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Somebody's child is dying- dying with the flush of hope his young face and an indescribable yearning to live and take an honored place in the world beside the companions of his youth. And somebody's mother is thinking of the time when that dear face be hidden-where no ray of hope can brighten it - when her heart and home will be left desolate- because there was no cure for consumption. Reader, if the child be your neighbors take this comforting word to the before it is too late. Tell her that consumption is curable, that men are living to-day, aged, robust men whom the physicians pronounced incurable at the age of twenty-five, because one lung had been almost destroyed by the disease. Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery is a most efficient alternative for separating the scrofulous matter from the blood and lungs, and imparting strength to the system. It has cured hundreds of consumptives.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus