Two Remarkable Colored Men
From the Kalamazoo Gazette.
Two Remarkable Colored Men.
There are in Kalamazoo at present two very remarkable colored individuals. The most remarkable one is from Paw Paw. He can take any ordinary piece of paper after in a few times, breathe and set it on fire. This is no humbug, but is an actual fact. Mr. David Fisher the worthy clerk of the village. board, has had considerable business that kept him in Paw Paw, the past year. He heard of the fellow and went to perform the "trick," as he supposed to be. The boy protested that I was no trick about it and that he was utterly unable to account for the phenomena. Mr. Fisher not being satisfied went in the fellow's house in the night, got him out of bed, made him wash his hands and arms, then swabbed his mouth, gave him a drink of water, and bid him go on with the show. The result was that the paper (ordinary newspaper brought for the purpose) was set on fire. Mr. Fisher says there is no humbug about it.
The other individual is a young colored fellow from Chicago that plays a mouth organ so scientifically as to charm all who hear him. His feats on this little instrument are truly remarkable. He can imitate almost any instrument that is played, and has succeeded in picking up considerable money in the place.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus