What It Costs To Strike
The New York Sun. with Mr. 8winton at its head. i man in full sympath) with the workingmen of this country, has calculated the lossea lo the two active participants in the late strugge in llni city, the piano makers and their em iloyées. The-piano makers losi $80,üoo, and the strikers lost, in six we&ks' pay, $105,000. The loss of the strikers was partially distributert throngh the country in the form of contribntions from labor associations, bul in the end it wil] be collected back again. There is just this lesson ín this: a strike, even when suecessful, is a popular disaster. Tlie strikers, even With the smal] ttdvance gained in tl is case, wil! never recover the $105,000: the piano ma wil! recover their losses at the expehse of the purchasing public, and thustbe public lose the amount paid the vvorkmen.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus