Company A's Second Shoot
Company A's Second Shoot.
Captain Manly is giving members of his company four trials at target practice with the view of presenting at the annual encampment this year the best possible team from Company A's roll. On Wednesday ten members tested their skill. On May 12 and 26 two more trials will take place, at the last of which the best five marksmen, who will have the honor of contesting for the badge, will be announced. Score of the last test is as follows:
Capt. C. H. Manly.....18 200 yds. --500 yds. Total 18
Lieut. J. F. Schuh..... 17 21 38 Corp.
Corp. H. Ross..... 18 18 27
Corp. M. C. Sheehan 12 7 19
Priv. J. W. Hamilton 20 19 39
Priv. Jno. Chase 19 8 27
Priv. McNeil 18 15 33
Priv. S. B. Revenaugh 18 18 36
Priv. L. D. Wade 18 17 35
Priv. G. Bliss 12 18 25
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