Personal Glances
Personal Glances.
- With the aid of a crutch Gov. Ashley is able to make his appearance upon the street.
-Benjamin Cable of Rock Island, Ill., was in town over Sunday the guest of the Zeta Psi society.
- Wm. H. Merkle, Jr., and Christian Miller of this city left for south-western Colorado Tuesday evening.
- Andrew Muehlig of Chicago is visiting his mother of this city and enjoying a brief respite from business cares.
-Mr. D. Cramer delivered an address before the Odd Fellows of West Haven, Shiawassee county Monday afternoon.
- Byron J. Corbin of the law firm of Cramer, Frueauff & Corbin was confined to the house last week by an attack of pleurisy and ague.
-Mr. Oscar Tucker a resident of the city, but lately a druggist in Canton, Ohio, has resumed his place behind the counters of the drug store now owned Brown & Co.
-Mr. and Mrs. Silas H. Douglas of his city accompanied by Mrs. Judge Douglas and daughter of Gross Isle, left for New Orleans on Friday expecting to be absent about three weeks.
-Dr. Archie Maclean, practicing with his brother, Dr. A. Maclean whose rapidly growing business necessitated assistance. Governeur, N. Y. where he was settled in practice before coming to Ann Arbor, to make a short visit.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus