HILL'S OPERA UOUSE. C. J. Whiinbt, - Manage. OIK MGIIT OTIY ! VEDNESDAY, MAY 5th, 1880, The Distinguished Tragedian, Mr. Lawrence Barrett Supported by hifi excellent Dramatic Co. m BULWEK'S QBEAT PLAY, RICHELIEU. Admissïon Sï.OO, 75 and 50 Cents. N extra ctmrge for Keaerved Beata. Sale opens a Watta's Jewelry Store, öaturduy, 10 a. m., My lat Sheriff Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. )y virtue ola writ ot ez culion issued oui of and uuder the seal of the m ruit court for tp conn ty of Wnyiie, directed au elivered to the BbentI' of WaahteiiHW Counl ffherein George JBabcock in plaiutilt'aud Johanii CiutzniHii is deiVnilant. I did ou the twcnty-ftra day of April A. D. 1880, levy upun all the righ titVeand Laterest ofthedefendants therein uaiued i and i the following dascrlbed ReaJ Elsiate to wit; parce! of land comroeDcingtwo chaina and seventj nve lioka, Boutih of iho souta-wtst corner of Dt; addition to the city of Ypsilanti, thenco eaat Uwe chaina, (henee south one ohaiOa thence west tlirt chaina, thence north oue chain to the ilac(; of bc ginlng in the city of YpSilunti, Counly of Washte huw iTid state of Michigan. Which property ehall exposé tor salo at public venduu to the high O5 bidder at the south of the Court House in th city of Ano Albor intuid couuty on Friday tli eightaeath (18) day of June A.D. 1W0, atteno'cloc iu the iurenuun oí said duy. JO8I AH 3. CA8B, SherliT. By D. W. Thompson, Deputy Ëhci'iff CLABXHO1 TlMiEB, PlaintiÖ's Atty. Estáte of Coles-mlnor, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CÜÜNTY O of Washteimw, bs. Al a sesaion of the Probate lourt tor the Ottinty of Washtenaw, hQjjdeu at the irubatí Office id the city of Ann Arbor, (Jfi Tuest:iy, Hit' twenty-seventh day of April, in the y car onetholisand i I ;hl liu nd 1 o! and i i Pi-esebt, Williaili t' Harrlman, Judgeof Ttobate I ti the iiiiiiíhT of the estáte of Walter Bí. Colé, jntvi1 Col6t i"ii Susati M. Colé, lAÍDors. E. M.Cole, tnc uunlimi of múá wards, tfomei nto oturt and presenta that he ís dow pfepared 0 ren der bis animal account a uch fniardian, Theroupon it Ib orderea, t hut Sfttürday, tbc 1 f teen 1h day of May next, at ten o'cloek In he 'oreuoon, beassinea for ezamininR and allowtng Buch ni couct, and i ha1 t be next of kin of raid wards, 1 1,-1 allother personal ti terested Id aafd estáte, are rea u tred f o appear ;ii a sesaíonofsaid court, then to Lo he bolden at the Probate Office in the city oí' Aon i iw.r in said coninty, and show cause, If any thero (e, why the k aceouut sbould not be allowed. Aud it ís further ordèred that sald euardiai Dotíce totbe persons Interest i 1 Id said estáte oi I he ipndei cv of said account and the hearing there f, by ifiiiHÍtiR h copy of tfaj oro 'üIlcií ii Hu Ank ARBORARïUS.a newspaper printed and ■n-iik'.niiu in sstd connty, two suecessivc weeks nrevious to said day "f beu ring. WILL1AM F. HARRIMAN, f, true copy.l .Tudeof Probate. Wm. (i. ío'v Prc&atO Reisttir. KsJate of Küii;tr--iïiinor. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of "".Vfthtfüiaw. At a HPñnion oí the Frobftte Conrt for the '"omity of Wutiht?niiw, holden ut the Prubnie Office in the '"-ify of Ann Arbor, on Tuef(Jy the ("vri'iit v-sTcnii) 'ij of April, in the year onè thousandeU-hthr.tidredHnd eit;My. Present, WilHiim D.Himman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the stat of Lizz'.e Kellogg, minor. On readinganáfllinftiiop3tition,fluly TPTÍÍed,of AUiert C. Kfllloín?, giiRrdUn, prayinK tnat he nviy ie Ucensed to nuil cetmn reul estat belonging to sa.iil ni Inoi'. Th-Teunon it is OTdered, that Tuesay, the day of May nest, at ten o'cloek In the fon noonbf aasfcned forti hearing oi said petitfon, ;m;l that ïhe ñext ff kiu oí said minor, and I nll other persons in lerested in hhíí! entte, are reíi jippear ''.t í Besaioti oí anid Court, tlien Lo be holden at tïie Probate Olfice in the city of Ann .Vrbor.and rtbowcivnse, if uny there be, why the zvfMj-er of the petltioneTsbould not be rafited: And ii it Eurther ardvred thut aid pei.itionfr eire not Ice to 'che persons interested in waid estáte, oftbe pendtíncy of naid etition and the heaiin? thereof, by cfiurtinK a cpy of tbis order to be pnhlisbed in liie Ann Arbok Aruuh, a newspaver prinied and oirculated in naid county, tliiee sucoeaaive weeks pvevious to aaid day of hearing. W1LLJAM D. HAKR1MAJN, f A true copy). Jnrljre oí Probate. Wm. G. Dott, Probate Register. Estüte of Jamos ïiush. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY )O of Wushleiiitw. ss. Ataaeesionof the Probate Oourt Ïoj' Ihe Counly ot' Wa ihlenaw, holden at the Piobnli Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesdaji tht twenty-seventb day of April, in the year te thouaund eight hundiedand eighty. Present, William D-Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the irmtter ot the estáte of Jumes Bush, eceah .1 On reading and riling the petition,dulyveriiled, of aroline Bush pmyiiiii tliat aduiiniatration of' sald i ,iy i )■■ giauted to hei 01 some other sultable erMon. Thereupon it ia oitlered, that Monday, the v nty-foartb rlay of May next. at ten o'clock in ie forenoon, be aasigned Eor the hearing ut aak ptiiion,and thattheheiroafclaw oi.saiddc nú all other persoúm interest ed in said estáte, are ïuuired to appear at a seBBion of said courl thej o be liolden at the Probate oiflee in the city of Anc rbor, :nid show cm uso, if an y there be, why the rivf r of the petitioner sbouïd uot be grmted .nditis further oxdvredthat s;iid petitioner give otice io the persons interested in said estáte t the pendency of said petition and the heaTdü thereol', by causitiff copy of tlns order tobe inblished in the As.v AbBOB Akous, a newsyiiiper iriutud and circulated in said county, thrce succes live weeks previouM to aaid day of hearing. WILLXAM D. HAKK1MAN, ( A true copy.) Judge of Probate Wm. G. Dot y. Probate Register. Estáte of John G. Groe inger. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COTTNTY O oí Wasbtenaw, hs. At n session oí' the Probate Court lor Ibe County of Washtenaw, holden a ,he Probate Office in the city oí Aun Arbor, on 'uesday, the twenty-aeventh dayof April, in the ar one thousand eigM hundred and eighty. Present, WilliamD. Harriman, Judgeof Probate In the matter of the estáte of John G. Groen Qger, deceased. on re ad i ag and fillng the petitíon, duly verifipd f John George Koeh, admiDÍstrator, pruyintr tha ie muy be licensed to aell the real estáte whereo aid decoased died seized. Thftrewpbn it is ordered, that Wednesday, the wenty-sixth day of May next, at ten ocloek il he forenoon, assigned i'or the hearing oi sait etition, and that the heirs at law ot Bak eceased, and all otlier persone intereated in aid estáte, are rcquired to appear at a st-ssion oí' eaiá Court, then to be holden at the Proate Oitice in the city of Ann Arbor, and show oauae f .iiiytiiere be, why the prayor of tiie petitimicr houid not beranted: And it is further ordered hat 8,iid petitioner jive notice to the persons in;erpstpii in ébüA tftt&, of the pendeacy of qrU Ktition, and te hearintr thereof, by causinr a opy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Aiígu, a newwpaper print e1 and otronlated in sa ld ount three successive weeks previous to eaid day f hearing. WILLTAM D.TIARRTMAN, fAtrueeopy.) ,ïudpe of Probate. TTu. O. lux , Probate Reglmvj. IJILL'S OPEEA HOUSE 6 THlL?AY 6 THE PREMIERPANTOMIME ! The Dfcnier "Boom" s Rolling On. AlTIiAKANOE OF THE FAMOUS T01TY DEHIER'S Pantomimo Troupe and Standard Co., lucluding the Original and Only GEOBGE II. ADAMS (GEIMALDI) The best Tnck Clown in America, and a Superb Corps of Pantomimo and Special Stuis, 80 iti number, iü ïïumpty Dumpty I Arimission 75, ÖO and $5 Cents. Ri-servcd Beata dot? uu ulu ut Watie's vvifétty Luie vviLtiuut extra cha ryt. CUaucery Sale. State of Michigan, the Circuit Cour t for tbr County of Wa&htenuw - In Chancery. Luthei .lameti, compla!naTit, vs 101 win Luther McGee, Kutic V. McGee, Ja mei C. McOee, Charles H. Kempf, Kenbt-n Kempf. Jamee lï. Wat son, Jane A. (Jorey and David Weiland deleiidunts. lu piusuainjeiiiid by vi i tu e of the decree of thia conrt made nd entered in ili above entítled csubc nn tlíi day of April A. D. 1860, tbö undt-rsiyned, a circuit conrt cómmlsBÍoner in and for said CouDty oi Washteaaw, wHl sell Ht publi.e vf ntJue, to the high est bidder, ut the íotith ti on f dooi' of vi ourt House, in i he city Of Ann Arbor in said county, on tíatunkiy ilie 12tü day oí Junenext iu one o dock ín tlie afternoon W siiid day.tlie fMlo'WÏng to wit: all these certtún pieces or parcela of land si m a te iu the township oloharoii, Countj of WasliU-naw, state of Michigan and dscribed a folio ws viz: the southwesl quai'ter of tfce noïth-wet quarter of KMtlon tweoty-two (22), tke nortb-west quarter ni tho lorLí quarter of secíion twenty-seven (27) and wenty-four acres off of the weafc side of tbe weht lalfol tbe Mttth-west quarter of scction Bumber uiniy-i'oiir (34) iu townebip numbex tbree soath of rauge uuraber ttaree etist cuntuiniDg one hand red and four aerea oí' huid be the same more or lesa as scribed ni saiá decre, Uated April 29 1880. FRED A.HUNT, Circuit Conrt Coinmissiuner, Wasnteuaw emuty, Mich. Gko. W. TürnBull, Coniplr.inant's áoliuitor. lüumcery na ie. STATE OF MICHIGAN, THE CIRcuit Court for the C#unty of Washtenaw, in Ciiancery. Luthor Jumes, complainaot, tb. Ernestine Bour, Alirod J. Bucltoz, Conrad Krapf, and Cha les H. Sheppard, d etend anta. In pursuance and by virtue of ;i decroe of saj1 court made and entered on the ti'tb day of April, 183", in theabove entitled canse : Notice is hereby giren, tbat 1 shall sell ;it public auctiou to the highest bidder, on MONDAY, THE FOUHTBEBTH DAY OP JtJSE, 180, at 10 o'clork in the forenooo, at the eaat front door of the Court House in the city of Aun Arbor, county of Waahtenaw and rítate uï Michigan, the iollowiiiEr decrileU real eslate, being the same meottoned and deseribed in said decree, to wit : Being all tbat certain tractor paroel ot' known and described asfnllows, to wit: The north fractional lialf ol seetion No. slxtowD one south razuce six e;ist i" t lif invvnship of ÏSToTthÖeld, eounty of Waahtenaw and state of Micuigan.except the parcel deeded to G.W, Üexter from the northeast corner thereof, ftüd nlso a triangular piece of land conveyed by;. L. Sheppard to William Cook by deed dated Kovember 18,1896, and of record in the county of Washteoaw, contalmng io all three hundrcd und thirty-üix acres of laud inoreor less. Aun Arbor April 28, 1880. JAMES McMAHON, Circuit Court Commissiooer in and for VTashtenaw County, Htchigai). John N. Gott, Esq., KoHcitO for Complainant. r ISEY & SEABOLTS Bakery, Grocerv, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constan tly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. For WHolesale and Ketail Trade. We shall also keep a supply of DELHI LOTJI?., J. M. Swift & Co' Best Wliite Wheat Flour, Rye Flour, Tiuckwlieat rionr, Corn Bfeal, Feed, &c, &c, &c. At wholesale and rutail. A ueneral stock of GEOCEEIES AND PEOVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be solcl on as reasonable tei ms as at any otlier house in the city. S Cash p;iiij tor Butler, Eggs, aud Countrj Produce generally. Goods dtiivered to any part of the city with out extra charge. BINSEY & SEABOLT. Ann Arhor.Jan. 1, lS7a.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus