State News
- AlbioD claims 3,000 pppulation. - Lake Superior copper tnines paid over $650,000 dividends in Maren. - Andrew Ferguson of Grand Rápida, ageil 7, feil dead on the street,Mpnday. -Jas. Meesick of Saginaw City died onthestreefMondayjiom bleeding at the langs. - Alpena has shipperf 8,000,000 feet of lumber and ten or moro cargosa of railcoad Les tliis spring. -The famous Rev. .T. Vr. Reifi of Greenville has go'ne into llio agricultural implement trade. - A public-spirited Jacksonman aslca th& city to let hltn fencein one of the streets for a cow pasture. -An accidental shot at the bands of his brother killed a ten year old sou of T. W. Haywatd oí Evart. - Policenttail PMllips of Kalamazoo Was stóbbed tbxee times butnotdangeröusly by a dranken rougb. - Steck-house of Kalamazoo paper mili company burned on Tuesday. Loss 17.000. Insurance $10,800. -Michigan men are in luck. Edgar M. Marble has been conflrmed commissioner oí patenta lo take effect to-morrow. -Cadillac has work for200 more men, but no houses forthem to live in. Xew liouses are iilled faster than they can be built. - George Hayden, a Cassopolis pioneer morphined himself to áeatb. .Ase 60, and addicted to excessive use of liquor. -The will of the late Gov. Wm. A. Howard bequeaths $25,000 to eharitable institutiona and the remaining $160,000 to lus family. - A Swede laborer of Big Bapids Ims been bequeattied by au aunt in Sweden $30,000 in money, twoocean vessels, and a homestead. - Eugene Hale of Maine, who has charge-of the éstate of bis late fatherin-law, Senator Chandler, will soon visií Michigan. -A Detroit deatist -ave-a free toothpuüing, and pulled two hundred and twenty-nine teeth, using seven hundred gallons of tras to qaiet the patiënte. -John W. Hopkins, the Corunna doctor aecused of making an outrageoua assaultonayounggirl, has been sent to the house of correction for 90 days. -The uniim-school furnituve company of Battle,CreekshippedliO00 desks and seats to Chicago for furnishing the West Side high-achool building in that city. - Aloni, a prominent farmer of Dearborn, near Detroit, has been sued by Althea Moody, who charges Mm wltb slander and wants $3,000 damages. -The "Roscommon County Jail loan, whichwasvotedon at the last general election, was carried by 130 majority uid immediate steps are to be laken to erect a good, substantial building. -The official count of the vote on the iroposiüon to aaiend the constitution so as to allow the siovernor a salary of 3,000 shows that in 69 counties there were 48,186 votes for it-to 89,113 against it. - In the case of Dr. Yuill of Ovid, suspected of wife poisoning, the report of the chemist appointed to examine the stomach declares that no poison was found. The case will probably be dismissed. - TJie Ionia Sentinel Baya the (Iemand 'or houses is gi-owing in that citv, and that no Booner doos a man hint that he thinks of building a tenement house thau it is spoken for before he can cúmplete his plans. -Ernest Bromley of Jackson was splitting wood so neav a dollies line the othér day that his ax bëcame entangled, and in tho downward movement struck his forehead above the eye, cleavingthe flesh to the boue. -Last week, a surprise party surprised Mrs. Josöph Earle, aged 50 yeavs. at Lawrence. Van Buren county; and the poor womun surprised the suprisers by having a paralytdc stroke wmch broke np the fesüvities. -One of the ras assortera at the Kalamazoo paper mili, one week ago, found in a vest pocket the remains of a nmtilated $5 national bank bill, one-thiril of which was gone. ïhis was sent to Washingt'n and a new S5 bill was retumed by the treasurer. ■- Deputy United States Marshal Wells has levied on the St. Louis jail and the village park to satisfy a judgment against b'iat village Infavor oftheBabcoek mariiifacturing company in the United Btates circuit court for theeastern district of Michigan. -Mrs: Martha Pugsley of j3attle Creek, has commenced próceediaga against Eleury ÏT. lïrown, of the same place, for $25,000 damagea fov assanltLng and battering her husband, J. W. Pugsley, and thereby permanently inj uring both nis physical and mental health. - Xot lont); ago a Mr. Holcomb, of lVnliHd. Calhoun eounty, sold nis farm for f 10,000 and purchased a fine home in Galesburg, and a few days later eaught cold and died of huig f ever. He was 75 years old, wealthy, and was ust retiring to wijoy his hard-eamed wealth. -The Graiid Etapicö Leader bas lost none of its vitriol since au April frost blighted greenbadrism generally. It speaks of th "associated pirates" who issue national-bank currency, aot remembering or aot caring that Ilenry 8. Smitli, the greenbaek candidato for jovernor and the only mayor whom the party luis re-eleeted this year, holds m wiüi a tighi grip to his $ö,500 of national bank stock.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus