiden! and icel resident, ánd to selef-t ;i State Central Commlttee, will be hfldal E t Saginaw, on TuesBav, the Mh dav óf" lone i o'clpck in the afternoon. rhe ■.,.,., "v hether ii be desiiable to róntlnne the two-thirds rule longer in Ibrce n National t onven,:, , ■ w me befofe s;ml Con isl National Convcnlion havinR desired 1 the State convention to nstrad delégate tothetxmTcntion of iSSo in resrard to iL be entitled in sis i i hirh, ander the las! uppnvtfohfnent, it ia entitled in the lowrer branch of the State ! ranized cOunty will be entitled toa! I ' ■ N county, xccni those i to h, : . . delegates not residents of such AHc c Stuc, irrospcctivc of partypolitIcal associations or difference, who can unite with „ in an effort for pure, economical and constitutionhI (iovernment, and the preeervatiofj of (ree repubhcaninsfituli , illy invited to join in sendlnc deles&tflS to Uii Convention. 1 " (i M. 6AB MES, Chairroan. AA 11.1,1 M BftOPfE, S,Rt:irv.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus