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Convict Members of the Pennsylvania Legislature to Pay a Fine of $1,000 and Serve One Year's Imprisonment at Hard Labor.

HARRISBURG, April 26. - Judge Pearson this morning sentenced Wm. H. kemble, Emil J. Petroff, Chas. B. Salter, Jessie B. Crawford and F. Rumberger each to $1,000 fine and one year's imprisonment at hard labor in the Eastern Penitentiary.  The sentences of each also includes solitary and separate confinement at hard labor.- The Court House and street adjoining were filled with people.  The prisoners upon sentence were taken to jail to await removal to the penitentiary. The judge, before imposing the sentence, dwelt upon the enormity of the crime of corrupt solicitation and its pernicious influence upon the community.- He said this species of crime had been a common thing in the Legislature for years, and that the new Constitution had stepped in and interposed a legal remedy, which the court was compelled to take cognizance of. Petroff and Rumberger were more culpable than any other of the accused, inasmuch as they were members of the Legislature at the time.  The court must issue its mandate in accordance with the law, whether it was in the case of a man worth millions of dollars or a beggar in rags who stole a loaf of bread. Kemble and Rumberger made a few remarks denying their guilt.





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